Chapter 56 - Your Point Being??

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Minah's POV

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Minah's POV

I couldn't get a nights sleep, for the obvious reasons and also that there was a lot of noise coming from another room which probably was Claire and his men. My eyes hurt as the sunlight seep through the sh*ity rag, curtains they installed. I feel cold, unclean, and vulnerable. I want to jump out and find a way, but as I looked out, its sudden death. "I wouldn't do that if I where you," I roll my eyes at the announcement that Claire made. "Somehow you have a working PA system, surveillance cameras but yet a run down, cold room, with a fold out chair and table, also a bed that is maybe found dumped outside and just covered with clean sheets," I said.

"We're coming up, we have breakfast for you," I hear the men unlock the door and come in reeking of alcohol, putting a paper bag on the table then they left. "What the hell are you going to do with me??" I said. They completely ignored me and locked me up again, "Sunghae, please help," I sat down helplessly. "I would eat if I where you, you don't know when I'll stop... You should be lucky," said Claire over the speaker. "What's this? Fricken Big Brother Saseang Edition?" I said look in the bag from Mcdonalds.

I would just listen for the time being, since I have nothing with me, my school bag and phone has been taken away. I sat there and eat in silence, even though I don't really have an appetite right now. "I'm pretty sure that, Omma has called Sunghae about me," I took another bite. "I know Sunghae wants to help, but she can get into a lot of trouble," I included.

Francis's POV

Sunghae has informed me of what has happened to Minah, also the fact that her mother called me to see if there was a sign of her. We've reported to the police, and we're still searching for her, Sunghae was trying to come with us but we didn't want her to get into deep sh*t. I feel like she's the main target, as we explained to her. "Did you seen a sign?" Sunghae was on the phone until now. "Nope not yet, I said that we should split up so it can be easier," I said. "Okay, but do you have anyone with you?" she asks. "No, just me," I said.

"All of a sudden, something happened," she said. "Like said, that message that you told me, maybe that was the meaning," I said. "Probably," she sighed. "Look I'll keep you updated about this, I'll hang up now," I said. "Okay, see you," we both hanged up.

I walk around the neighbourhood and ask people on the street if they have seen Minah. "Gosh where are you," I say while I walk. I head into another of the street but it's more run down, basically a place where fights would go down.

Claire's POV

"Have you spotted Francis?" I said. "Not yet," replied one if my minions. "Ughh you guys are so slow," I snapped. "I don't have all day," I added. "Drive to the places with less people," I commanded them. As we drove a few more metres, I finally spotted Francis. "Well, well... This job is easier than I thought," I said. "You know what to do," I tell my men. Francis doesn't know that he is being followed by a black van, so we were able to stop and the guys sneaked up and covered his cover his nose and mouth, with a handkerchief soaked with an agent that would make him drowsy.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now