Chapter 57 - Not a happily ever after?

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"So no sign of the two?" I ask. "Yes, no sign unfortunately," said the officer. "Oh okay, thank you," I said. "You're welcome," I hanged up. "It has been three days," I sighed. The only thing I could look up to is Manager oppa's birthday, which would hopefully go well. "Sunghae-ah!" Said Nayoung. "Yes?" I look at her. "Are you alright?" I took a deep breath, "Yeah, not really," I said. "Look, all we can look forward to is the party," she said. "I know, I'll try my best today," I said. "The staff has decorated the studio," Nayoung checked on her phone.

"We have about two hours before we, leave" I said. "We have lots of time, so to make it seems like it's an official, schedule we'll start getting ready now," said Nayoung. "Okay," I head into the shower.


I finished taking my shower, as I hair dry my hair, Nayoung prepares herself and fixes the makeup we'll be using. "So you need help Sunghae-ah?" Said Nayoung. "I'm alright thanks," I said. As I finished off drying my hair, she has finished preparing herself, "Ready?" She ask. "Yep," I sat on the chair in front of the mirror and made me not look homeless. 'Where are they?' They would've come, but unfortunately some bastard have taken them.

Francis's POV

I fell asleep against the open window, I yawn and turned my head and she stretching. '3...2...1' and in queue, "WHAT THE F*CK?!?! WHO DID THIS??" I turn away and looked out the window. "Was this you?" She came up to me yelling while putting her shirt on. "Answer me," once she finished she slapped me. "No I didn't," I sigh. "You're the only guy here, it should be you," she retorted back. "Well as you can see I am tied up here, so how and why would I touch you??" I raised my hands to show her proof. "Then why are you sitting here?" she said.

"Your men asked me where I want to sit or lay down, so I choose this spot," she stood here speechless. "What?" I said. She shook her head and left the room. "What the hell is wrong with her," I said to myself look back outside which contains, only trees, with dead branches and grass. I feel like an old man, waiting to pass so I could be with its wife.

Minah's POV

It has been three days, I missed some meals. But they gave me some but sometimes it's not enough, I feel horrid. "They must be so worried," I sigh. Claire and her men decided to tie my wrists up to the railing next to me. I don't know why it's there, next to the bed. "Minah, Minah, Minah" I heard through the PA system. "What?" I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes. I heard the door unlocked, "Hello, Minah how are you?" Said Claire. I shook, "Awww why the sad face?" She sat on the bed.

"You already know my answer. If you were my position you would know," I said. "Oh I am sorry, I don't provide empathy to my people," she said putting her hand on her chest. "Well I'm going to go now, this is awkward," she stood up fixing her shirt. 'Wasn't she wearing that yesterday?' I thought. 'She also reeks of alcohol... Gross' I watched her exited the room.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now