Chapter 32

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Standing there the look her father had on his face was eating her from the inside out. Dick intertwined their fingers and gave her a comforting smile. "Sit down" Bruce said as they all took a seat at the table. "I'll bring Master Jason's supper up to his quarters" Alfred said before leaving the room. "Zatanna listen I don't mean to treat you like a child but you're my daughter its my job to look out for you" he said as she sighed and squeezed Dick's hand.

A minute of silence engulfed the dining room. "Dad I'm not a little kid anymore so please try and treat me like I'm an adult" she said as he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll try" he said reluctantly. A small smile made its way onto her lips as the lights began flickering. Within seconds the power was out as they stood up and she hugged Dick closely. "You okay?" He asked running his pale fingers through her long wavy hair. Nodding into his chest she looked up at him.

"Ahem, it looks like we'll be staying here for awhile" Giovanni said as Bruce nodded. "We can discuss issues in my office while we're waiting" he said as Jason came running down the stairs. "Dick!" He yelled jumping onto his older brother. Zatanna couldn't help but awe at how adorable the little brat was being. Her father and Bruce left the dining area and went to his office to talk about business, political issues and such. "He about we play a game?" She asked looking down at the little boy.

He growled at the girl and kicked her in the shin. "Jason!" Dick yelled picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder. "Put me down!" He yelled kicking and punching Dick's stomach and back. Letting out a giggle they cautiously made their way into the living room before he threw the boy onto the couch. "I'll get you back" he grumbled as Dick rolled his blue eyes. Taking a seat on the other side of Dick she looked at their dark silhouettes.

"Master Bruce has asked me to bring some flashlights" Alfred said popping up behind them. Shrill screams escaped their lips as they huddled together. "I am dreadfully sorry for scaring you" he apologized as they took the flashlights and turned them on. Looking over at Jason she saw him sitting with his arms crossed sulking. "He okay?" She asked as Dick shrugged. "Jason's just fussy because I tossed his sorry ass onto the couch" he said as Jason scowled.

"Shut your mouth!" He snapped hitting Dick in the arm. Groaning he rubbed his probably bruised arm. "Can we do something?" She asked in a bored tone. His eyes lit up as he illuminated the ceiling with his flashlight. Putting his hands over the light he made shadow figures. She watched as Jason looked over at his brother quite interested. After an hour the small boy fell asleep on the couch as she cooed over how adorable he looked.

Standing up Dick picked Jason up as the boy stirred slightly. She held the flashlight as they made their way upstairs to Jason's room. Tucking him in he grabbed Dick's wrist. "Yes Jay?" He asked sitting on the side of the bed. "Can you tell me a story?" He asked, batting his emerald eyes at the two. "I can sing a song" she said as Jason nodded clutching the black covers underneath his small fingers. "I don't really know many lullaby's but I'll try a song" she said patting his lap.

Her song choices were limited so she decided on 'Love Story by Taylor Swift'. Taking a deep breath she began to attempt the song. "We were both young when I first saw you. I closed my eyes and the flashbacks start I'm standing there, on a balcony of summer air" she sung as Dick gave her a smile. Jason's eyes began falling closed and he was fast asleep by the end of the song. A small yawn escaped her lips as she laid down on the other side of Jason.

She tried fighting off the tired feeling but she didn't win this battle against it. Eyes falling closed she curled up into the pillow and fell asleep. The power came back on a couple hours later as Giovanni and Bruce went to check on them. Bracing for any nudity as they walked into the room they sighed in relief. Jason was fast asleep between Dick and Zatanna as he had his arms draped over both of them. Tucking them in they left the room with small smiles.

"Would you like to stay in one of the guest rooms Giovanni?" Bruce asked as he laughed and shook his head. "No thank you. I'll be home before you can say Bat backwards" he said as Bruce scowled. "I don't know how people compare me to a bat" he grumbled walking towards his room and shutting the door. "Have a good night Mr. Zatara" Alfred said opening the front door. "As you Alfred" he said before walking out the door. Looking away for a second he looked back and Giovanni was gone.

"Magicians" he said with a faint laugh before heading to bed himself. The morning light eventually made its appearance through the cracks of Jason's red curtains. A clock rung in her ears as she groaned and turned over. "Ugh shut up!" She groaned covering her poor ears with the pillow. "Dickie can you turn the clock off" a quiet and raspy voice asked. Sitting up he stretched and looked around in a daze to see Zatanna lying on the bed with the pillow covering her ears.

Smirking he turned it off and stretched again. "Jay get up" he said as the boy groaned and rolled over burying his face into her stomach. Putting the pillow down she smiled patting the boy's head. "Come on Alfie probably wants us for breakfast" he said standing up and grabbing Jason by the waist. "No!" He yelled holding onto Zatanna's waist as hard as he could. "What the hell?" She asked as Jason looked up at her with a sly smirk.

      She shot Dick a glare and he dropped Jason onto the bed. "Okay how about you get dressed and I'll carry you downstairs" she said as he looked up thinking. "Deal" he said jumping off the bed and running around the room. "I probably look like shit" she said as Dick frowned and took her hands in his. Leaning down he pressed his lips to them and looked up. "Zee you would be beautiful even if you fell in a compost bin" he said as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

     "I'm ready!" Jason yelled holding his arms up in the air. Standing up off the bed Zee picked him up with a sigh. "How old are you?" She asked repositioning her arms to hold him better. "Ten going on eleven" he said as Dick stifled a laugh. "Shut up Boy Blunder!" he spat aggressively at the laughing teen. Walking down the stairs Alfred greeted them with a warm smile. "Just like a family" he said as Dick and Zatanna blushed a bright red. "Dickie and Zee sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love then comes marriage then comes a-" his song stopped when a hand was smacked over his mouth.

     A sharp glare was aimed at him from Dick. "Master Dick I do not think violence is going to make Master Jason any less annoying" Alfred said as Zee sat the boy in his chair at the table. "Is the baby all better now?" She teased messing up Jason's hair. "Piss off will ya" he said as she scowled and pinched his cheek extra hard. "Ow" he said rubbing the red spot forming on his cheek. "Now I've made some biscuits and cream for breakfast just don't eat too much" Alfred said serving the food.

     "Why?" She asked slightly curious. "Because Master Dick wouldn't stop puking after eating six of them" he said as Dick frowned with a red blush across his cheeks. She giggled and began to eat the delicious meal.

A/N: Yep a Chalant chapter for you guys!

Skycrystal23  ;)     

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