Chapter 67 - Thousands of Lights Cheering.

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

We're all gathered, at the concert hall sitting down waiting for our CEO's instruction. "Okay, while each groups is rehearsing on stage, the stage managers will take you through the backstage," announced the CEO. "Yes," we all said. "Okay, let's have Vixx rehearse while Gugudan and Kaisa backstage tour," said the CEO, as we stood up and followed the stage manager, I looked back and see Taekwoon getting ready, "You'll get to hangout with him soon," Sejeong unnie patted my back and I resumed walking with her.

We all followed the orders of the stage managers and we received a tour of the dressing rooms and what not that goes behind the scenes of a concert. We all made our way to the auditorium and watched the remaining performances before it was my turn and Gugudan's turn by them it was VIXX's turn to have their tour before I met with Taekwoon and the rest of the backup dancers at backstage. "Hey Sunghae," he hugged me. "Hey Taekwoon," I said back. "I'm sorry, I didn't get time to see you or greet you," he said looking into my eyes. "It's okay, we're all busy for this," I gave him a reassuring smile. "Here are your microphones," they helps us put them on.

"Okay, guys get ready for stage," said the stage manager and we all got to formations. The stage manager approach Taekwoon and I made he gave us a few signs to fix the earpiece, we all got into position and waited for the music to start.

Hongbin's POV

I sat with the rest of the VIXX members, watching Leo hyungs performance with Sunghae. "They are really good," said Ravi. "Their chemistry together is so strong," sais Hyuk. Taekwoon was touching Sunghae very intimately, it made my blood boil. I somehow managed to watch it until the end but I had enough. At their ending pose I stood up and left the other vixx members, "Hongbin-ah," said N hyung who I completely ignored as I knew he was going to give me them shitty pep talks.

I made my way to the rest room and splashed my face with water, I look at myself in the mirror with droplets of water running down my face. "Hongbin-ah," Ravi came in, I gave him a glare as I knew he chose to follow me since having a talk with Hakyeon wouldn't really work. "You're still at it, you can't hold a grudge forever," he stated. "What happens if I can?" I asked taking the paper towel to wipe my face. "Then what benefit will it have to you? You've been like this since last year, you saw how they are," said Ravi. "What do you mean?" turning myself around to face him.

"They love each other, they are dedicated even though they have crazy schedules. Just please do this for yourself, vixx especially starlights, to try and move on because holding that grudge is going to affect all of us," said Ravi. "I should've went earlier," referring to myself confessing to Sunghae before Taekwoon does. "That was your fault, but you saw Sunghae is around Taekwoon, would it make a change?" he said. "Maybe," now unsure of my choices.

"Remember how Taekwoon was talking to us about the girl who he saw at the airport but pretty hesitant to talk about it since Hakyeon what him to spill it? That was Sunghae, even before they actually met he was going on and on about her. It was the first time he had fallen in love for the longest time. At his age usually people would be considering marriage and with Taekwoon he wants to be a father. You saw how Taekwoon reacted after he and Sunghae actually met, he was already determined to have her," he said as I try to process everything else.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now