Chapter 70

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Her emerald eyes fluttered open as an arm snaked around her waist. Abruptly she was pulled into someone's chest as her body tensed up. Last night was such a blur until everything came flooding back to her. "Hey i'mma have to go now baby. Bruce'll be needing me" he whispered into her ear sending chills up her spine. Nodding she felt the weight of the bed shift as he got up. Kori was as still as a plank of wood as she waited for him to leave. She clutched the blanket as hard as she could watching her knuckles turn white.

     She waited until the sound of his car revving outside disappeared in the distance. "I am the bad" she whispered as tears streamed down her cheeks. Standing up with the blanket wrapped around her she walked to the washroom. The thing she mostly remembered was how rough he was being. When she locked the washroom door she let the blanket fall to see the damage. Her lips were swollen and bruise marks in the shape of fingers around her hips and arms. "I am the dirty" she whispered as more tears clouded her emerald eyes.

     Turning the shower on and stepping in she hoped the warm water would wash away her pain. At the time she thought she wanted it but now that it was done she wished she never let him into the house. While in the shower her eyes shot open as she ran out wrapping her robe around her body. Stumbling down the stairs she searched the house looking for Raven. Looking outside there was an indent in the snow and dozens of footprints. Frowning this only made her begin to cry harder.

Running into the house she grabbed her cellphone and dialed the last person she talked to. "Hello?" A tired voice asked as Kori looked at the number. She had called Megan, they were texting about a good time the two of them could go shopping the day before. "Friend Megan I have done the bad and now-and now friend Raven is missing!" She cried out as the line went silent for a couple minutes. "Kori she's at Artemis's house. Gar was calling Raven this morning and Artemis picked up her phone" Megan said as Kori continued sobbing.

Taking a deep breath she wiped her tears and stood up. "Thank you friend Megan" she said before hanging up and scurrying upstairs. Pulling on a T-shirt, shorts and her jacket as she ran out of the house with her boots barely on. Jumping in her car she spew over to Artemis's house with tears clouding her vision. The gate opened as she drove up and got out of the car. Eagerly knocking on the door she kept wiping away the oncoming tears. An older blonde lady opened the door giving her a concerned look.

Kori began to babble about what had happened as Dinah let her into the Mansion. "Wait here I'll go and get-" Dinah began.

"I'm right here" Raven said in a bitter voice.

Kori ran over and engulfed the young teen in a hug. "I am of the sorry friend Raven! I am the bad person and the dirty!" She cried out as Raven sighed and patted her back. "So you're the girl who locked her out of the house" Jade said walking down the stairs scowling at Kori. "I did not do the meaning to. Richard would not let me answer the door" she sniffled out pulling away from Raven. Another pair of footsteps were heard as Artemis walked down the stairs. "How about we all of this discussion over breakfast?" Dinah asked as they all nodded.

Dinah was cooking as the four teens sat at the table. "Kori are you okay?" Raven asked as the girl nodded with a frown. The young teen shot the red head a knowing look as Kori sighed. "No I am not the fine. He was the rough and it hurt" she sniffled off taking her jacket off to show them the marks on her arms. "Yeah he's been kind of a dick lately and I'm going to beat the crap out of him when school starts up again" Artemis said as Kori nodded. She began to space out as her stomach began to feel funny.

They all called her name but she didn't hear them as she got increasingly pale. "Koriand'r!" Raven yelled as Kori shot up and dashed out of the kitchen. Raven ran after her as Artemis followed in tow. The red head was hunched over the toilet in the washroom puking her guts out. Raven stood over her rubbing her back soothingly until she finished. "Are you okay?" Raven asked as Kori nodded wiping her face with some tissue before flushing the toilet. "I am the sorry, it was probably from the sickening talk" she said as Artemis nodded.

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