Chapter 19 - So much Talking. More Actions.

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Kaisa's POV

"Annyeong?", I say as I sat down putting the bag on the seat next to me. "Here read this", said the PD-nim. "Annyeonghasyeo, during the time of you being a trainee you'll be vlogging what you do as a trainee all the way until your debut. Your vlogging will be released when we have your debut", I finished reading. "So this is the first episode, so just talk about your day and what you did", said PD-nim. I can tell that the camera is already recording, "Okay", I nod. "So introduce yourself, just start talking comfortably", said PD-nim.

"Annyeonghasyeo, jeoneun Jellyfish Ent trainee Kaisa imnida", I bow my head a bit. "So today I went to a photoshoot as part of training. So now I'm going back to the company to practice and them go back to my dorm", I said. "Since this is the first episode, tell a little bit about yourself", said PD-nim. "I'm born and raised in Australia and my parents taught me Korean. I am 17 turing 18 (korean age), I'm still in high school and hopefully I'll finish school before I debut. I am currently in year 11 in at my school in Australia, I'm not sure if it's different here though. I play guitar and piano, hopefully I'll learn new instruments. I'll continue working hard all the way". "So we are here at the company now, you'll take this camera and try to vlog as much as you can", said PD-nim. "Okay, thank you", I say as I left the van with my stuff and the camera.

I walk to the music room to practice the songs and instruments. 'Hmm I should record myself practicing' I thought. I took the camera and mounted it up, "Annyeong, hello", I wave. "I have arrived at the company and now I'm going to practice. I hope you enjoy", I smile. "I need to practice more on the piano since I need more work on it", I spoke to the camera. "I'm sorry if I make any mistakes", I say while my fingers touch the piano keys. I just play song from the top of my head and sing to them. "Hopefully no one will come in", I say when I finish. "It can be really awkward just talking to the camera", I included.

"Well I'm going to head back to the dorm", I turned off the camera and gathered my things. I make my way out and managed to get back to the dorm. "Okay, now I have to vlog again". I turned on the camera, "Hello, I have arrived safely back to the dorm, honestly I feel like baking today. It has been a while", I walked to the pantry to see if I have any ingredients for brownies. "Yes, I have everything", I mounted the camera on something so I wouldn't have to hold it all the time. I took all the ingredients, stuff to mix it in and what not. "I am no baking expert so I'm sorry if I do anything wrong".

I got started on the baking and it was pretty easy, I managed to not cause a mess. "Okay I'll now put the batter into the oven", I put the tray into the preheated oven. "What do we do now?", I tap my chin. "Ah, I will do a dorm tour. Like those room tours on youtube". "I shouldn't go outside since the oven is on so I will just start at the door".

"Okay, so here is the kitchen and to the right is the living room. I don't have much since I just moved in a few months ago. Then there is the balcony the view is amazing at night, So lets look at the rooms". I walk into my room. "Oh okay, I clean my room for this. My desk would be messy and my bed wouldn't be as neat, okay let's to the other room". "This really small room is just storage and theres another room just for spare".

"Okay let's check the brownies", I walk myself and the camera back into the kitchen. "Hopefully they are not burnt", I poked a chopstick into the brownie and it came out clean. "Okay it's done", I take the tray out and put it on the bench. I turned off the oven, "okay let's wait for it to cool down". I turned off the camera.

*Ding Dong*
I heard the doorbell ring, I walked up to the door and looked through the peep hole. It was my brother, I opened the door. "Oppa!", I hugged him. "I finally have time to visit", he said. "Just in time I have baked brownies", I cut it up into pieces and gave some to him. "Is it nice?", I ask. He answered by taking some more, "Hey save some for me", I said. "Mian, they are good", he said. "So how is trainee life".

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