Chapter 77

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     The next day was going to be interesting. Ever since Roquette told Kaldur about the girls' game he sent out a text to all of the guy's. They were doing the same thing but during lunch and in the hallways. It would be easy the red head thought as he walked down the hallway. Him and Artemis were early today since she had to hand something in. Waiting outside of the classroom she finally walked out. When she started to walk away he grabbed her hand and spun her into him. "Hey beautiful" he whispered as she furrowed her brows at him.

     A playful grin was on his face as she slung an arm around his neck. "Did I tell you how gorgeous you look today?" He asked as his lips brushed against her ear. She gave him a cheeky smile as he leaned down and gently kissed her. No one was in the hallway and the teacher's that were here were in their rooms getting ready for today's classes. The kiss was slow as his hand moved down and lightly tapped her ass. "Oh you asshole" she said with a sly smirk as her cheeks flushed a light red. "I think this counts as seducing you. Point one for the Wall-man" he said with a cheeky grin pulling away from her.

     Her eyes went wide as he walked down towards his locker. Crossing her arms she watched as he put a tick mark on a paper that he taped to the inside of his locker. "You guy's have your own version!" She yelled in slight shock to how the boys found out. "Oh yeah. Kaldur texted us all last night" he said with a wink while closing the door. By this point she was fuming with her arms crossed. "You know you're cute when your angry" he said kissing her flushed cheek and walking off.

     She was so going to get him back for this when class starts. The blonde only had third period with him so she had the whole morning to make up a devious plan.

(A/N: I'm having a wonderbird moment rn sorry)
     All of the girls knew how the guys had their own version now. Walking into class she took he seat next to Tim. "Heyyyyy Timmy" she whispered as he turned to look at her with his tongue sticking out. "I'm not going to be that easy Cass" he said as she smirked turning to face him. "Is that so? Cause I recall you very flustered yesterday. And that was just me going easy" she whispered with a wink. Class started and he was on edge the whole time. She was waiting for the perfect opportunity.

They were sitting in the back corner behind really tall people so the teacher couldn't really see so much as hear. Just then the P.A rang calling their teacher to the office for the moment. As soon as the teacher left the class began to chatter with each other. Standing up she turned his chair around and leaned over him. He sat there with his arms crossed and a challenging smile on his face. Smirking she straddled his lap and slung her arms around his neck. "You were never a good liar Timothy" she teased with a wink as he gulped.

Just by her sitting on him was getting a slight reaction. She began to play with his hair before kissing the corner of his lips and trailing down. She had at least five minutes until the teacher got back. "I have five minutes to do whatever you want you know" she said as he took a deep breath looking away from her. Cassie's hand trailed down his chest agonizingly slow. She could see his flushed cheeks as he bit his lip. Fingers brimming the edge of his shirt her hand went underneath to feel his skin.

She was surprised to feel how much muscle he had. Then again he wears very loose shirts half of the time she sees him. "Cassie this is borderline sex" he said as she ran her fingers down his chest underneath his shirt. Glancing over at the clock she had two minutes before the teacher came back. "I know but your skin is so soft I just feel compelled to leave kisses everywhere" she whispered as a small noise escaped his lips. Eyes going wide she jumped off of him and did a little happy dance.

He turned his chair around and hid his flushed face in his arms again. The class gave her a weird look before she sat back down. Not even a moment later their teacher walked in as Cassie put another tick mark on her arm with the pen. She also got him yesterday after the game was established during fourth period. Leaning over she began to whisper something into his ear. "You know I got Roquette to help me out with this one. She called the office on her spare asking for the teacher just-so-I-could-distract-you" she said poking him each word near the end. That just made him groan in frustration and her smile even wider.

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