Chapter 7

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The Autumn leaves skipped across the sidewalks and uncut green grass as they approached the red heads house. His parents weren't coming home until late that night so they most likely wouldn't know that he skipped school. He carried the girl like she was fragile china and if he jostled it, it would be broken.

Walking inside he carried the sleeping blonde to the living room couch. She moved uneasily as he put her down gently. "It's okay Arty" he whispered brushing the stray blonde strands of hair out of her face. He looked her over and saw the bruises that formed around her neck.

He stood up and opened the linen closet taking out a heavy red comforter for the girl. After wrapping her up he took the time to make himself some food. The pocket of his pants began vibrating as he got texts. "Dude where did you go? People are saying you carried Artemis out of school!" Dick texted. "Yeah I did. She's sleeping on my couch at the moment" he replied as he placed his phone on the kitchen counter.

"We're coming over" was all Dixk texted back which made Wally go pale.

"Seriously..." He mumbled to himself taking a bite out of a piece of toast.

Not even fifteen minutes later his front door opened and people walked in. "Hey Wally!" A familiar voice yelled. The red head ran over and shushed them in fear that they would wake the blonde up.

     The people now in his house consisted of Dick, Megan, Zatanna, Kaldur and that guy Conner. He and Conner became well acquainted the last two months. "Wally where is she?" The sniffling red headed girl asked. She and Zatanna had been worried about the blonde but mostly Megan was. "Sleeping on the couch. But be quiet!" He snapped as they tip toed into the living room.

Artemis was snuggling into the warm red comforter making small adorable noises in Wally's opinion. "Do you have an idea about what could've happened?" Wally whispered to his best buddy. Dick raised an eyebrow before scowling but nonetheless he kneeled in front of the blonde and looked her over. "A fight but a brutal one at that. She fought back by the looks of her chipped nails and split knuckles" he whispered quietly to the group.

He continued looking her over the best he could without removing any clothing. "She should be in the hospital. She has a fractured rib, her throats swollen beyond belief but her back feels weird" he said running his hand against the back of her navy blue blazer.

"Then look at her back!" Wally said impatiently tapping his foot on the carpet.

Dick glared at him and stood up crossing his arms. "Dude unless you want her only in her bra without her consent then I suggest you wait until she wakes up" Dick said before walking into the kitchen.

"Zatanna go comfort him" Megan sniffled out shooing the raven haired girl after Dick. "My friend I suggest you calm down before you wake up Artemis" Kaldur said looking at the angered red head.

Wally was filled with anger about the girls condition. Picking up an empty mug he chucked it against the wall hearing it shatter loudly. The girl gasped and sat up when she heard the sound of something shatter. For the moment she was fine until she felt an excruciating painl run up her spine and branch out around her body. She looked around to see a shocked Megan, Kaldur and this other buff guy. 

Looking straight ahead she saw Wally breathing heavily and leaning his head against the wall. It was quiet in the room and the only noise was the sound of her raspy breathing. "Where am I?" she managed to breathe out painfully.

"Don't stress yourself. Wally took you to his house!" Megan said with a reddened face.

She looked like she had been crying for awhile. "Why does....Baywatch look like.....he's got a stick....shoved up his ass?" she asked smirking slightly at her own joke.

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