Chapter 49 - Busted and Caught... Everywhere

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*Supposed to be a gif, but it won't work for some reason..."

Sunghae's POV

"I don't feel like going," I said. "But you have too, I know it's making you mad to even hear his name. But still," said Nayoung. It was getting pretty chilly here, so I wore a black coat with a navy blue dress they both go up to my knees with black ankle thick heeled boots. "Are you done?" Asked Nayoung. "Yep," I applied mascara to finish it off. Then there was a knock on the door. "Wait, a minute" said Nayoung as she walked to the door. It was manager oppa, "Ready? Your parents are waiting downstairs at the lobby," he said. "We're ready," I grabbed my bag and held onto my sunglasses.

We all head downstairs and met up with Appa and Aunt omma. "Hello," I hugged them and kissed them on the cheek. The chair ride was pretty quiet, well to me it was since the rest were talking. There were many cameras, "The CEO said that we'll meet him inside," said Manager Oppa. We all got out of the car and a bunch of security guards were surrounding us from the reporters. We all didn't say a word until we saw the CEO inside, "Annyeong, how was your morning?" Asked the CEO. "It was alright," I replied. "Don't worry, everything will be alright," he patted my shoulder. 'Yeah, I have a bad feeling about this, so I don't know id I should even think about it,' I thought.

"We can all go inside," said the Lawyer. It wasn't that hard since he is a good friends with Appa and he would understand why we didn't have appa doing this job. "Hello Sunghae, don't worry we have the evidence and I have a good feeling that we'll win this case," he shook my hand. "Thank you," I said shaking his hand. The people witnessing started to come in, 'I wish Taekwoon is here,' I thought while sitting at the front. I look at the clock and see that it's going to commence in any minute. But Xavier is not her yet.

With a minute left him and his team came in and sat across from us. I didn't bother looking at him, but I know that he is give me a smirk while his lawyer and my lawyer were shaking hands.

(A/N: I don't know what happens in court so apologies if I get stuff wrong)

"Everybody stand for the official party," said the guy. We all stood up and the judge and its party came in. I look around to see who was here, mostly people I don't know. Then I spotted someone very familiar to me, he's tall, pale, asian like Taekwoon, 'Stop daydreaming, he's not here,' I thought to myself. "Please sit down," said the official host. "Okay Sunghae vs Xavier. At the wedding of her parents she claimed that she was sexually assaulted, by Xavier. Sunghae's brother was the one who helped her, and got Xavier arrested," said the Judge.

"Xavier, what do you have to say?" Said the spokesman. He sat on the seat next to the judge. "I have nothing against Sunghae, she allowed it to happen. It was consensual," he said. I have a disgusted look on my face, on what he just said. "Sunghae can you please give your side," he got off his seat while I sat in it. I looked around, and got a closer look of what I thought it was Taekwoon. It was. 'When did he get here?' I thought. 'Did he go with the CEO?'

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now