Chapter 3 - Practice Practice Practice

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Kaisa POV

For the last few weeks, I been drowning in my homework revision and exams. Yes I've done the homework, I just can't function properly.

Also practicing the song for the wedding is already hard enough now, I want to impress Appa and Eomma with the best performance. Honestly this is my first performance and I am happy that it's the wedding for my Appa. That why I'm going to put my heart and soul into this.

I continued to study and study, about to rip out the hair on my head knowing that my brain will be fried at the end.

"Arghh, I have enough! I need to eat". Leaving all my papers across the desk and on the bed. I headed into the kitchen made myself some coffee and other foods that I want to eat. I headed back to my room and continued to study.

I kinda went a little overboard with the highlighting the important information in a few articles. But hey, it does go a long way.

••• Time Skip •••

After a hour or so I gave up on stuDYING for today. There I am laying in my bed thinking why do we need to learn about triangles and how it will help us with the future. I get a phone call from Claire.

"Kaisa!! My brain is fried I can't study no more!!!", she said I giggled
"Same here".
"Can we go somewhere to loosen up?", she suggested.
"Yeah we should, but where too?", I ask.
"Uhhh maybe at the shops".
"Yeah fair enough there's lots of food and the arcade is open as well", I said.
"Okay, lets meet at the train station, same spot. Got it?", she confirmed.
"Got it, see you."
"See you, bye."

I wiggled out of bed actually kinda excited to get out for once. I packed up my revision papers and stuffed them into a folder then to the draw. I took a quick shower to freshen up, then I just do light make up and a simple outfit. It only consists of Denim Jeans, a black top with ankle boots. I stuffed my phone and wallet into a side bag and went.

Before I was heading out the door, Aunt Clarissa stopped me. "Where are you going?", she asked. "I'm going to meet up with Claire so we can both take a break from studying", I explained. "Ahh okay, just don't come home too late and stay safe", she hugged me. She followed me to the door and closed it as I went out.

I texted Claire that I'm on my way to the station. As I got there with only took 10 minutes since I walked pretty fast, I recharged my travelling card just in case if the credit is running low. I sat down where Claire and I usually wait for the train. I took my earphones and listened to music. Then I saw a shadow in front of me. I looked up and it was Claire, she sat down beside me while I was taking out my earphones.

"How do we survived, with all work given to us?", she sighs. "Ehh, with lots of frustration". I replied. "Yeah, that's true". The train came in no time but we ended up in the quiet carriage so we couldn't talk much and also the fact that people would eavesdrop.

After about 15 minutes and walking for a bit we finally made it. We both got some bubble tea and roamed around to see if we can find anything interesting. We both ended up in front of the music store. "Oh yeah, can we go to the music store? I need to get new strings and a book", I asked. "Yeah why not then, we'll eat and go to the arcade", she replied.

I walk into the music store and saw the employee assisting to another customer. I decided to wait since the things I need are on the other side. I turned around and see a piano, I was to tempted play, I couldn't resist it. I started playing a simple tune then it went to playing 'Jacob's Theme by Howard Shore'.

I kinda forgot that I was in the music store, until I saw Claire recording me playing and other customs giving me a round of applause when, I was finished with my rendition of the piece. I smile nervously, "Ahh sorry, I was carried away", Claire chuckled. I went up to the employee at the cash register and asked, "Can I get Metal Acoustic Strings and a Music Book please". "Sure you great at piano by the way, there's a competition if you want to join", he asked. "Hmm, I'll think about it", I replied.

"Okay, I'll put the pamphlet in the bag with your other items so you can think about it". I paid my money and thank the guy. I walked off and saw Claire re-watching the video she took. "You look lost in the music, in another world full of fantasies". "Okay, okay calm down", as well went down a level to the food court. We both sat down as we thought what we want to eat. First World Problems.

"Hmm, I feel like having Ramen", I suggested. "Yeah same here". "Oh yeah, I owe you I'll buy it". "Bu-", I cut her off. "No buts, take care of our stuff while I get food". "Okay, take care", she said while I walked to the store in front of us.

I ordered the Ramen, I went on to Facebook and saw Claire posted the video of me playing Piano. "2751", the lady called the number for my order, I put my phone away and took the food. When I made it back to the table I see Claire checking the comments on the video.

"So you posted the video? What does the comments say", I took my first bite of the noodles. She showed me the phone and it has over 100, 50 shares and 150 comments. "But hey, all of them are positive, I show it to you when we are on the train". "Okay, let's eat".

••• Time Skip •••

After eating, we made our way to the arcade. We all refilled our cards and played a lot of games and won a lot of prizes (also the fact that we nearly spent all of the money on our gaming card).

As we catch the train back home, Claire has finally showed me the comments of the viewers who saw the cover. She would've asked me permission but I guess it's too late to delete. It was about 260 comments but obviously most of them were the same.

A few of them said;
'Woahh, nice cover'
'Really Twilight... Jacob looks like a dog'. Well sorry not my problem but of course I wouldn't reply.
'Does she have a YouTube Channel?'
'I could finally fall, asleep by listening to this'
'She looks lost in the music!!'
'So mesmerising!! Marry Me!!!'. Okay dude, calm down.
'Her acne is bothering me, I feel like popping her pimples'. Well that would make it worse with your dirty germs.
'OMG, I wish to play the Piano like that!! Well obviously she's asian'. Uhmm okay?? Many other people, other than asians can play you know.

But the time we finished, we got off the train and made it home. I walked in and see Aunt Clarissa. "How's was it? Did you enjoy?", she asked as I closed the door. "It was fun, a stress reliever". "Well don't stress out too much, just take your time", she said. I walked into my room put my things away, changed into my Pyjamas and got ready for bed since, it was a bit late now.

I wasn't really tired yet, so I felt like repairing the guitar to get it over and done with.


Well I guess we all felt like Dying during StuDYING, since it's just suffocating, no
biggie ;)

I feel like this book is becoming boring though, but I will promise you that it will get better.
Please look forward to the next chapters :)
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Kamsahamnida and Hwaiting :)

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