Chapter 60 - Rest and Real talk.

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

So the agency has decided to halt my schedules for another few weeks as I recover from what happened nearly about a week ago. Nayoung, manager oppa and especially Taekwoon has been in my dorm taking care of me. Taekwoon sometimes sleeps here, until he has to go to another schedule and that's when Nayoung unnie comes in to take care, "I am fine now," I said. "No, you lost so much weight," said Nayoung and Manager oppa together. "We're lucky that we have a CEO that takes care of idols," said Manager oppa. "I know right despite of the many jobs we have to do, health comes first for all of us, since that's our source to help us be active," said Nayoung. "Okay, I'll eat," I said taking the bowl.

"Good, I'm going to clean the dorm. You stay here and rest," said Nayoung unnie. "I'll be going, I have a few things to do," said Manager oppa. "Okay, see you oppa," I waved as he left my room. As Nayoung cleaned the house, I watched dramas on the computer screen. They have noticed that I use my laptop a lot for music and such things. So they gave me a PC with a much bigger screen than my laptop, obviously which helped me a lot. I don't need to strain my eyes as much, editing is practically easier and I could watch dramas, music videos and Youtubers comfortably.

Appa and Aunt omma, where so worried. They called manager oppa to see how I was going and how they will deal with Claire. The last time I saw her was in court along with Minah and Francis. Claire's face says it all when she heard that she could not come back here as for the trouble she has caused for multiple people, as for her men they were placed in prison.


After we were all somewhat well enough to come to the court hearing, Claire's reasoning for this was completely ridiculous. We just want to get it over and done with, all of us had enough of her. 

"There is no reason for you to come all the way here, to cause commotion at your age," said the lawyer that Minah, Francis and I shared for this case. "Why would you want to do this?" Said the Judge. Of course Claire didn't answer, "Then what is this?" Said the private investigator holding up the blueprint. I didn't know that they would actually bring the entire evidence but they did anyway. As Taekwoon with an arm that has been sliced open but now stitched up since I convinced him to go to the hospital to get check up because lord knows what is on the knife, "Wow, saseang to the next level," said Taekwoon quietly. "I know right, how do they have the time?," I replied.

"Let's see what she says," said Taekwoon as we both looked at Claire, along with Minah and Francis looking like they want to chain her up in a cold rundown room. The judge read out her blueprint with every single detail into to let us now what she wants to do with Taekwoon. "Gross," said Minah and Francis. "You know that this is illegal? Right?" Said the Judge to Claire. "What? This is what all female fans want," said Claire. "This is about you. You wanted to cause trouble, and look what have you done. You'll be the laughing stock here and back in Australia, imagine what they would say to you back at school. How they would harass you on social media. Would this beneficial to you? Did you know that this plan would not work even though you have threatened Taekwoon to be with you instead of Sunghae?" Said the investigator.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now