Chapter 46

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"Wally is such a child" she said as they all nodded in agreement. "And since when does he have a fricken cousin?!" The blonde asked as they all face palmed. "Your talking about him again" Megan reminded her as she covered her mouth. "I don't give a shit anymore he'll be with Linda forever" she sighed as they all walked downstairs. "So who's sleeping over?" Artemis asked as everyone except Roquette raised their hand. "Sorry Kal is taking me out tonight" she said with a faint blush against her cheeks.

"Ooh where's he taking you?" Megan asked as Roquette's blush became brighter. "Why are we still talking about boy's?" Raven said in a quiet voice. They all turned around and looked at her because she hadn't spoken the entire time. "Anyways I have to go now I'll see you guys tomorrow at school" she said slipping her shoes on and leaving the Mansion. Her phone began buzzing as she answered with a small smile. "Hey Kal" she said walking down the side walk. "Hello love, I am calling to inform you that dinner will be on the beach tonight" he said as she smirked.

     "Okay Kal thanks. I'll see you soon" she said before hanging up. The wind blew around as she arrived back at her house by the water. "I can't believe I'm graduating this year" she said falling onto the couch. The sound of the water lapping against the doc filled her ears. Sitting up she checked the time and casually walked into her room. Going through her dresser she looked up at all the pictures of her and Kaldur that decorated her wall. "I guess I'll get ready now" she said putting on a dark pink strapless dress and a pair of black sandals.

A knock was heard at the front door as she smiled to herself and grabbed her purse. "Hey Kal" she said giving him a peck on the lips. "Good evening you look very beautiful" he said as she blushed a light pink. "Awe Kal you really know how to make a girl feel special" she said as he smirked. They walked hand in hand along the beach. "You look nervous" she said as he shook his head. "I am fine love. How was your day?" He asked as she rested her head against his arm. "Zee's upset cause she saw our boy Richie kissing that bitch Barbara" she said as Kaldur looked slightly confused.

"Are you sure he was the one that kissed her?" He asked as she just shrugged. The waves calmly lapped against the beach as they took a seat on a large rock. "How long have we been dating?" He asked as she gave him a weird look. "Like three years. I remember when you nervously asked me to that dance in tenth grade" she giggled as he blushed a light red. He turned around and sat facing her as he took her hands in his. "Roquette I have loved you ever since the day I laid eyed on you at the beach-" "Wait you were stalking me on the beach?" She questioned as he blushed fiercely.

     "I was swimming when I saw you surfing a couple ways over" he admitted as she smirked. He looked back at her so their eyes met. "Anyways we are graduating this year and I would like to have the privilege for you to be my wife when we graduate. Roquette Ervin will you do the honor of marrying me the summer after we graduate?" He asked nervously pulling a small satin ring box out of his pocket. Her eyes went wide as she jumped on him. "Of course I would Kal!" She yelled giving him a passionate kiss.

     "Is that a yes?" He asked as she playfully hit him in the arm. "Of course its a yes!" She yelled with tears in her eyes. "You're going to make my makeup run!" She yelled fanning her eyes as he put the ring on her finger. It was a silver ring with a diamond heart that had the engravings 'Always Forever' in it. 

     "Kal how did you afford this?" She asked looking at it in disbelief

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     "Kal how did you afford this?" She asked looking at it in disbelief. "During swim practice they had seekers out and they chose me to train this summer on the Olympic swimming team" he said as she kissed his cheek. "Awe see I knew you would get your moment to shine!" She said as he blushed. "Oh my god I can call you my fiancé now!" She said excitedly as he nodded with a warm smile graced his lips. "When do we plan on telling our friends?" He asked as she smirked.

     "They'll find out when they see the ring" she said as he nodded. "We need to celebrate with dinner" she said as he smiled kissing the top of her head. "I agree" he said as she happily dragged him towards the pier at the other end of the beach. The sun was beginning to set when they sat on a bench sharing a fries and gravy. "I love you Kal" she said as he smiled happily. "I love you too" he said as she gave him a wild smirk. She took a chip and threw it on the pier as a seagull landed and ate it whole.

     She laughed as Kaldur smirked. They finished their meal as she pulled him towards the roller coaster. "I do not think this is a good idea Roquette" he said as she laughed seeing how scared he looked. "Hey I'm with you through every step" she said as the colourful lights illuminated her glistening eyes. She squeezed his hand as he gave her a nervous smile. They sat in the front seats as he gripped her hand tightly. She laughed when he screamed when the coaster went towards the looptyloop.

     The ride came to a stop randomly when they were upside down. "Holy shit!" He yelled as she gave him wide eyes. She has never seen him this verbally expressive before. "Kale they'll fix it don't worry" she reassured him as he gave her a feared look. Sure enough the ride began a minute later as he screamed. It pulled to a stop as the technician let them off. She began laughing seeing the horrified look on his face. Taking her phone out she snapped a picture of his scared face.

     "Come on let's go" she said intertwining their fingers and dragging him off the ride. Walking along the pier they stared up at the stars. "This is probably the best night of my life so far" she said as he flashed her a warm smile. As soon as the door closed when he walked her home she ran to her room and began squealing into her pillows. "Oh my god I'm getting married!" She yelled bouncing around on her bed. Roquette had been bottling up her energy and it was finally exploding.

     "I love him; I really do" she said with the brightest smile that's ever appeared on her face.

Skycrystal23  ;) 

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