Chapter 2 - Hello from the Other Side.

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Kaisa POV

After eating dinner, taking a shower and falling asleep while I was reading.

At 3 am I hear my phone ringing. "Huhh? Who heck would be calling at this time?", I sat up to answer the phone, not being able to bother reading the Caller ID.

"Hello? It's so early", I yawned.
"Hello, I know it is but remember? You have forgotten???".
Then I remember it was my Oppa calling. He doesn't live with us since he thought of sending Alex Oppa back to Korea to study in University.
"Oh sorry Oppa, I was really tired after school".
"Is Aunt Clarissa, taking care of you? How's Appa?".

"Aunt Clarissa is taking care of me well she also bought new clothes yesterday and Appa is working on a case at the moment".
"That's good make sure to take care of Appa, also yourself, okay?".
"Yes, I will".

"What about you and the DreamKillers?".
"I am handling well, but they said how embarrassing it is to eat a cookie and drink Aloe Vera, I just ignore since it was complete nonsense".

"Well that was really stupid. *Sighs* I swear when I get back I will teach them a lesson".
"Hahahaha just give them time to prepare themselves, they don't know what's coming", I started to yawn again.

"You should get some sleep. I'll let you rest. Take care and I love you".
"I love you too, Oppa".
The line went dead.

I completely forgot to call him before I went to bed. The reason why he is studying in Korea is the fact he kinda got bad marks during his high school years. Which resulted of him going to Korea to study to earn his degree in engineering.

I went back to sleep.

••• Time Skip •••

I woke up at 7:30 in the morning for school. I felt energised even though it was only 5 and half hours. I guess I am already used to it because of school and the fact that I am talking to my Oppa.

I got up did the same routine over again. Then going down stairs to eat then out the door, I go again. It was pretty early when I came so I headed to the library, since that's the most peaceful place in the morning. I sat down, turn on my laptop and review the song covers I made. All those memories came back while I was watching them. The reason why I started to cover music or just play music in general. How I used music as an escape from reality. Looking at the former cuts on my wrist while I was playing.

It was really stupid of me that I used to cut. Putting physical pain to overpower the mental and emotional pain but it just made it worse. Then I came across the video I made when my eomma died. I learnt the song she loved and the message I wanted to say, but I wasn't able say while she was still in this world.

I knew she'd be disappointed knowing what I've done to myself or how I let people's comments effect me. But not anymore, I try to stand my ground whenever there's low point in my life.

Now seeing the cover yesterday, I see how much I've improved as a person. Knowing what I've done in the past because on how people judged me is just pure stupidity. I have grown more smart, wise and more physically, mentally, emotionally stronger.

All with the help of my Oppa, Appa and Aunt Clarissa. When Aunt Clarissa started dating with Appa she didn't want to cause division with the family such as; having favouritism with the family members or treating everyone differently. I was glad that she came in since Appa was drowning himself with work after Eomma passed.

••• Time Skip •••

"Okay, that's it for today. Your homework is due in your next lesson", the teacher's last words before dismissed us. Well two days isn't that bad to finish homework. Unless I procrastinate...

I met up with Claire and we both walked into the Starbucks for a break before we go home. I order a Latte while, Claire order and Mocha Frappé. We both sat down as we got our orders.

"How was your classes today?", after Claire sipped on her drink.
"Ahh, it was good just a bit of homework here and there", I took another sip.
"Luckily you I have homework for every subject", she replied bluntly.
"Well that sucks".

We both continued to chat for a few minutes, until I got a phone call. It was from Appa.

"Hello Appa".
"Hello, where are you?".
"I'm at Starbucks with Claire".
"Ahh, okay make sure when you finish up you come home arraso?"
"Ne Appa".
We both cut the call.

"Who is it?", Claire asked.
"It was my dad, he said to come home when we are finished", I simply reply.
"Okay, lets go then", she said.
"Are you okay with it?".
"Yeah, I don't want you to get into trouble".
"Okay then thank you".
We hugged before we part our ways back home.

As I got home father was in the living room for once. Most of the time he was at his office. Luckily I was back earlier than I expected.

I walked in and put my bag down at the table as he told me to sit down after that. "How was school?".
"It was good". Leaving out the homework portion of it.
"You know how Aunt Clarissa and I are getting married right?".

Nahh like I was not there for the preparations, I though in my head.

"Well I thought that you can sing and play guitar at the wedding".
"Huhh? Me?"
"Yes, you. You've been playing for the longest time and I want you to showcase that talent", he laughed but being serious at the same time.
"Okay, I will do my best, Appa".
"Thank you, SungHye. Your mother is every proud of you".
"Thank you Appa". I hugged him and it felt heartwarming knowing that Appa never forgotten Eomma.

I went up to my room and decided to do the homework tomorrow.


C'mon who has ever said that they'll do their homework on the next hour or on the next day?
(I'm guilty hehehe)
Also my apologies, since I have realised that the chapter 1 was posted before the Characters' Profile. It made me annoyed (OCD Kicking in)
Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)
Hmm what song will Kaisa sing?
Will she ever do her homework? Hehehe
Please do comment (please be nice <3) and vote.

Kamsahamnida and Hwaiting :)

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now