Chapter 75 - Not your typical Idol life day...

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"What time do we have to be there?" Taekwoon in the kitchen making coffee. "Omma said around 5pm," he said. "Okay, we have plenty of time... Do you have a schedule today?" I asked. "No we are all resting, so we can meet with the wedding coordinator today. Our stylist noona who got married recently recommended us the wedding coordinator they had for their wedding," he said. "Do you have the number?" I asked. "Yes I do, she gave it to me before I proposed to you," and I nodded while sipping on the coffee.

Taekwoon has been talking about how the members miss having him at the dorm even though he hardly talks. I would say that they miss his cooking when they all have time. Of course Taekwoon would visit them from time to time but he said that he likes living with me as it is much more peaceful. He volunteered to wash the dishes again as I wash up and change clothes, today before we meet with the wedding coordinator, I would have to go to the agency to talk to CEO-nim about this matter.

"Do you want me to go with you?" I turn back to look at him. "I think it will be better, I will get ready now," I proceeded to the room and got changed. Once I got changed, I took the notebook and placed it into my side bag along with my phone. "Ready?" Asked Taekwoon. "Yep," he stood up and we went to the car.

"What do you think he will talk about?" He asked. "I'm not sure, but I feel like it's about the wedding and what not," I said. "Can I ask you a question, Sunghae?" I nodded. "Are you still going to be an artist when we get married?" Considering the fact that we'll have kids after marriage. "We'll see but if it's after marriage it's depends, what do you think?" I asked. "Honestly, you can still be active in the industry but I think it will be best to concentrate on one thing," he said. "I agree this was an opportunity that I accepted and I can be selfish that I am now getting married. I promised myself that if I become an idol and luckily get married that I will have a much more private life for the sake of the children and husband," I looked up at Taekwoon when he took my hand and kissed it.

"So that means??" He curiously asked. "Yes, I won't be as active but maybe there will be those time to time appearances," I said and he nodded. We arrived at the agency and greeted the who was inside before we both proceeded to the office. "Hello Taekwoon and Sunghae, have a seat," said the CEO and we followed what he said. "Firstly I want to say congratulations on your engagement and I will fully support you guys. So the reason why I called Sunghae is because I want to ask you about your future," we both nodded.

"So do you have a plan so far?" Said the CEO. "We are thinking that after my graduation and before Taekwoon's musical we'll get married, today we are going to meet with the wedding coordinator," I said. "Okay that sounds a good time to hold it, so for you Sunghae are you still going to he active after you get married? Because this also affects Taekwoon," he said. "Well if we start to plan a family maybe that's when I will not be active as much but I will still be appearing when there is a chance," I said. "Okay so what I was thinking, we all know that Taekwoon is very busy, when you guys are closer to the day of the wedding, maybe around a week we are going to give you and Taekwoon a full hiatus," said the CEO.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now