Chapter 13 - Blushing Cheeks

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Kaisa's POV

For the pass few weeks training has been going well. Kim Bora my vocal teacher is a very cheerful vocal teacher and she can speak english so it's plus. I am also thankful that she is laid back and I am learning from her. She's even nice enough to just rock up to my place for the lessons instead of going to the entertainment.

But today I will start something new, apparently I will be taking dance lessons from the idol group VIXX. From seeing their music videos, I suddenly got nervous not knowing their personalities and how they act. Well except Ken Oppa.

I walked up to the my wardrobe and just stared at it. 'What the hell, am I going to wear?'. What do I wear do a dance class?  Leggings? Singlets?  I just grabbed the college track pants, shirt and a hoodie. Then I packed spare clothes to change if the choreography is hardcore as well as a small towel and a water bottle. It's better to be prepared.

I made my way to the agency, taking the stairs to exercise my legs before dancing. As I was walking to the practice room, I took a couple of deep breaths before knocking on the door, but I wasn't sure if they could here it, because they were playing music. I knocked at the door and it opened, which gave me a bit of a shock. But it was Ken oppa.

"Annyeong!!", Ken waved like a maniac. "Hi", I waved and smiled. "Hyung!! Who's is at the door?", someone yells at the back. "Come in, I will introduce you to the members", Ken took my bag and lead me inside. Ken put my bag down on the seats and I just stand there awkwardly. "This is Kaisa. Kaisa Vixx, Vixx Kaisa", with his hand pointing at the group and me.

"Annyeong, VIXX Leader Cha Hakyeon imnida, but you can call me N Oppa. Nice you meet you", he came up to me and shook my hand. "Annyeong, VIXX Rapper Kim Wonshik but you can call me Ravi Oppa", he spoke next and shook my hand. "Annyeong, VIXX Lee Hongbin, you can call me Hongbin Oppa", he said while flashing is smile, dimples and shaking my hand.

"Annyeong, VIXX Maknae Han Sanghyuk, but you can call me Hyukkie Oppa", he said shaking my hand and flashing his adorable smile. "Hey, Hyukkie your shaking her hand to much she can get tired", Ravi Oppa shouted. Everyone laughs except for one member. He came up and introduced himself, "Annyeong, VIXX Main Vocal Jung Taekwoon imnida, you can call me Leo", he spoke quietly.

It was pretty awkward since we're both shy people. I shook his and and he just looks at me in the eye, making myself more shy and timid.

Leo's POV

So this is the girl I bumped into. She seems shy to me but less shy to the other members. I guess it's always like that. But I want to know more about her, I feel like there's something kept deep inside her. The girl I saw at the airport, the one who I accidentally walked into, the one whom I recorded her voice and now shaking her hand meeting her.

I felt more shy than I used too before, there's this feeling in me that wants to be much more confident than before, someone that can make me feel better as a person. After I shook her soft hand, I didn't want to let go before it became too awkward. "Okay, so what do you want to learn?", said N. "Anything is fine, as long as I have learnt something by the end of this session", she said. She has a way with words, I like it.

She is determined. "Okay lets see what you can do?", N hyung says. "I'll try, I don't consider myself as a dancer", she made her way to the middle of the room. I sat down and observed her quietly.

Kaisa's POV

I stand in the middle and waited for the music. All the members sat down in front of me, the song, 'I am the best' by 2en1 played. I knew the moves but I was not sure, if I could nail it. But I tried my best. They didn't play the whole song so that was a relief, "WOO DAEBAK!!", they all clapped. But Leo was the only calm one looking them then at me.

I always wonder is he was always like that. Does he act different if he's back at the dorm or with his family? Well if I become close to him I guess I'll know. But he seems more cute, off camera than his sexy image during performances. "Let's teach you one of our songs", said Hyuk. "Let's teach you Love Equation that'll be fun", said Hongbin.

I sat down and so I can see what the choreography looks like. When they danced to the song they seemed so happy especially Leo who seemed different when performing. "Okay, so the dance is simple and fun to learn", said Leader N. I stood up and went up to them, "So what do we do?", I said.

Ravi taught me the intro to when he he raps and N who taught me the verses, pre chorus and chorus. Then trying to copy what N oppa was doing to the main dance point, someone took my hands and moved them to the beat.

I looked behind me and it was Leo, still guiding my hands and arms to the V I X X, bit of Love Equation. I looked back at him, his body close to mine, but the fact that I felt so tiny next to him, well all the members. Since I was up to their shoulders. He finally looked back at me and realised what he was doing, he slowly put my hands back down and backed off a bit.

"Are you done Leo Hyung?," said Hongbin. He looked down being shy, to be honest it's pretty cute, which made me blush. I see on the side that it looks like that he his smiling because of the cheeks that he has.

"Okay, since you have learnt the choreography let's start", N walked over to the stereo to play the song". Hongbin put both hands on my shoulders and lead me to me position, I looked around me to see who was there. I see Leo looking at Hongbin in a weird way, but it shouldn't be my business to know.

The music started playing and we all had fun, after the dance session, I was done for the day. I gathered my things and made my way to the door, "Thank you for the lesson, I enjoyed it", I say while I'm at the door. "Well no problem, we'll see you again soon", said N oppa. I smiled and left the room.

I made my way back to the dorm, took a shower, made myself some food and still editing my videos to post on YouTube. After finishing editing, I lay in bed and try to go to sleep. But there's something in my mind wondering why Leo would give those looks to Hongbin and how he comfortably take my hands to show me the dance without telling me.

Leo's POV

After Kaisa left, I felt sad. I won't be able to see her unless she's around in the building. I lay in bed thinking what I subconsciously or naturally did when I took her hand to do the, main point of the dance. I know it's the weirdest thing to do but I will just make any random moments just to be close to another person.

Was that a Bad idea? Should've thought of something better. Then when Hongbin touched her shoulders just to put her in the position, I was firing up inside me thinking, why can't you just tell her and point to where she stands.

I shouldn't worry since VIXX is teaching her and hopefully I'll open up.


Finally they meet!!! Yayyy
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Kamsahamnida and Fighting!!
Annyeong :)

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now