Chapter 42

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     Her phone began buzzing as she looked at the contact name. "Dinner really?" she asked herself reading the text that Dick had sent her. She had just turned down the corner of her street when the text came through. "Dad will probably want to see me though but then again he still thinks I'm at the Amusement Park" she said thinking of the pros and cons in her head. Sighing she texted him back and waited where she stood. A couple minutes later his sports car pulled up next to the sidewalk as she opened the door and stepped in. "So you think of dinner ten minutes after you drop me off?" she said as he shrugged revving the engine. "In my defense Bruce called and said that we were meeting some businessman for dinner tonight and I needed to bring a date along" he said as she paled. "But I have nothing to wear and I can't go like this" she said as he smirked pulling up to the mall.

     "Have you forgotten that I am Gotham's technical Prince?" he said with a sly smirk as she rolled her blue eyes at him. "Then again we're most definitely not in Gotham you goof" she said ruffling his ebony hair. He slipped his dark shades on as they walked into the large mall. "So what restaurant are we going to? Is it like fancy-fancy? Or like fancy casual?" she asked as he gave her a confused look. "What the hell is fancy-fancy supposed to mean?" he asked in confusion as she sighed pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Like is it a really nice restaurant where the dress code is formal or is it a fancy restaurant but the dress code is classy and casual?" she asked as he made an 'O' shape with his face. "Um we're meeting at the Perennial Chateau" he said as she placed her hands on her hips. "Yeah that's an example of a fancy-fancy restaurant" she said before grabbing his hand and dragging him into various stores.

     The boredom was overwhelming him as he followed her around the different dress stores. "Why are you worrying so much its just a dinner" he said as her head snapped around as she glared at him furiously. "Dick this dinner is something probably not as important for you but as your girlfriend I have to look presentable!" She snapped before her eyes lit up. "Ooh I want this one!" She squealed taking it down from the hooks and walking to a changeroom. He quickly put the other dresses back and walked to the changing area.

"Okay I think I like this one" she said walking out and doing a little twirl.

      "Yeah I think I like it too" he said as she giggled nodding

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"Yeah I think I like it too" he said as she giggled nodding. Turning around she changed back into her clothes and walked to the cashier. The cashier immediately recognized Dick when she saw the name pop up on the screen when he used his card. "Dick Grasyon?!" She squealed as he winced front her high pitched voice. "Lets go Zee" he said immediately grabbing Zatanna's hand and dragging her out of the store. "We'll go back to the Manor because paparazzi will be swarming here the time we're done" he said as she nodded in surprise.

Getting into his car they sped away just as the reporters started running into the mall. "Wait but what about my hair?" She asked as a wicked smirk appeared on his face. "Don't underestimate Alfred's hairdressing skills" he said as she stuck her tongue out at him. Arriving at the Manor his phone began buzzing. "Damn Tim doesn't have a date" he muttered as Zatanna raised an eyebrow. "Tim as in Timothy Drake?" She asked as he nodded. "Yeah we're like brother's. He's a family friend and Bruce is his godfather if anything happens to his parents" he said as Zatanna's eyes lit up.

"Tell him to ask Cassie! She's like head over heels for him" she said as Dick made an 'O' look with his mouth. His fingers glided across the keyboard of his phone as he texted Tim. A couple minutes later Zee's phone began ringing. "Zee Tim just asked me to a dinner what should I say?" Cassie's voice asked nervously. "Say yes!" She yelled as the blonde on the other end of the phone winced. "Okay" she said before hanging up abruptly. "So is she going to say yes or?" "Well of course she just needed some guidance" Zee said with a smirk as he rolled his eyes.

"What? Guidance from you?" He snickered as she elbowed him in the side. Within the hour she was all gussied up and even Dick looked more handsome than usual. "You were right when you said Alfred was a hairdresser" she said in surprise as she stared at her braided bun in the mirror. A knock was heard at the Manor door as Bruce answered it. She noticed the kind look he had on his face instead of his usual scowl or brood. Walking inside the Manor she saw Tim with Cassie trailing behind him.

"Cassie!" She yelled scurrying over and engulfing the blonde in a hug. "Hey" she said blushing as Tim gave her a funny look. "Just be yourself so stop being nervous" she whispered as Cassie looked at her in fear. Zee could tell that she really liked Tim by how scared she was being. "Be yourself" she reassured before walking back over to Dick. "Oh Zee this is Tim although I think you've met him already" he said as she nodded shaking his hand. "I think you should talk to Cassie cause she's looking rather out of place" Dick said shoving him over to her.

She looked up and saw Tim standing there with a faint blush spread over his cheeks. "Hey what are you thinking?" He asked as she looked up with a twinkle in her eyes. "Wouldn't you like to know" she said playfully. She remembered what Zatanna said and was trying to be herself. "Oh um I was just asking I didn't-" "It was a joke" she said with an adorable giggle. He hadn't really seen her like this before. When he first saw her she was a nervous and shy girl. "So why did you ask me?" She asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Ask you what?" He asked as she gave him a weird look. "Ask me to dinner tonight? You could've asked like anyone else" she said exaggerating mildly on the whole subject. "Um well I was going to but then I was nervous then Dick told me to ask you so I said 'yeah maybe she will go with me' and then I called you" he said as she nodded. Bruce began speaking as they all nodded and went outside to the limo. "So what do your parents do?" He asked as she raised an eyebrow. "My parents. Gosh I don't really know I don't pay attention to that stuff. They are like the CEO's of two different charities but that's all I really know" she said as he nodded. "My parents are business partners with Bruce that's how I know Dick and Jason. Speaking of Jason where is he?" He asked.

"Oh he's actually grounded for breaking another vase" Dick said as Tim stifled a laugh. Cassie sat there silently until they arrived at the restaurant. "So what do you do in your spare time?" Tim asked as they took a seat at the large table. Bruce was greeting Lex and his assistant Mercy. "I am working to be in this years bodybuilding competition" she said as he gave her an amused look. "You don't look that strong" he said as she smirked. "Arm wrestle me right now" she said as he blushed.

     "We're at din-" "I don't care arm wrestle me right here right now. Unless your chicken" she taunted as he sighed. "Fine but I'm going to win" he said as she rolled her eyes. As soon as he said go she slammed his hand down onto the table. "Best two out of three?" He asked as she nodded. He lost every single time causing him to want to win even more. The food came so they had to stop but a wide smirk was plastered to her face. Lets just say that technically holding his hand was like amazing to her.

Skycrystal23  ;) 

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