Chapter 39

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"Thanks for inviting me over but you really didn't have too" Cassie said walking alongside Megan, Conner, Roquette and Garfield. "So do you think that Raven girl is single?" Gar cut in as Megan playfully elbowed him. "Actually I think she is" Roquette said as he looked up at the sky and let out a relieved sigh. "Noted. But what if she thinks I'm stupid?" He asked as Megan ruffled his red hair. "Gar just be yourself" she said as he smiled and nodded. Conner left and went to his house as the four continued their walk.

"So Cassandra-" "You can call me Cass or Cassie" she said as they nodded. "So Cassie do you have anyone in mind?" Megan asked wiggling her eyebrows. The blonde blushed a light pink as Roquette smirked. "Oh she does. She has the look going on right now" Roquette said as Gar gave them all confused looks. "I do not have the look" Cassie said as the two other girls giggled. "Okay fine I think Timothy Drake is cute" she muttered as Gar laughed.

"You like that smart asshole!" He laughed out as Megan swatted the back of his head. "Ow!" He yelled rubbing the back of his head with a frown. "Have you talked to him?" Megan asked as Cassie shook her head. "No he won't like me anyways" she said looking down as Roquette sighed. "If one thing its that guys always go after girls the complete opposite of them" she said as Cassie looked up with a small smile. They opened the door to Megan's house and went inside.

"Okay well I'm going to my room-" "No your not you're on dish duty remember!" Megan hollered as he ran up the stairs. "Yeah I'll do it later!" He yelled before a door slammed shut upstairs. "Boys" Megan said as the two girls giggled. "So Cassie you have a crush on Timothy?" Megan asked as they sat on the couch and turned on the television. "Well he's cute and apparently really smart" she said as Roquette and Megan shared a look with each other. Sly smirks appeared on their faces as they took their phones out.

     "Do you have a social media account?" Megan asked as Cassie shook her head. "No but-" "Okay so you should really create an account on Earth One" Roquette cut in as the blonde raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What's Earth One?" She asked curiously. Megan and Roquette sighed and took out Megan's laptop. "You have a laptop right?" Roquette asked as Cassie nodded. "Yep I got it last week before school started" she said happily as Megan pulled up Earth One's page. 

     "So this is basically a website like Facebook but way more free. Our school even has its own chat room see" Megan said pulling up her profile and logging into the chat room. "Its usually really boring but-ooh is that girl Barbara on here?" Roquette asked pointing to the screen. "I don't know guys this website looks really sketchy" Cassie said as the two rolled their eyes. "Come on live a little! I bet Tim's on here and you could talk to him" Roquette egged on until Cassie sighed. "Okay fine I'll create an Earth One account" she said as the two girls did a little victory cheer.

     They sat on the couch helping Cassie create her account for an hour. "What kind of question is this? What bra design are you wearing?" Cassie questioned. "Its just a question but seriously what design?" Megan asked as the blonde looked away. "Black lace" she muttered under her breath. "What I couldn't hear you" Megan said as Cassie looked up. "Black lace but I shouldn't put that down because it will make me seem like a stripper" she said as Roquette smirked.

     Taking the laptop she typed something in quickly. "There its sexy but not slutty" she said as Cassie looked at the answer Roquette typed in. "Really? Red with a little gold bow" she said as they all broke out into laughter. Within a couple minutes the account was set up and notifications immediately rang through their ears. "Look you got a friend request" Megan said in an excited tone. "Its from Gar" Cassie said as they all sighed. "What? Am I not allowed to be your friend?" Gar suddenly asked popping up from behind the couch. The three girls jumped quite startled by the boy.

     Dusk came as the blonde said her goodbye's. "Hey Dad can you pick me up?" She asked through the phone. He agreed and arrived minutes later. Getting into the car he immediately gave her a skeptical look. "So who were the girls you hung out with?" He asked as they drove by the pier. "Oh just some new friends. Megan and Roquette their really nice" she said as he nodded. Pulling into the driveway she hopped out of the car and stared up at the clusters of stars dancing across the sky.

     She lived thirty minutes outside of the City area so it was calm and quiet. "Mom I'm home!" She yelled through the house. The wonderful smell of chicken, seasoned rice and garlic bread filled the air. "What are you making?" She asked dropping her bag on the empty kitchen chair. "What I found at the store. Speaking of have you unpacked everything yet?" Her mother Helena asked as she looked down at her feet. "Cassandra-" "Look I'm almost done unpacking" she said as her Dad rolled his eyes.

     Silence fell over them as the sizzling of the meat filled their ears. "So I'll go start now and like be done when dinners ready!" She yelled before running down the hall to her room. The house was one story and her room had floor to ceiling windows facing the ocean. Labeled boxes were piled around the room. "This will take forever!" She yelled throwing her arms into the air before placing her hands on her hips. "But I can do it!" She said confidently as she began unpacking and placing everything where it needed to go.

     Her red double bed was in the corner against the wall as she fell onto it. "Cassandra dinner is on the table!" Her mother yelled as she groaned standing up and shuffling to the kitchen. Sitting down she listened in to her mother and father's converstation. "Cassandra what did you do at school today?" Her Mom asked as she blinked a couple times. "What? Oh yeah um I met some new friends. Zatanna, Megan, Roquette, Artemis, Kori, Raven and their boyfriends" she said as her parents both nodded.

     After dinner she almost fell asleep in the shower before shuffling to her room. Falling onto her bed she cuddled underneath with the soft red blankets before falling asleep. Today was definitely one of the most memorable days of her life.

Skycrystal23  ;)

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