Chapter 43

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"Artemis get up!" A voice snapped as a pillow was chucked at the blonde. "Jade its like six" she whined as her sister growled. She hadn't even been living in the house for more than twenty-four hours and she was already bossy. "That dick head that called me a slut is at the door for you" Jade grumbled as Artemis sat up with a sparkle in her grey eyes. Not even bothering to change she scurried down the stairs. The red head blushed a bright red when he saw her attire. "Um Arty you're uh-" she looked down and blushed covering herself up.

"Here you go" Roy said walking by and handing her a blanket from the living room. "Why are you here?" She asked as he nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Hey Artemis don't forget to bring someone to the club with you later!" Jade yelled from the top of the stairs. "Club eh?" He asked as the blonde looked down blushing. "Yeah Jade and Roy are making me go but I have to bring someone" she said as he raised an eyebrow. "Okay I'll go" he said as she looked up surprised and slightly confused.

"But I didn't even ask you" she said as he smirked. "You didn't need too. Plus everyone's busy today but me so" he said as she nodded. "Let me get changed and then we can go for lunch or something?" She said as he nodded. Walking up the stairs as casual as possible she went into her room and shut the door quietly. "Hmm blue jeans, brown ankle boots and a green crop top? Sure" she said throwing her clothes on before putting her hair in a high ponytail and walking downstairs.

"Ollie I'm going out!" She yelled as her voice echoed through the Mansion. Shrugging she grabbed her brown leather jacket and slipped it on before leaving. "How's Linda?" She asked as they walked down the sidewalk. "Good we actually went shopping this morning and-" "I was just asking to be nice I don't actually want to hear what you did with her this morning" she said giving him a sharp glare. He rolled his emerald eyes as they approached a little diner. "We can eat here" she said as he nodded following her in.

     Sitting at a booth the waitress brought them their drinks as she started loading her straw up with small pieces of napkin. Blowing into the straw it hit him in the face. "What the hell was that for?" He asked putting his menu down as she smirked and blew another piece of paper at him. "Oh its on" he said with a dashing smirk as he loaded small pieces of napkin into his straw. "Okay I surrender!" She said giggling when she saw the amount of paper balls in his hair. "You know I tried doing this one time with Linda and she flipped me off" he said with a frown as Artemis stopped laughing.

It got awkwardly silent until the waitress brought their food over. "So I have to go to the archery range after so you can come or just meet me at the Mansion later so we can go clubbing" she said putting air quotations around 'club Bing with her fingers. "Sure I'll watch you do your bow and arrow stuff" he said with a goofy smile as she rolled her eyes. They finished and he followed her to a large building with a fake field inside. "Damn Roy's not here yet" she said walking over to Oliver.

The man immediately placed a hand on his hip and glared at Wally. "H-hey sir" he said as the man growled. "Chill out Ollie I'm just showing Wally how to as he said it do the bow and arrow thing" she said as his cheeks turned as red as his hair. Taking her jacket off she grabbed her specially crafted contractible bow and knocked an arrow in it. Taking a deep breath she stared at the dummy and released the arrow. Wally gulped when he saw the arrow lodged right in the middle of the dummies head.

"You try" she said handing him the bow as he shook his head. "N-no running is what I do not shoot arrows like Robin Hood" he said as she smirked. "I bet you five bucks you can't hit that dummy" she said placing her hands on her hips. She knew he would never turn down a bet. "I bet you five bucks I can and I will" he said as she watched him hold the bow up. "Okay pull your elbow back like this" she said gently pulling his elbow back. A blush spread across his cheeks and he felt weird.

"Wow you're a natural" she said with a small smile. "Well I've learned from watching you during Gym Class" he said as it was her turn to blush. Letting the arrow go it skimmed across the side of the dummies face. "Ooh looks like you owe me five bucks wall-man" she said as he threw his arms in the air. "That should count it skimmed its face!" He hollered as she began laughing. "I said hit the dummy not skim it so pay up" she said as he grumbled pulling the five dollars out of his pocket and handing it to her.

An arm went around Artemis's shoulder as she looked up to see Roy. "Its about time what the hell took you so long" she said as he rolled his eyes walking over to his bow. "Jade" he said shooting an arrow as it hit the target perfectly. "What? But he-but he wasn't even looking!" Wally said in amazement as Roy shrugged. "Heads!" A feminine voice yelled as Artemis swiftly turned around and caught the knife an inch before it hit her in the face. Jade walked over with some throwing knives in her hand smirking.

Roy, Oliver and Wally all paled. "Still have your reflexes I see" Jade said as Artemis rolled her eyes. "The last time you threw a knife at me and I didn't catch it I sliced my arm open. Trust me I learned my lesson" she said tossing the knife to her sister. Jade looked at the target as threw the knives as they all hit vital places on the dummy. "Remind me never to piss you off" Roy said as Jade smirked kissing his cheek. Wally stepped closer to Artemis and hid behind her. "Your sister will kill me!" He whisper yelled as Artemis chuckled and moved out of the way.

He paled and nearly fainted when Jade turned around with the throwing knife in her hand. Everyone laughed the next couple of hours when Jade hit a dummy and Wally would jump ten feet in the air. "Okay I think that's enough for today" Oliver said as him, Roy, Artemis and Jade put their weapons away. They all walked back to the Mansion after grabbing a bottle of water. "So is he coming with us?" Jade whispered into her sister's ear. Artemis nodded as Jade smirked as wide as the Cheshire cat.

When they set foot inside the Mansion Roy took Wally to his room as Jade and Artemis went into her room. "What about this?" Jade asked modeling a very short green dress. "No, you look like a slut" the blonde said crossing her arms over her chest. "Then you wear it" Jade said as Artemis shook her head. "No-" "Artemis" "No" they argued before Jade gave up. Eventually they agreed on clothes as they got changed and fixed themselves up. Artemis wore high-waisted jean shorts and a long sleeved black crop top.

     Jade had on a pair of black heels and a knee length form fitting green strapless dress. Walking downstairs they saw Roy and Wally standing in the front foyer looking bored. Artemis was surprised to see that Wally had cleaned up himself good. He had on a pair of blue jeans, red bottom up top with a couple buttons left undone and his fiery red hair was gelled back. "Can we go now?" Roy asked as Jade shot him a glare. "Yeah but be quiet about it or Ollie will freak" Artemis whispered as they all left the Mansion.

     "What about I.D's? Artemis and I aren't old enough to get in" Wally said as Jade opened her purse and took out two fake I.D's. They all gave Jade suspicious looks but she just rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah Artemis don't drink anything that a random guy brings to you" Jade warned as her sister raised an eyebrow. "Why?" She asked as Jade sighed. "They're most likely be a drug in it" she said as Artemis made an 'O' with her mouth and nodded. Arriving at the club they walked to the front of the Club cutting the line.

     Roy flashed his I.D and a charming smile as the bouncer nodded and let them all in. The music blared through their ears as they looked around at everyone dancing on the dance floor. This was definitely going to be a newer experience.

Skycrystal23  ;)

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