Chapter 61 - Right Timing

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

I've gotten out a few times with manager oppa and Nayoung. Also Taekwoon but not very much since he is very busy in Japan, I miss him and I am getting bored, just by staying at home. Minah, Francis and I have visited each others places a few times but they have to go back to school. But I kept in touch with the fans and posted messages on the fancafe. I also updated my Instagram more so let the other people know I am well.

I heard from my very few friends in Australia, that Claire still went to the school but she got shamed so much. Also the people who bullied me thought what she did was messed up. The students thinks that she needs some mental help, with what happened. I also heard that Xavier was expelled because the school doesn't want a similar event to happen. Basically they don't want their good reputation to fall, I remember from when I was there during that time there was a fight going on for a full week. Different people head to head, either girls or boys in various years except year 11 or 12 because they were mature enough to know that it's crucial to f*ck up in those years.

I was not the type to just run along with the students and make a big circle around the fighters and video it. Whenever there was a fight, the students running and taking videos would be a rampage. Then teachers from all faculties coming out from their break and tries to sort all the students out. It looks like I ran with them even though I said that I didn't 'Go with the Flow' a friend of mine who ended there saw what happened and the each of the teachers who spotted students taking photos or videos would get their phone taken and delete what they have shot right in front.

Then in assembly the principal would announce how this scheme would ruin the good reputation of the school and how it would take years to build a strong foundation of being good and seconds for it to be knocked down by a group of students. After that message was brought up, some fights ended up outside the school. Mainly after school with people in uniforms, it was very stupid how they would take it to another place and think that now nothing would happen. But seriously if they get arrested the police would mention in the news what school they go to and what not, thus wrecking that reputation. But thank god they stopped it because we all want to be a school that doesn't have a reputation like that.

All of us wouldn't like to become one of them other schools with a heap of videos of fights on the internet and what not. But I know that there are still some f*cked up students there. I couldn't choose what education is better here or back in Australia. Here it's more stressful, more studying, much more strict and what not. Then in Australia it's a bit more laid back, with a choice of studying or not depending on the teacher and subject, it's not really stressful but doing assessments or studying at the last minute will be. I hear people saying who are older than me, 'I can't wait to graduate' or 'I want to be in the outside world already.' But they end up missing high school a lot in the end.

I have to be honest, I miss working despite the lack of sleep and poor health as dieting would the be answer to most idol's body shape problem. I used to think that dieting all the time, with minimal exercise is ridiculous because it's a step closer to be malnourished and other critical illnesses. But now it has somewhat changed, we don't get time to have the healthy dieting plan with exercise as we are busy all the time. Then probably a scheduled performance, with little time to prepare. The viewers and most likely the anti-fans will critique how in a small break we would gain weight and bash how we don't care anymore.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now