Chapter 64

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     Thursday rolled around as Jade was fast asleep in bed. Her sleep schedule was usually out of wack but ever since she passed her six month of pregnancy she had been sleeping more. Eight months going on her last one soon was starting to get more tiring. "Hey" Roy whispered as he sat up watching her turn around and wrap her arms around his waist. When she was half asleep she was usually more touchy feely and affectionate. "Hey Ollie and I are going to the gym I'll see you later at the baby shower" he whispered leaning down and kissing the top of her head.

     Unwrapping her arms from around his waist he stood up and got changed. He made sure to tuck her back in gently before leaving. By the time she was fully awake it was when Artemis had walked in. Jade felt someone poking her as she groaned and pressed her face further into the pillow. "The baby shower is starting in an hour so get up and get dressed" her sister said before walking out of the room. After a couple minutes she sat up and shuffled to the washroom attached to the bedroom.

     Rubbing her eyes she turned the shower and stripped from her clothes before stepping in. The warm water did not help her wake up at all. After a couple of minutes standing there with her eyes closed the water changed to freezing cold. Her eyes shot open as she heard snickering. Fixing the temperature she poked her head out to see Roy leaning against the counter brushing his teeth. "Looked like you needed something to wake you up" he said with a cheeky smile as she growled and mumbled curse words under her breath.

     Sticking her hand out he gave her a towel as she wrapped it around her body. "Eight months pregnant and you still look fucking hot" he said as she rolled her eyes. Compliments were nice though even if his language was rather vulgar. "Hey you swear too" he said as she crossed her arms. It was true she did but not as much as he did. "Have you thought of names?" He asked as she looked up at him from drying her wet hair. "If its a girl its going to be Lian" she said as he raised an eyebrow.

     He didn't question it though because she would either glare at him or give a long answer. "Well whatever we name it they'll still be cute" he said before kissing her belly. Jade hardly ever blushed but he caught a light shade of pink dusting her cheeks. When she was changed and ready Roy helped her downstairs. "I don't need help" she grumbled as he smirked and helped her anyways. The baby shower was outside on the large deck of the backyard. "Their here!" Artemis announced as everyone clapped.

     All of Artemis's friends were there and some of Oliver's colleagues and friends as well. Even the Wayne's were there which was cool. "Why are your friends so nice?" She asked standing next to her sister. Roy was dragged off by the guys to talk about things and hangout. When the girls planned the shower they decided to invite the guys instead of having it as an all girls thing. "They're your friends too Jade" Artemis said before pushing her sister over to the girls. "All of the gifts are over there, we'll open them later" Megan said as all of the girls smiled.

     Even Zatanna had a smile on her face today. Jade spent her time getting congratulations from most people and talking with her 'friends'. "Okay its time to do the gender reveal!" Dinah announced pointing to the piñata shaped as a soother. Jade and Roy walked down and were handed a bat. "Okay please don't hit me" he said holding the piñata up as she grinned. Getting ready she swung the bat and hit the piñata as hard as could. When it broke a bunch of pink glitter flew out covering her and Roy.

     She dropped the bat and smiled watching the coloured glitter gently glide down to the grass. Everyone on the deck cheered as Jade smiled and hugged Roy taking him off guard. Again, he wasn't really used to getting affection from her in public. "We'll name her Lian" she whispered into his ear as he nodded hugging her awkwardly. When walking back onto the deck all of the girls bombarded her in a giant group hug. "So what's going to be her name?" Artemis asked as all of the girls nodded eagerly. "Lian" she said as Artemis raised an eyebrow.

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