Chapter 15 - Simple but Fun.

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Kaisa's POV

We both got to the bottom of the building, "Where are we going?", I ask. "Don't worry, you'll find out soon. As of now we'll just wait for the manager okay?". "Okay", I replied. In no time the van arrived, we both got inside and it seems like the manager knows what's happening.

The car trip was pretty quiet, I don't know if I should break the silence or not. But it didn't last long, "Are you here alone?", Leo asks. "Ahh, no my oppa has lived here longer than me", I reply. "Ahh, so how did your parents cope with it?", he said. "I'm not sure, but they know it's for the best and such and such", I say. "Does your brother visit you?", he asked I tapped my chin while thinking, "He does try too, but I told him to just concentrate on his studies. Then again I'm really busy so we wouldn't find time together", I say.

The car came to a stop, I didn't know where we were since I didn't look through the curtained window. "We're here, come", the van door was already open and Leo was waiting. "Ohh", I crawled out and Leo closed the sliding door. As I looked around this place seems familiar to me, I think I've been here when I was younger but it wasn't a clear vision. But it seems like we're in Hongdae, I look around and it looks like we're in front of a Café again. "Follow me", said Leo.

I followed into the Café, when we both entered it came to my senses that we're in a Dog Café. My mouth just dropped open by looking at the adorable puppies and dogs. I notice that Leo was looking at me, but he waved his hand in front of my face to break the trance. "Sorry the this place is really cute", I said pulling off a sheepish smile. Leo spoke to the lady who I am assuming is the supervisor or manager.

Leo's POV

I decided to take her to the Dog café, since it seems like that she would like animals, like me. Then looking at her when she saw the dogs is just adorable, which made me happy to see. I spoke to the manager to see if we could sit somewhere a bit far away so the people can concentrate on the puppies instead of Idols being here.

They lead us to a seat a bit more further in the back but still able to see the dogs and enjoy their company. "What would you like?", asked the lady after we sat. "Two packs of dog treats and Peach Ice Tea", I said. I decided to switch it since we already had lattes, I would love to another one but it will be easier to drink especially if dogs are around.

"So why did you decide to take me here?", Kaisa asks. "It seems your the type of person that like animals especially dogs or puppies", I reply. "Wow, I will have to tell people that I like animals but you seem to notice it straight away", she told me. "Well something tells me that you like animals", the Ice tea and the dog treats came. "Kamsahamnida", we both say. We both opened one packet of dog treats and saved the other for later. But before Kaisa even opened it a small puppy leap onto the seat into her lap.

It's so cute, she looked down and patted the puppy's head. I looked up and saw another one coming up to me, it was already on the seat to picked the puppy up and placed it on the table. We both gave the doggies treats and changed puppies. All of them are really cute and small, every time I look at Kaisa, her smile just shines the brightest out of all, making me happy that she's really happy herself.

This maybe simple but it's my type of dates. No need for big extravagant things at the start just simple and memorable moments. Time flew by so quickly that we didn't realise that it was already 2:30 pm and we didn't eat lunch yet. "Kaisa-ah, it's already 2:30 do you want to eat?", I ask. "It's already 2:30, yeah let's eat I'm hungry", she said. We both finished giving all the dog treats and left.

"Do you like ramen?", I look to Kaisa. "Ne", she nodded. Gosh why every normal thing she does is attractive and cute? We both entered the store and sat down on the table.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now