Chapter 16

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Eight months later:
     Wally and Dick arrived back at school three months back with a full bill of health. Artemis moved in with Roy and Oliver two months back also. The cool air of spring and freedom filled the students noses as they eagerly waited for the school bell to ring. The beginning of Spring Break began as soon as the bell rang. RING! RING!

     All of the students cheered as they ran out of the school. They all met up in the parking lot by Dick's car and Artemis's motorcycle. "So everyone go home and pack, Wally and I will pick you guys up at Artemis's house" Dick said before kissing Zee's cheek and getting in his car. Bruce had allowed them to all go up to beach house for Spring Break. Megan and Zatanna ran home as Wally got on the back of Artemis's bike.

     "You know how embarrassing this is" he huffed wrapping his arms around her waist. "Would you like to walk home instead?" She asked revving the engine. "No" he muttered as she sped off out of the school parking lot. They hadn't actually gone out yet or anything, they were somewhat friends. "See you later" she said before speeding off towards Oliver's house.

     "So did you invite your boyfriend?" Zee asked nudging Megan with her arm. The red head blushed as they walked down the road towards her house. Zatanna had packed the day before and stayed at Megan's house overnight so she didn't have to walk all the way into the City only to walk back lugging her suitcase behind her. "Of course" the girl responded as she unlocked the door.

     She built up enough courage to ask him out and they've been a 'thing' ever since. "Hello M'gann" her Uncle greeted from the living room couch. Unlike everyone else her Uncle and Conner were the only two who used her original name from her home country. "Hey Uncle J'ohnn" she said giving him a hug. Zee waved hello as they walked up to Megan's room. It was very pink with the exception of the little green teddy bear Conner got her.

     Zee fell onto her bed and sighed with a small smile apparent on her face. "Hurry up and pack, we gotta be at Artemis's in half an hour" Zee said before checking her bag again. Sure enough Megan finished and they both ran down the stairs. "Uncle J'ohnn do you think you can drive us to Artemis's house?" She asked batting her eyes. "Okay" he said standing up and placing his hat on before they walked out of the door.

     "Oh dude, I get to drive this" Wally said in shock. He and Dick were both driving separate cars because of the amount of people coming. He saw a nice red Hummer in front of him as Dick tossed him the keys. "Just get in the car and drive we need to pick up the guys first" he said jumping in his slick black Lamborghini. Wally got in and smirked to hear the Hummers engines.

     He picked up Kaldur and his girlfriend Roquette and then Conner before he drove to Artemis's house. He parked in the driveway behind Dick's car as they all got out. "Hey Walls" Roy said with a sly smirk. "Yo what's up" Wally said giving him a high five. They walked in to see Dick sitting on the bench with a tired looking face. "Where are they?" Wally asked as Roy spoke with Kaldur and Conner.

     "I'll go check on them" Roquette said as she walked up the marble steps. "Well I got here and apparently Artemis had a break down so they're calming her down" he said as they heard the girls voices erupting upstairs. He ran up the stairs and burst into her room to see Megan and Zatanna hugging her and patting her head while Roquette kneeled in front of her. "What happened?" He asked walking closer to the distraught blonde.

     Megan and Zatanna shot him death glares when he spoke. "C-can I speak to W-Wally alone" she said in a shaky voice. "Okay honey we'll take your suitcase downstairs and what for you in the car" Roquette said as the girls stood up and walked out of the room with her suitcase. He saw beside her on her soft green bed as she wiped her tears. "What happened Arty?" He asked wrapping his arm around her.

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