Chapter 26

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     The bell rang as almost everybody ran out of the school. "Babe can we go shopping?" Linda asked as the red head closed his locker. He nervously scratched the back of his head. "As much as I'd love to go shopping with you I can't" he said as she huffed and crossed her arms. "Why not?" She whined as he rolled his emerald eyes. "I have something that I have to do for a friend" he said as she growled. "Your not being specific!" She hollered as people began staring.

     He blushed from embarrassment before someone tugged on his sleeve. "Are you coming?" The small voice asked as he turned around to see Artemis. "Your gonna have to pick one of us Wally!" Linda yelled as Artemis looked down not saying anything. Biting his lip he looked over at both Artemis and Linda. Now Artemis was like close to his best friend but Linda was his girlfriend. "I'm really sorry Arty-" "No its okay I just thought this would be important enough for you to care" she muttered before turning on her heel and walking down the hall.

     Linda wrapped her arms around his and dragged him the opposite way. Wally couldn't help but feel that he just really made a bad decision.

     The blonde walked out of the school towards her group of friends. "Where's Wally is he grabbing food?" Dick joked as she shook her head. "No he said he had to take Linda out" she said looking up at them sadly. "That motherf-" Dick placed his hand over his girlfriend's mouth before she could finish that sentence. "I just need to get changed first" she said as they nodded and walked to the limo that Dick and Zee arrived in.

     "You have mine and Mr. Wayne's condolences" Alfred said as they all squished into the slick black limo. "Thank you" she muttered as he began driving. Arriving at her 'new' home Zee and Megan went in with her. "Ollie! Artemis is here!" Roy yelled as they walked up the stairs to her room. The blonde quickly got changed into a form fitting black dress and heels.

     "Wow Artemis that's really-" "It was my Mother's favourite dress

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     "Wow Artemis that's really-" "It was my Mother's favourite dress. I got it altered so that it fit me, its the least I could do" she said cutting Megan off. They walked downstairs and Ollie handed her a bouquet of tigerlily's. He gave her a hug before the girls left back to the limo. Driving to the cemetery it was silent until the limo stopped and they all stepped out. Walking up to the grave she put a brave face on before kneeling in front of it.

     They were all taken aback when the blonde started speaking another language. "Tôi là mẹ rất xin lỗi vì những gì đã xảy ra với ban. Tôi có thể nói rằng tôi là một mình nhưng tôi không, Đây là những người bạn của tôi. Nếu không có họ tôi có lẽ sẽ chėt. Dù sao tôi yêu họ nhưng bạn sẽ luôn luôn có một vị trí đặc biệt trong trái tim tôi.
   (I'm so sorry mom for what happened to you. I could say that I'm alone but I'm not, these are my friends. Without them I would probably be dead. Anyways I love them but you'll always have a special place in my heart)".

     She put the tigerlily's down and bowed her head as a couple tears fell onto her hands. "It was very beautiful what you said" Dick said as she looked up at him blushing. "You know Vietnamese?" She asked as he helped her up. "Yeah Bruce enforces the rule of knowledge in the Manor" he said in a low voice. Before leaving she walked over to her father's grave and spat on it. "cặn bã bẩn thìu (filthy scum)" she spat before they left.

     "Where to Master Dick?" Alfred asked as they all squished into the limo again. "You guys can all come over to my house for a snack so we can chat" she said as they all nodded in agreement. The Butler drove them to her house as they stepped out and walked inside the Mansion. "I still can't believe he blew you off like that" Megan said as Artemis let out a sigh. "Linda comes first she is his girlfriend" she said as they all groaned at the mention of her name.

     "Artemis is right my friends, Wally will realize his choice soon enough" Kaldur cut in as they sat on the white couches in the living room. She really wasn't up for talking that much she was feeling rather depressed. "I fear I may have to punish him" Dick said pinching the bridge of his nose. Zatanna rested her head on his shoulder looking quite upset also. "So why were you two together?" Roquette asked raising an eyebrow.

     Dick gave her an uneasy look as Zee nodded. "Well two days ago she almost got raped in the Janitors closet at school but I hacked her phone and got there just in time" he said as they all gaped at the sudden news. "Zee are you okay?" Megan asked giving the ebony a tight hug. She gave a small nod and with all this commotion Artemis got her mind off of the main problem. That problem has a name; its Linda fricken Park.

     Dinah walked in with some cookies as everyone gave her a sweet smile. "Hey how are you holding up?" She asked looking down at the blonde. "I'll live" Artemis mumbled as she nodded and walked off. "Who was that?" Roquette asked in a low whisper. "Ollie's girlfriend Dinah" she responded as they all nodded. Munching was heard as they all looked over at Conner who had a now empty plate of cookies.

     "What?" He asked as everyone broke out into laughter, even Artemis. They all began telling stories until the daylight faded into darkness. "Hey Artt do you think I could stay over?" Megan asked as Artemis gave a small nod. "I again apologize greatly for your loss" Kaldur said as she walked everyone to the door. Roquette and Zee hugged he before their boyfriend's dragged them out the door. "I'll see you tomorrow Conner!" Megan chimed happily.

     He grunted and left as she began smirking at the red head. "He's a real catch" she said sarcastically as Megan frowned. "I think he's the best boyfriend ever" Megan responded as they walked up to Artemis's bedroom. As soon as the door closed Megan began yelling. "I still can't believe Wally ditched you like that for that-for that" she couldn't think of a word. "Slutty ass bitch" Artemis finished for her.

     "Yeah for that slutty ass bitch" Megan said as she gave the red head a skeptical look. I was a little weird because Megan didn't use profanity a lot. "I don't know what he sees in her" she said falling onto her bed. Megan sat in her green desk chair and began spinning in circles. "I know by the way Dick has described her I don't know how he got back together with her" she said as Artemis nodded in mutual agreement. "I won't metal with their relationship though" she sighed out as Megan's eyes went wide.

     "Your not!" She yelled as Artemis jumped slightly at the increased volume of her voice. "I know he's dumb but he'll see the error of his ways" she said as Megan almost exploded. "This will be one long night" the red head said as she face palmed.

A/N: I wish it could be longer but I'm literally falling asleep trying to write this. I promise next update will be longer!

Skycrystal23  ;)

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