Chapter 4 - I am more than Capable.

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Kaisa's POV

I have finally finished all the exams, assessments and what not. It now all fun activities and games, the stuff that we would want to do as a class. As I made my way to class two, girls cam up to me and told me, "Stop Showing off". "Too late", I whispered and walked away.

I am just sick and tired, I just don't bother crying. Which made me think, that I could push this. I want to what are they going to do to me. Claire took an early holiday and traveled with her family. So basically, I am by myself  except for a few friends in class but don't really hangout with. It was an early day, so I decided to walk home straight after school.

It was lunch we can either stay at school and eat there or just go home. Since nobody was at home, I would just take away food then go home. I walked into Domino's and order a 'half n half' pizza. As I got my order, without noticing I bumped into a tall guy. Thank the heavens that I didn't drop the precious pizza.

"I'm sorry", I say. "No it was my fault, I should be sorry", he fixes my earphone that was about to fall out. "It's alright", I walk off. He looked like a guy from some other school, but he looks cute and how he would apologise when it was a accident.

As I reached home, I went upstairs, changed out the uniform and sat down with my laptop. After I finish eating, I spent the rest of the time on the laptop, searching through some songs to cover in the future, which made me think back. Should I post these videos? Yeah, I should, I shouldn't care anymore.

I created my youtube account and posted the Eyes, Nose, Lips By Taeyang Cover. My account on Facebook is on private so it only showed my name when Claire posted the video. It felt good to share what I can do, without being bottled up. I hope it goes well. I decided to not post the cover I made for my mother. But maybe in the near future.

Claire sent me the video she posted so I can use it for future purposes, like right now. I decided to pose this one as well so they know that I was that Teenage girl who 'Got Lost in the Music'. In the description box below, I typed the usual things, such as links to my social media, the chords and sheet music I used and of course typing in that I was that girl who went viral and now opening up a YouTube account so everyone can see what I can do.

I wonder what the people would think at school and how would they react to the girl who became emo, depressed for many years just because my mother passed away. Yes, I always wear the dark or cold colours but I'm not into the emo fashion with the, big hair, long side fringe across my forehead, especially the make up. After posting, I felt tired so drifted off to sleep.

••• Time Skip •••

I woke up to my phone buzzing off a dozen times. All notifications from my social media, it was a sudden raise of followers on my Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr. I check on the YouTube channel with over 100 subscribers. Jeez that quick from at one video now they are wanting more. I don't want to post too much, but just one more before, I'll post in a few days.

I decided to Skype my Oppa since it has been a few days since I have talked to him. He answered straight away. "Hello Oppa", I say cheerfully.
"Hello Kaisa, I saw the videos. You improved so much".
"Thank you oppa, honestly I thought you wouldn't approve of the channel".
"Well you are sharing your talent and they are loving you already but remember there are haters out there", he reminded me.
"DreamKillers", I correct him.
"Oh yes, DreamKillers. Well how is school?".
"Everything is all finished, so is fun activities but ever since Claire has posted the video, there are some girls who are getting on my nerves".
"Ahh I see, you want to proved that they can't stop you from doing what your passionate about".
"Nuhh dahh, obviously", I retort back.
"So what is your next post?".
"Ehh, maybe a cover from The Fray - How to Save a Life".
"That is a good song, full of emotions".
"Songs full of emotions are my type".
"True true".
"Well I'm going to work so I'll talk to you later".
"Okay stay safe, bye oppa".
"Bye take care".

I put my laptop on charge since it's low battery. So to consume time I went on my phone to reply to the comments that they left on the videos. They mostly consist of the same thing like the; 'Thank you <3'.
'Aww you too'
'If your not impressed, well I am'
'I hope you achieve it'
All those kinds.

I ended up writing a list of song and Ideas for writing songs. When I took a look at it they are all songs about love, break ups and other emotional stuff.

But mehh I love these things.


Hmm, I hope you enjoy this chapter:)
I wonder what will happen next.
Well for me it's now the School Holidays for 6 Weeks!!! So it doesn't give me an excuse to not update unless I am busy hahaha :)
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Annyeong :)

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