Chapter 8 - The Reoccuring Questions Pt.2

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Kaisa's POV

I woke my shivering my butt off, I sat up wrapped as a human burrito. I look at the time and it was 8:30 am, I have another meeting at 10:30am and then at 2:30pm. I try to remove the covers off myself so I can take a shower but no. The coldness continues to linger in the room, so I took the blanket off me and quickly ran to my wardrobe looking for a hoodie to wear.

I waddled out of my room into the kitchen getting a bowl and spoon for cereal. I took out the milk from the fridge and poured it into the bowl, along with the cereal. I see Oppa coming out of his room. "Good Morning Oppa", I saw while chewing my food. After I finished my food, took a shower and changed into much more warmer clothes.

Summer can be way too hot in Sydney, the highest I remember was 46°C. Now it's -8°C and snowing obviously. I was never used to the weather, knowing that I'm more into the autumn and winter season. But being able to see snow excites me quite a bit. After changing into my clothes, I put on this long thick, waterproof jacket which everyone wears when it's winter.

"Are you ready?", Oppa knocks on my door, then enters. "Yeah, let's go", we both went out the door locking it behind us. I didn't bring much since there was no requirement for anything. It took us a bit longer to get to the company. Then I come to realise, "Don't you have uni or something?", I ask Oppa. "Ohh, I have time off, so it's all good and besides my lectures ranges from different times". "Ohh", I bluntly reply. I did a little research and it turns out that choosing the company would be a little harder. The fact that I don't want to offend anybody, but then again it's my choice. It's business.

Once we got to CUBE Entertainment, I walked in and went up to the receptionist. "Annyeonghaseyo, I have a meeting with the CEO". The lady looked at her computer to see any appointments with the CEO. "Your Kaisa Chee right?". "Yes that's me", I gave a smile back. "Okay, so take the lift, into the 3rd floor into the seminar room".

Seminar room? Isn't that a place where meetings happen with more than two or three people. "Thank you". I took the lift by the time I arrived, I easily spotted the room since there was quite a few people coming in. Please don't tell me that I have to talk to a bunch of people. Yes, I am a shy person and communication is something I always want to improve on.

Remembering my former history teacher once told the class her story of wanting to be the Sports Captain of her School.


"Back when I was your age, I was a really shy and quiet person. I wouldn't talk at all during class. When it comes to reading aloud in the class, I would try and avoid but it doesn't work that way, I would just talk quietly. Also when it came to speeches, I would ask my classmates to turn around and just listen and have the teacher just look at me and mark.

When our grade had the opportunity, to have a leadership role, I was pretty excited. But it means to make another speech in front of the whole school, since the student body would vote for the most eligible candidate. I always dreamt of being the School's Sport Captain, I wanted it so badly.

So I went to my closest teacher to ask for some advice. She told me, 'I know you wanted this since you were in year 7, I know that your are the shy person in our year. But if you want it badly your to face your fear to talk to a large crowd, so prepare your speech, don't make it long and practice in front of the mirror and always come to me for help when your need it'.

When it came to the day of the speech, I was so nervous. I don't know what they'll think of me or what I will say. So I just swallowed my pride and said my speech. With the help of my teacher who keeps coming up to me when I need or wanted help.

I got the leadership role and it gave me confidence. I was not as shy as before, now I am able to speak in front of the class, because of passion and persistence I was able to achieve my goal".

End of Flashback

I stood by the door, before I was going to knock. Someone tapped my shoulder. It seems like someone important, "Are you Kaisa Chee?", the guy asked. "Yes". "Okay just follow me". He went ahead and knocked on the door before we both enter. "CEO, this is Kaisa Chee". I bow and greeted to the CEO and the other people in the room. "Annyeonghaseyo, joeneun Chee SungHye imnida". They did the same thing. I sat down, while everyone discuss the matter. "So are you willing to be in this company?".

"Well, it's going take some time thinking, so I couldn't give a confirmed answer". "The offer for this company, is that you're able to train here are a few years before you can debut, also you will receive money from the work you do for your YouTube Channel to get new equipment, instruments or anything you like, depending on how many trainees we have we might have a roommate at the dorm but the bills will be paid".

It seems like the same offer every time. "So are you up for the job?", one of business people ask. "Well I'm considering it, like I said before I don't want to rush things but think it slowly so make the right choice for me". "Okay, here the business card and contact us when your ready". We all stood up shook hands before I leave.

That's was a really long meeting and the amount of people was irrelevant. But train for a couple of years? How many is a couple of years? I made my way out and quickly walked into the car. Oppa started the car and we both went to lunch. "We'll have lunch somewhere close to Jellyfish Entertainment". Finally the last one before I can eliminate the company's deals to make it easier. We arrived at this café which has a nice style to it, Oppa ordered my food and brought it over to me.

After I ate, we both got into the car drove closer, since walking in this type of weather is not an option. When I looked up to see the building all I was VIXX - Chained Up with the members with orange chokers and white suits with no undershirt. I walked in and some how the CEO was talking to the receptionist. The CEO turn around with a smile on his face, he seems nice. "Are you Kaisa Chee?", he asked. "Ah, yes". "Well come with me so we can discuss". I followed him to his office.

"So some of the Idols here mentioned and showed me the videos you made and I got to say that you are a really good singer". "Oh thank you". "Well what I have in store for you is that you'll be mentored by the Artists here such as VIXX or Seo In Guk.
You will be able to finish school while you train also when you debut so you can graduate and start college like Hyuk the Maknae of VIXX, you'll have your own dorm and we'll pay for all expenses.
Also it's completely up to your choice if you want to do MC, dramas, musicals, radio shows anything you like when you have the opportunity".

"Hmm, that sounds like a good deal but l'll have to think about it". "Okay take your time and I'll give you a copy of the offers as well as the business card so you can contact us". "Okay, thank you CEO", we shook hands before I left the office.

While about to turn into the corner I bump into someone really tall which made be stumble a bit. He was not wearing a mask which gave me a clear view of him, but damn he got really good skin, long legs and his lips looks so kissable. Wait, wait, wait I shouldn't be think about that. "Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too". "No, it's my fault, I wasn't careful with my steps", he helped me up since I landed on my butt. "Well, I gotta go now, sorry again". I quickly walked off".

I made my way out of the building and now I can go home and rest. I kinda have a clear understanding of what I want to choose.


NOTICE: I am not making other companies look bad or anything negative at all. I just want to make it clear it's all for the story. Just clearing it up just in case :)

Well I hope and wish, that you have enjoyed your holidays and look forward to the on coming New Year!!

Hmm, Good clear skin, long legs and kissable lips?
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Kamsahamnida and Fighting!!
Annyeong :)

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now