Chapter 20 - Nearly Carried Away.

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Kaisa's POV

"I looked through the photos during the photoshoot and I would like to say that I'm impressed", said the CEO. "Thank you CEO", I said. "From the photos' I see that Taekwoon and You are close. So what is the concept?", he asked me. "I was thinking it was a 'Perfect Girlfriend' concept", I said. "Well you are doing a great job so far. So how is the vlogging going on?", he asked. "It's going well, still getting used to walking and talking to a camera", I answered. "That's good. Okay so just keep practicing and we'll let you know if there's another schedule for you". "Thank you", I head out of the CEO's office on the way to the music studio.

Once I got to the music studio, after an hour or so I get a phone call from Taekwoon. "Hello, Taekwoon Oppa", I say. "Where are you?", he asked. I am at the music studio", I said. "Okay, I'll be there. See you", he said. "Okay bye", I hanged up. Why? It seems so fast. I finished off my music remix that I haven't done in a while due to the training. I hear and knock on the door before someone came in, "Annyeong", Taekwoon hugged me from behind. "Annyeong", I turned around to see his face, "What brings you here?", I ask. "I have to tell you something?", he said.

"What is it?", I hope he doesn't sugarcoat, just say it straight up. "VIXX are going to have overseas schedules in Japan so I won't be able to see you", no wonder he seemed sad. He remained silent, it gave me time to think he was still crouching down using my thighs as support. He broke the silence after that, "The members told me, that I'll spend time with you before I go", he said. "How long are you at Japan for?", I said. "The manager hasn't mentioned it", he responded. "Then let's spend time together before you leave then", I saved the work then logged off the computer. I got my bag and walked with him out of the agency, "Where are we going?", I ask him. "Just somewhere we can have alone time", he replied.

Alone time? I guess the fact he is an idol so it would be best to be somewhere where there's not a lot of people. "Were here", he said. He took my bag and hand and guided me out. "Where are we?", I asked. "My hometown I told my sister and brother in law to spend sometime together while we look after my nephew", he said. "That's really sweet of you", I said. "Let's go inside", I walk inside the house with him. "Annyeong", Taekwoon spoke out, "Oh annyeong", a woman walked into the living room.

"Annyeonghasyeo, you are Kaisa right?", she asks. "Ne, my name is Kaisa", I bow. "Wahh, Taekwoon has been talking about you so much and no need to use formal language to me just call me unnie", she said. "Okay Unnie". "Taekwoon-ah take good care of her", her husband I assumed walked in. "I will hyung", he arm around my shoulder as he claimed me as his valuable. "Okay Noona, Hyung you can take your time we'll take take care of Minyool", he said. "Okay, see you", they leaving locking the door.

By the time they left I've seen Taekwoon so differently now. He's just here not caring how he acts like in front of Minyool which makes me love him even more. He looks like a fool for Minyool, gosh it's so cute. I sat next to Taekwoon while he has Minyool on his lap, making him giggle. It made me admire him more, then Minyool took one good look at me before his little arms reached out for me. "Here, I'll get some food", he handed Minyool over to me and I just instantly fell in love with him. I made funny faces and tickled him, his eye smile and laugh is so adorable.

Leo's POV

While I was cooking, I peeped out the side to see Kaisa and Minyool. She doesn't seem to notice me since she was enjoying Minyool's company. How do I explain it? Wife or Mother material. It gave me a smile on my face, then I remembered I was cooking. I finished up the food for Kaisa, Minyool and I.

I came out and unfolded the table, "Do you need help?", she asks. "No need", I walked off to get the food. I grabbed the tray and placed the food and drinks, by the time I came back I see Minyool having a lot of fun with Kaisa. It made me happy. "I feed you", I told Minyool. Kaisa got Minyool off her lap so she can eat as well. I took a spoon and fed the baby food for him, "Woah daebak, such father material", Kaisa said while taking sips on her water. I smile, "I can say the same. You look after Minyool well", I told her. "Say the same? A father?", she said. "Ohh, I mean mother", I corrected myself.

After Minyool finished eating, Kaisa handed over the baby bottle with milk for Minyool while I ate. "Thank you for the food, Taekwoon oppa", she said. "No need to thank me", I said as I finished my last spoon full of rice. "I'll wash it, you can watch Minyool", she said. "No, I'll do it. It seems like Minyool likes to be in your arms", she looks down to see him already fast asleep. I took the tray and quickly washed the dishes and came back. I sat down next to Kaisa. "Here I've had a fair turn, it's your turn to look after him", Kaisa gently handed Minyool over to me.

Minyool is sound asleep, it brings a smile to my face. "It seems like you really enjoy taking care of Minyool", she said. "Yeah I do. I fell in love with Minyool when he was born, he's my first nephew", I said, I just love children and animals in general. "I can tell, it's way too obvious", she said. "I've always wanted to have kids but since idol life can be struggle", I put Minyool in his baby crib. "But I know there will be the time when this will happen", I said.

My phone rang, "Hello?", I say. "Taekwoon how is Minyool?", my sister asks. "Minyool is sleeping don't worry, just enjoy your time", I said. "Okay then, we'll be back soon", she said. We both hanged up, "Who is it?", Kaisa asks. "It's Noona", I responded and sat next before place my head at the neck smelling her. "Hey", she tried pushing me away. I hug her waist tighter and put my leg over hers. "You smell good", I compliment her. "You cover up the marks I made", I told her. "Of course, I had a meeting with CEO", she said. "Can I make another one?".

"Really? Right now? We have your nephew here", she warned me. "So he's sleeping", I slowly start sucking a bit of her neck. "Hey, I don't want it to be obvious", she's tries to move away. "Your hair will cover it", I said as I continue mark her little by little. "What happens if your sister and brother in law walks in?", I pulled away and make a pouting face. "Well I finished marking you again", straight after I said I heard the door bell ring.

We both walk to the door and opened it. "We're back, thank you for looking after Minyool", said Noona. "No problem, we enjoyed", I replied. We all walked into the living room to see Minyool still asleep, "Well we better get going", I gave one last kiss to Minyool. "Thank you, for coming with Taekwoon today", Noona spoke to Kaisa. "It's alright, thank you for accepting", she gave Kaisa a hug before leaving.

We both walked into the van, then Kaisa said something, "Told you", she said. "You're lucky", I said.

Kaisa's POV

"Why, I'm lucky?", I exclaimed. "Don't worry", I snicker. I shook my head, "Did you have fun?", he ask. "Yes of course", I said. "I'm glad you did", he said. We both arrived to the dorms and he dropped me off, before he heads off to his dorm. "Thank you for coming. We'll keep in touch, while I'm at Japan okay", he hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Okay, I'll see you soon", I waved at him before closing the door.

I head to the bathroom to take a shower, I removed my makeup and washed my face, "Sorry, if I was being a cock block. I know Taekwoon just wants be all over you" I wipe my face with the towel, remembering what Unnie said.

I lay in bed think what she said to me, "Ugh, Kaisa don't over think". I pulled the blankets over me and try to fall asleep.


Hello my fellow readers.
Tomorrow I will return to school (as a senior student) but I will see my friends :)

OMO did you watch Depend on Me, gosh Leo sitting on the chair, I just imagine him calling for me into his office. Wow hehe ;)

I will try to update as much as I can :)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter,
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Kamsahamnida and Fighting!!
Annyeong :)

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now