Chapter 29

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The school bell rang for lunch as she met up with Kaldur. "I'm really regretting not joining them" she said taking her seat at the lunch table. "I'm thinking that our friends are having more fun at the moment also" he said sighing as she nodded eating the crappy cafeteria pizza. "Did Dick send you the directions?" She asked as he gave her a stern look. "As much as I would love to skip class my love it just wouldn't work" he said as she smirked and leaned forward.

"Pretty please sweetie?" She asked batting her eyes at him. "Besides if we leave now we'll get there in like an hour" she said as he sighed. She knew that sigh and immediately began doing a little dance. "Thanks baby" she said kissing his cheek ad they dumped their disgusting lunches in the garbage and walked down the hall. "So I need to get my swimsuit and I know you have yours in your locker" she said as he nodded taking her hand in his.

The hallway was quiet as their footsteps echoed off of the walls and lockers. Everyone was either in the cafeteria eating or catching up on homework in class. Opening his locker he took his swim trunks out and neatly folded them. She opened her backpack and stuffed them in as he frowned. "Your so adorably neat and tidy" she said smiling at him brightly. He tried fighting off an oncoming smile but it didn't prove successful. A goofy smile appeared on his face as they heard a sudden voice.

"What is the reason you two have for being in the halls during lunch hour?" The hall monitor asked in a snappy voice. She shot the boy a death glare as Kaldur stepped in. "I am escorting Roquette here to her home because she has become ill" he said as the boy raised a suspicious eyebrow. "She doesn't look ill" he said tapping his foot on the ground impatiently. "Look I'm on my fricken period and I'm feeling rather moody so leave us the hell alone!" She yelled as Kaldur paled slightly as did the hall monitor.

"I am so sorry to bother you then miss at such an untimely matter. Please carry on with your business" he said before walking away quite flushed from embarrassment. "That was your best excuse?" He asked slightly amused as they walked to his car. "It worked didn't it" she snapped as he nodded quickly in response. "I'm just messing with you. I knew he wouldn't bother us when I said that" she said as he raised an eyebrow while opening the passenger door for her.

"Please elaborate" he said turning the key in the ignition as the car roared to life. "Some men other than you get rather uncomfortable around that stuff" she said as he still looked at her utterly confused. Driving out of the parking lot she began to snicker at his baffled face. "Kal we've been dating for almost a year and you're a gentleman that stuff never bothered you" she said playfully pinching his cheek. Driving passed the pier they arrived at her beach house.

     Opening the door for her she smiled and stepped out of the car. "I'll be like five minutes!" She yelled running to the door and inside of the house. Rummaging around her drawers she took out her grey, black and white one piece. Changing into it she heard a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in!" She yelled as Kaldur walked in with his eyes covered. "Am I allowed to take my hands off of my eyes?" He asked as she laughed and removed his hands from his eyes. "That looks very ravashing my love" he said kissing her hand as a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

     "Come on we're going to be late otherwise" she said pulling a pair of jean shorts and a black T-shirt on over top

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     "Come on we're going to be late otherwise" she said pulling a pair of jean shorts and a black T-shirt on over top. Walking back to the car he opened the door once again for her as she smiled. "Why are you always such a gentleman?" She asked as they began driving. "Well I've learned to treat everyone with respect but women should always be treated like princesses" he said as she crossed her arms. "You've never called me a princess" she mumbled with a frown.

    "My love you're my Queen, I will always put you before myself" he said as a blush traveled across her cheeks. "I don't know how you put up with my crap all of the time" she said while laughing. "We balance each other out" he said as she nodded with a sly smile. Picking up her phone she quickly dialed Megan's number. "Hello?" Megan said across the phone line. Yelling was heard in the background followed by laughter.

     "Girl we're heading your way now" she said rolling down the window to let the cool breeze travel through the car. "Yes-guys Roquette and Kaldur are coming!" She yelled in the background. "What's all the yelling?" She asked curiously because it mostly sounded like Artemis. "The short story is that Wally stole Artemis's swim top so she's running around covering her chest up screaming threats at him" she said as Roquette nodded slightly amused. "Anyways we'll see you soon" she said as Megan agreed and hung up.

     "Our friend Wally is not very wise" Kaldur said shaking his head ad they entered a forested road. "How did you know it had something to do with that blithering idiot?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Your phone volume was on max" he said as she made an 'O' face in response to his answer. "How long until we get there?" She asked turning the radio on. "About twenty minutes" he said as she nodded and made herself comfortable getting ready for a quick nap.

     "I'm going to shoot an arrow through your foot so you won't be able to run anymore!" She yelled as the red head ran around her laughing while holding her swim top. "You'll shoot me? With what arrows?" He taunted as she smirked seeing Conner walk up behind him and grab him by the waist. "Here you go" he said handing her-her swim top. He began walking towards the water as the red head began yelling. While putting her top back on with the cover of Megan and Zatanna she heard a splash.

     "Hey Arty how about a hug?" He asked running out of the water towards her. The blondes face paled when he jumped on her. Falling to the sand he looked down at her blushing. "Sorry I didn't mean to knock you over" he said staring down at her. She blushed a furious red trying to look anywhere but at him. "Are you going to maybe not crush me anymore?" She asked still blushing as he nodded and stood up. She took his hand that he held out to her.

     "Again I'm sorry for trampling you like that" he said as she playfully punched him in the arm. "Its okay" she said as an awkward silence filled the air. Megan and Zatanna broke it by hauling her away. "Girl you should've kissed him!" Megan whisper yelled once they got further away from the boys. "He has a girlfriend if you didn't know" she said as the two girls let out a sigh. "Oh yeah I forgot about her" Zee said glumly as they heard yelling behind them.

     Turning around they saw Kaldur and Roquette waving. "Come on!" Megan yelled happily running towards them. Artemis and Zee groaned before running to catch up with the energetic girl. "You made it!" Megan yelled as Roquette nodded. She noticed Wally sitting alone by the edge of the water. Walking over she sat next to him in the warm sand. "Something on your mind?" She asked nudging him with her shoulder. He glanced over at her and shrugged.

     "You know you can tell me right" she said as he nodded in response. "Seriously what's up Baywatch?" She asked as he raised an eyebrow. "You've only called me that like one other time" he said as she nodded with a faint blush spread across her cheeks. "Well I haven't really seen you lately to call you it" she said looking out at the calm waves lapping against the beach. "Artemis! Wally! We're going up to the cars to grab something we'll be right back!" Zee yelled as they both turned around and gave their friends a thumbs up.

     It was quiet between the two of them and she could feel his gaze locked onto her. "Your staring" she said looking over at him as he sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "I was?" He said in a high voice as she rolled her grey eyes at him. She found herself staring into his eyes for an awfully long time. Within a second she felt his lips pressed to hers. She kissed him back but it didn't last long. She watched as he pulled away and scrambled to stand up.

     Her eyes were widened in shock as her face read pain and hurt. "Just forget that ever happened" he said running hid hand through his fiery red hair. She sat there not knowing what to say as he looked at her one last time before walking away. Sitting there the cool water touched her toes as she touched her lips. "Why did that feel so natural?" She asked herself in a low whisper. Everyone ran down back to the beach and over to her.

     "Why did Wally just leave?" Megan asked slightly confused. She looked down and shrugged trying to lie. "I don't know, he wouldn't tell me anyways" she said letting the hurt show in her voice as they all sighed.

A/N: I know two chapters in one night!

Skycrystal23  ;)        

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