Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep!
"Oh shut up you stupid clock!" The angry blonde yelled sitting up. The first day of Highschool is always the hardest considering her reputation. Her father Lawrence Crock was a Mafia leader so they lived great.

     Except for the fact of his cruel ways that lead to her mother being paralyzed from the waist down. "Artemis you're going to be late!" Her mother yelled wheeling into her bedroom. "Highschool can suck my ass for all I care" she groaned falling back into her green pillows.

     A sudden burst of light entered her bedroom blinding her. "Mom!" She yelled sitting up. "Get. Up. Jade has already left" her mother said before leaving her alone. The blonde groaned standing up and brushing her unruly blonde hair. "The fact that this schools uniform preferences totally suck tell me it's gonna suck" she said to herself toeing her hair into a high ponytail.

     Slinging her bag on her back she smirked at herself before leaving. Her father was the leader of a rich Mafia so she had a lot stuff she could do without getting arrested for. Like for example riding her new black slick sports bike to school.

     Arriving at this school made her shutter in disgust. "As long as people don't mess with me I'll be fine" she mumbled to herself walking into the school. Everyone avoided her making her smirk to herself. The last school she went to got her kicked out for punching a girls teeth out.

     He was reading a comic book about The Flash. He looked over and checked the time. "Crap..." he muttered seeing that he was going to be late. It was the first day and he already going to be late. "Wally! Your friend Richard is here!" his mother yelled causing him to smile. Quickly he put on his uniform and ran down the stairs grabbing a piece of toast.

     "You are seriously trying to get detention aren't you" the teen said as they walked outside. Alfred; the teen's butler drove them to school. "Well I have to go to class and you have to go to Guidance. Catch you later" he said walking off.

     I ran my hands through my fiery red hair before walking into the bland looking office. "How may I help you?" A perky lady asked smiling brightly. "Yeah um I'm new here so I need my classes sheet and stuff" I said smiling back politely.

     "Miss Crock sit down!" A mans voice yelled. "Screw this!" A feminine voice shot back as the office door opened. A beautiful blonde walked out and Wally swore his heart skipped a beat. The way she walked off flipping her hair and rolling her grey eyes. She was perfect.

     "Um Mr. West your classes" the lady said waving her hand in his face. He shook his head before thanking her and running out of there to look for that girl. "Just my luck, she's gone" he muttered looking down at his chart. "Science, English, Lunch, Gym and History. Wow these suck" he said while walking down the hallway.

     Just as he walked in the teacher turned their head looking at him rather angrily. "Who are you?" He scoffed swiping the sheet off of him. "Ah Mr. West well since there's no seats you can take a seat next to Miss Crock" he said pointing to a girl listening to music in the back corner of the room. Everyone gave him fearful looks as he slowly approached her.

     It was the blonde beauty that he saw earlier. "Hi I'm Wally" he said with a friendly smile. She didn't even bat an eye when he spoke she just kept scrolling through her phone. "Hello I'm Wally" he said louder as she stopped scrolling. "Usually when I don't answer you that means that I don't want to talk to you" she said before rolling her eyes.

'Okay now that's just rude.' he thought.

"What's your name?" he asked, ignoring the lesson that the teacher was going over.

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