Chapter 4

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"Miss Crock you are to join the swim team if not you will be held back a grade!" The principal Mr.Kent yelled. "Why the hell should I! It's so damn stupid!" The blonde screamed as her face was flushed with anger. "After school at three o'clock sharp. I expect to see you there Miss Crock" and with that Artemis stood up and stomped out of the office.

It was lunch now so she walked to the Cafertorium and grabbed a sandwich and water bottle. Heading outside the fresh air soaked into her body. Outside was nice to say the least, one of her favourite places to be during stressful times. She usually sat alone but today was different to say the least."Hey Arty mind if I sit with you? Of course not, what's up?" The red headed boy asked sitting beside her under the large maple tree.

"Artemis it's Artemis" she mumbled under her breath which only made him smirk.

He shifted towards her making her shift away from him. "Can I have half of your sandwich?" He asked eying it hungrily. "No" she said taking a bite out of it. When he tried to grab at it she held a switch blade to his neck. "I wouldn't advise doing that" she threatened flicking the blade away and putting it back onto her jacket pocket.

He gulped but continued speaking like nothing had happened. "So are we going to work on the project after school beautiful?" He asked smirking evilly. He knew he was getting to her which he liked. "Can't, I have swim practice" she said confidently. Maybe joining the swim team wouldn't be to bad after all.

He frowned but then started smiling. "Cool I'll join too so we can hang out" he said and with that he stood up and walked away smiling from ear to ear. She growled suddenly loosing her appetite. "Hey idiot want my sandwhich?" She yelled to Wally who was walking across the field.

He ran over to her and looked at the half eaten sand which in her hand. "What did you do to it?" He asked taking it but raising an eyebrow. "Nothing your idiocy just made me loose my appetite" she countered as she turned on her heel and walked towards the school. He shrugged his shoulders and ate the sand which she gave him.

He had lunch money until someone stole it from his locker. The rest of lunch flew by like a bird. Gym started and the blonde girl was in the usual archery area.

'Does this girl ever do anything besides shooting arrows and trying to hurt me?' he thought to himself.

"Hey Arty" he said dragging the nickname out because he knew she hated it.

"Leave me alone" she muttered shooting yet another bulls-eye.

"Do you ever do anything besides archery?" he asked crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

"Do you ever do anything besides annoying me!" She yelled back shooting an arrow right beside his head.

His breath hitched as his face went pale for a moment. "What the hell's wrong with you! You could've missed and killed me!" he yelled ripping the bow from her hands.

Artemis glared hard at him as she crossed her arms. "I don't miss you idiot" she said flatly as she snatched the bow back. He left the gymnasium skipping the rest of gym class.

'Why do I feel guilty all of a sudden?' she thought to herself.

The girl missed every target after he let which was quite odd. She headed to her Ancient Mythologies class next. The blonde sat in the back corner like usual looking out the window. A guilty feeling washed over her. She knew it was wrong for shooting at him like that. She knew she wouldn't have missed but it was still morally wrong to do.

The girl was suddenly brought back into reality when the teacher said her name. "Miss Zatara since you're late to my class you may take a seat next to Miss Crock in the back" Mr. Fate said as she groaned. 'Great another person who might annoy me' she thought to herself.

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