Chapter 23

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She took a deep breath as they stepped into the apartment. The sun was beginning to set outside and her father was sitting on the couch. "Hey dad can we uh talk to you?" She asked holding Dick's hand in a death grip. Her father immediately sent a glare towards Dick as he stood up ad towered over the boy. "You didn't get my baby pregnant did you?" He asked in a stern voice as Dick gulped. Zatanna was at a loss for words from what her father just said.

"No dad we haven't even had sex!" She yelled as he let out a relieved sigh. "Then what would you like to talk about?" He asked as she gave her boyfriend a weary look. "Its better if you sit down" she said in a quiet voice as her and Dick sat on the other couch. Her father sat down looking genuinely concerned. "Can you tell him?" She whispered burying her face into the crook of Dick's neck. "She almost got raped today but I saved her" he said as he could feel her tears running down his shirt.

Her father's eyes went wide for a moment before turning angry. "What did he do to my daughter!" He yelled as Dick gulped nervously. "I don't know she wouldn't tell me but after I knocked the guy out she was balling her eyes out" he said as Zatanna's sobs were fully heard now. "I was walking to class after making sure Artemis went to her class and that's when the guy grabbed me. He was putting his hand up my shirt and kissing me so I texted Dick and he hacked my phone. The next thing I knew the guy was unconscious and I was in Dick's arms sobbing!" She cried out.

Dick hugged her tightly feeling guilty for nit getting there sooner. "I'm calling the police" he father said standing up. "No dad can we talk to them tomorrow I'm really tired" she sniffled out as Dick ran his fingers through her hair. He gave her a look of guilt and sympathy before putting the phone down. "Go get changed and get some rest" he said as Dick helped her up off of the couch. He stared into her watery blur eyes and wiped her tears.

"Dad can Dick stay?" She asked as her father paled. "Zatanna I don't think-" "Please" she pleaded as he let out an annoyed sigh. "You touch her Grayson and you'll have so many lawsuits on you that even Bruce's lawyers can't get you out of" he threatened as Dick gulped and nodded. "I promise I won't do anything to her like that" he said quickly as her father nodded. Dick texted Bruce saying that he was staying at Zatanna's for the night.

He did that a lot but he made sure to leave early in the morning before her father caught him. She walked to the washroom and put on a pair of grey tank pants but she kept his sweatshirt on. All he did was take his shirt and pants off before hopping on her purple bed. She crawled onto the bed and laid down facing him. "Thank you" she whispered to him as he raised an eyebrow. "For what?" "For being there to save me, you were my hero today Dick" she said as he got a warm fuzzy feeling.

He pulled her to his chest as she looked up at him. "You feel guilty" she said seeing right through him. "Yeah Zee I do. I mean if I got there faster he wouldn't have done anything at all" he said as she gave him a soft smile. "Didn't your parents used to call you something when you were younger?" She asked as a small smile came to his lips. "Yeah they called me Robin" he said as she kissed him gracefully. "Well then Robin thank you for saving me" she said as he nodded.

"Zee I'd save you any day even if it killed me" he muttered as she rested her head on his chest. "I would too" she whispered as her eyes began getting heavy. "I'm not going to school tomorrow" she whispered looking up at him. He gave her a nod of understandment as he ran his fingers through her long ebony hair. "I'll stay with you tomorrow then" he said as he noticed she'd fallen asleep. The moonlight shon through her window illuminating her skin.

After about an hour of just thinking and watching her breathe he fell asleep. His dreams were more like nightmares of her getting hurt and him not being able to save her. His eyes shot open when he heard soft sobbing.

The girl woke up with an arm draped around her waist. Eyes slowly opening a soft smile appeared on her face. Megan and Conner were studying for a test and fell asleep after staring at their textbooks for a couple hours. "Hey" she whispered turning over and facing him. His blue eyes fluttered open as he stared at her. "We fell asleep" she giggled quietly as it was now dark out. He yawned and sat up looking around.

They were tucked in most likely by her Uncle John. "You can stay I mean Hello Megan its eleven o'clock" she chimed as he gave her a faint nod before yawning again. Moving off her pink bed she shuffled to her closet and took out a pair of black shorts and a pink tank top. Putting it on in the washroom she quietly walked back in to see Conner lying in her bed looking quite tired. "You're very tired" she whispered sitting on the edge of her bed.

He grunted in response and she blushed noticing that he was shirtless. "Goodnight" she whispered kissing his cheek before climbing over him and lying beside him. He draped his arm over her again and pulled her close. She was a little cold but his body felt like a warm fire. She hated the heat but at the moment she didn't care because of how cold she felt. Her phone was on silent face down so she didn't see the texts that came through.

She felt his faint breath brushing against the back if her neck. She thought about her life at that moment. She has friends and a sweet boyfriend but it still felt like something was missing. Megan had many siblings back with her family but she wasn't close to them. Her brother's and sister's all had their mother's dark skin and hair. Megan was the only one born with her father's complexion and hair colour. Other than her chocolate brown eyes that she got from her mother. She snuck in the back of her Uncle John's truck when he left.

     The most important thing to her was how somebody was on the inside not what they looked like. Conner was hot sure but inside he was sweet, protective, quiet and a little grumpy at times. A smile graced her lips as she thought about him. "Goodnight Megan" he mumbled as he knew she was still awake. Her eyes went wide before she giggled. "Goodnight my Superboy" she whispered before her eyes fluttered closed once again.

A/N: You'll have to see what happens to Roquette, Kaldur, Wally and Artemis next chapter. Thanks for the heads up because I know Rockets name is Raquel in Young Justice but I liked the name Roquette and I thought it fit her personality but that's just my opinion.

Skycrystal23  ;)

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