Chapter 51 - Sneaky, ninja style.

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

*Time Skip*

Since I've came back, Iseulgi have made amends and admitted that she violated the privacy of other people. So the CEO decided to move her into another dorm with the other trainees. So I have the whole dorm to myself again, Taekwoon and I have been very busy, he has his musical again, showcases and other schedules. I've finally made the comeback with the single, many people have supported it especially with the court hearing but some, started to hate that I spent time with Taekwoon.

They still don't know that we are dating but still some people suspect. There are many articles saying that, we're dating with proof, or how we are made for each other and what not. Taekwoon currently overseas we've haven't been communicating much as before. But will text once in a while, but all I can do is read then go back to work at times. I don't when he comes back, and every time he does there will always be a surprise. Last time when he came back, he gave me a new bag. I wasn't expecting something like that just him visiting, is all would want.

Everything was particularly the same, not much sleep, so much work and dealing with immature people with no sense. As I practice my dance for the up coming stages I get a phone call, "Hello, oppa" I said. "Hello, Sunghae-ah I need your urgent help," he said. "What is it about?" I said. "It's better if I told you in person," he said. "Can you come over?" He said. "I'll ask manager oppa, if I can push back some schedules," I said. "Okay, thank you please," he said before I hanged up. "He's never like that, what happened?" I go through my contacts and look for manager oppa's number.

I pack my things, and sit down as I wait for him to answer the phone, "Hello, something wrong?" He said. "Well I don't know, oppa said that I have to meet him at his apartment, but I still don't know why" I said. "It seems important, I will push back some schedules and I'll come to pick you up," he said. "Okay, thank you," I said. I head out the practice room and made my way to the front, then I bumped into the CEO, "Oh hello, CEO-nim," I bow. "Hello Sunghae, have you been practicing?" He asked. "Yes, oppa just called me, and he said that it's urgent, so manager oppa is coming to pick me up," I said.

"Oh okay, stay safe" he said. "Thank you CEO-nim," I said before proceeding to the van. "Did Hwanjae-ah tell you a clue about what it is?" He asked. "No, but he did seemed desperate and he's never really like that," I said. "Ohh I see, I hope all goes well though," he said. "Same here, even through his voice he seemed stressed out," I said. "Really? It must been serious then," he said. "Probably," I shrugged. I'm actually worried, but if it's a prank I will be pissed. I got to the entrance of the building, "Thank you manager oppa, I'll call you to pick me up," I said. "Okay, I hope all goes well," he said. "Thank you," I proceed to his apartment quickly.

I knocked on his door and it was opened quickly. I see his girlfriend sitting on the couch with a glass of water. "Hello," I said. "Hello, here sit," said Minah unnie she patted on the seat next to me. Oppa sat in front of us, "I don't know how to tell Appa about this," he said. My eyebrows furrowed, "What happened?" I said. "I'm pregnant," said Lee Minah. "I'm sorry, please," she added. "Why do you have to feel sorry, for?" I said. "Because your his sister," she said. "I'm not mad, but is this what you wanted?" I ask. They both looked at each other, "It's something we've talked about, I guess our blessing came early," she said.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now