Chapter 54

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Halloween started to approach as the girls sat in the auditorium of the school working on their costumes. "Zee pass me the clips" the blonde said as Zatanna tossed a bag of clips over. After an hour of convincing the principal to let them use the auditorium they were allowed. Currently they sat on the stage with materials strewn about around them. "We're so going to win this contest" Roquette said while sewing the leather jacket together. The school was holding a costume contest at the dance on Friday and they entered as a group. The theme this year was heroes and villains. 

"The guys' stink" a voice said as they looked forward seeing Cassie with two boy's trailing nervously behind her. "Who are these two?" Artemis asked raising an eyebrow. The red headed kid looked somewhat like Wally. "Oh these are my two best friends-I mean you guy's are to but yeah!" Cassie quickly said as the Hispanic boy sighed. "I'm Jaime Reyes and this is Bartholamew Allen" he said with a smug grin as the red head punched him in the arm. "Its just Bart" he grumbled as the three of them hopped up onto the stage.

     It was silent until Artemis spoke up. "So Bart, Jaime how do you two know each other?" She asked eyeing the two boys as they immediately started blushing. "We're um..." Bart trailed off looking down at his lap in silent. Everyone heard Zatanna gasp as she began squealing uncontrollably. Megan caught on as the two girls began to hug the boy's. "Okay I'm lost" Roquette said as Cassie giggled. "These two are dating!" Megan exclaimed as Jaime and Bart's faces went as red as tomatoes. All of the girls gave the two boy's bright smiles before they continued working on their costumes.

Fortunately they had all taken a fashion class which some of them liked more than other's. "Hey do you know where Kori and Raven are?" Megan asked while measuring her waist for the skirt she was making. "Oh I saw them talking with Dick and Garfield. Well Kori was talking and Gar was cracking very corny jokes" Cassie said as Zatanna let out an annoyed sigh. The auditorium doors opened as Kori skipped down the aisle with Raven shuffling behind her. "What a glorious day it is friends!" Kori exclaimed with her usual bright smile.

They climbed up onto the stage and sat between Roquette and Cassie. "Where's your costume?" Artemis asked as Kori tilted her head to the side before a look of realization made its way onto her face. "Oh do not do the worrying friends! My costume is being sent here" She said as they all raised an eyebrow except for Raven. "Anyways does everyone know what hero they're being?" Artemis asked as a series of different hero names were called out. "Miss Martian, oh I'm that magician girl, Rocket, Raven, Wondergirl and Starfire" all of them said the different names as Artemis nodded.

It was getting so eerily quiet and draining to be sitting there so Cassie walked up to the sound booth. "Girl what are you doing?" Roquette yelled as Cassie plugged her phone in. "Tim taught me how to use it don't worry!" She yelled over to them as music began to play. Everyone immediately felt less stressed and bored.

Four hours later:
Most of the costumes were done except for some minor accessories they could add on later. They met up with the boys who said that they had little to no progress on their costumes. "I'm starving can we go now?" Wally whined standing beside Artemis who was texting Jade. "Shut it Wall-man" she snapped before sending the text and turning to face him. He was hungry and invited her over for an early Thanksgiving dinner. "Now we can go" she said as he smiled and eagerly grabbed her wrists dragging her out of the school.

     He ran so fast that she had to stop but he still had ahold of her wrist. When she stopped he got tugged back to her as they fell over on the pavement. "Are you okay?" He asked as she stared up into his mesmerizing emerald eyes. He gulped and move off of her as she blinked a couple of times. "Yeah I'm okay" she quickly said so she wouldn't leave his question hanging. Standing up they brushed the gravel and rocks off of their clothes. "Can we just walk?" She asked as he nodded.

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