Chapter 15

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Zatanna's Pov:
     After school I met up with Artemis and we walked straight towards the hospital. Her lip was still cut as a result of that night. Nonetheless we arrived and she made a B-line to Wally's room while I headed to Dick's. "Hey Zee" he said weakly. His chest must've felt like fire if it wasn't for the amount of painkillers they put him on.

     I smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead before sitting on the chair next to his bed. "So the teachers have decided to be cruel and still gave you homework" I said sighing. "Damn i thought getting stabbed could get me out of at least a months worth of homework" he said laughing slightly. "It's not a lot but it's still homework" I said rolling my blue eyes.

     He raised an eyebrow at me before painfully sitting up. "You're going to hurt yourself!" I said alarmed as I stood up and rushed to his side. "I'm okay calm down" he wheezed out. "Dick I don't want you in any more pain then you need to be in" I whispered kissing him softly. I yawned and rubbed my eyes tiredly. "You tired?" He asked placing his hand on my cheek. "Yeah, I didn't get much sleep last night I was too busy worrying about you" I said yawning again.

     He moved over and patted the bed beside him. "Thanks" I whispered curling up beside him. My eyes were heavy as I stared up at him. "You're too adorable" he said kissing my forehead. I blushed as I fought to stay awake. It didn't work so well as I found myself asleep in a matter of minutes. I woke up about two hours later to see him running his hands through my hair. "I see you have a fascination with my hair" I said stretching slightly.

     He blushed and pulled his hands away. "How was your cat nap?" He asked smirking. "Best nap I've had in a couple days" I said smiling brightly. It was true I haven't been sleeping well the past couple of days. "Hello Master Dick" a posh British voice said. We looked over at the doorway to see Bruce and his butler Alfred. "Hey Alfred" Dick said waving.

     Alfred walked over and held his hand out to me. "Pleased to meet you Miss Zatanna I've heard many things about you" he said as I shook his hand. "So I see you've come here after school" Bruce said as he took a seat in one of the empty chairs. "I thought I'd take a nap here with him while I had time" I said smiling while kissing Dick's cheek. He blushed a bright red and looked down out of embarrassment.

     I saw Bruce smile so I before his face returned to its regular poker face. I could see his badge on his belt and the gun in it's holster on his side. "You've just got off of work I see" Dick said eyeing the badge. "Yes Jim needed help on an irregular case" Bruce said as Dick raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything else about it.

     We all talked for another hour until my phone began ringing. "Excuse me" I said getting out of the bed and walking out of the room. "Hello?" I said into my phone. "I'm taking it that you're at the hospital" my dad's voice said through the phone line. I bit my lip as I forgot to call him and tell him that I was stopping by here. "I'm so sorry because I kinda took a nap as soon as I got here" I said quickly.

     I heard him sigh over the phone before speaking again. "I'll pick you up when the shop closes. I love you" he said before hanging up. A smile crept onto my face because the store didn't close for another hour. I walked back into the room and Dick's face lit up immediately. "Sorry it was my dad" I said apologizing. "Oh Giovanni?" Bruce asked as I sat on the edge of Dick's bed.

     I nodded and waited for his response. "I'll have to call him up soon" Bruce said as I nodded again. "I'll come by later Dick as Alfred and I have business to attend to" Bruce said before him and Alfred left. "What do you think Wally and Artemis are doing?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I shrugged and stared at the sun set out the window. "You've got such an amazing view" I said in awe.

     He sighed and laid back on his bed. "It's nice but it gets lonely at night" he said staring at the sunset outside. "You'll be out soon don't worry" I whispered kissing his cheek. He grabbed my hand and tugged me towards him so I sat beside him. He put his arm around me and laid his head on my shoulder. "When you get out we can go sit on the beach and watch the sunset" I said staring at his peaceful face.

     The colourful light from the sunset lit up his tired face in a vibrant orange. "That'd be nice" he said happily. "Your eyes are pretty" I said admiring his ocean blue eyes. "So are yours" he said staring back at me. Our eyes were locked as we leaned in and our lips met. He was so full of passion and it made my stomach erupt with butterflies.

     I kissed him back but made sure not to hurt him because I knew his chest was wrapped up and stitched. "Damn your beautiful" he whispered as he leaned his forehead against mine. I blushed a bright red, his compliments always made me feel better. "So are you, well I guess you'd be handsome" I whispered while smiling. I could tell he was tired because his eyes kept drooping.

     "It's okay to fall asleep" I whispered to him. He was leaning into me as his blue eyes closed. His chest rose up and down slowly as I carefully laid him on the bed and tucked him in. I kissed his cheek and held his hand as I watched the rest of the sun set. A knock on the door was heard so I turned around to see my dad. "Hey" I said quietly. He smiled as I stood up and walked over quietly being careful not to wake him.

     I closed the door as quiet as possible as we walked towards the elevator. "Is Artemis coming?" I asked as we stepped into the elevator. "She's a persistent girl. Artemis has decided to stay with Wally tonight" he said with a grin on his face. A huge smile was plastered to my face, she can't deny that she doesn't like him. "I made soup" he said as we walked to the car. "Chicken soup?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

     He smiled and messed up my hair. "As you always like it" he said starting the car and driving. I looked out the window as the hospital disappeared from view. "Sweet dreams Dick" I thought to myself.

Skycrystal23  ;)

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