Chapter 3

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He woke up and stretched, exhausted from the training he did last night. The teen trained for a couple hours in the gym before going to bed every night. He took a quick shower and changed into his school uniform before sliding down the railing of the stairs. "Master Dick I do advise that you shouldn't do that it's dangerous and reckless" Alfred scolded him as Je rolled my eyes.

Quickly he scarfed down a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk before picking up Wally for school. "Hey dude! How did the study date go last night?" he teased with a playful smile. Wally pulled his shirt up and the teen laughed to see the giant purple bruise on his back. "She flipped me and then left" Wally said as they arrived at the school.

Wally and Dick headed their separate ways as he happily headed to his mathematics classroom. Dick was early because he knew Zatanna came early. Walking into the quiet classroom to see the ocean eyed beauty smile up at him. He took his seat next to her trying to hide his reddened cheeks. "What's up Boy Wonder?" She asked twirling her jet black hair around her finger.

He took a deep breath. Swallowing the nervous lump in his throat "Nothing much. Anyways would you like to eat lunch again today?" he asked nervously looking down.

"Sure I'd love to! Can my friend Megan come also?" She asked flashing a pearly white smile.

Dick nodded staring at her as she giggled. "So how have you been?" he asked nonchalantly, more like chalantly.

"My dad had been so restricting lately. It feels like I'm arguing with a brick wall!" She said covering her blue eyes with her pale hands.

Her complexion was pale as snow complimented by her long wavy jet black hair and ocean blue eyes. "I know the feeling, Bruce can be like that sometimes" he said as she nodded.

     The bell rang as class began. It was boring except for the fact that Zatanna kept leaning on him and asking him to help her most of the time. The teen was a little bummed when mathematics ended because he had to part ways with the beauty. His eyes kept glancing to the clock until it rang at the end of his next class.

Bolting out of the classroom and down to the Cafertorium to meet the mathematics beauty. He saw her holding her purple and black lunch bag standing next to a taller red headed girl. "Hello I'm Megan Morse you must be Richard. Zee's told me a lot about you" she said smiling as he blushed a bright shade of red.

Zatanna elbowed the girl blushing as they walked to the table Wally was sitting at. He was smirking to himself as his attention was drawn towards the other end of the Cafertorium. "Hey Wally!" Megan said happily as she took a seat next to him. He smiled and said hello as they began their own conversation.

Dick stared at Zatanna as she sipped on her water bottle filled with fresh raspberries and lemons. "So what are you doing tonight?" he asked nervously as he fiddled with his water bottle.

"Nothing just nothing" she said sighing.

Her eyes were filled with hope as she stared at him. "Well I was um wondering if y-you would like to you know see a movie or something tonight if that's cool because Wally's busy and a tuff so-" he stumbled over his own words.

"I'd love to see a movie tonight. Here's my address pick me up at eight sharp" she said with a flirtatious wink.

He didn't realize that lunch was over as he watched her stand up and walk away with Megan. He put her address safe in his pocket and scurried away to his next class. Dick had Economics which was super boring. He sat next to this cool guy named Kaldur. He was sort of a hippie and a nature activist and stuff.

He walked over to the desk. "Hello my friend" Kaldur said smiling as he sat down. He was older than him by far but he took advanced classes since he was really smart. "Hey" he said taking out his binder and pencil case. He was thinking of Zatanna and the date they were going on tonight.

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