Chapter 63

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They were looking at his phone as he texted Dick. "I think they're that way" she said pointing down to the other end of the mall. "Arty I think they went that way" he said pointing towards the cafeteria. She swatted him in the back of the head and crossed her arms. "Only you would say they were all in the cafeteria" she said as he nervously chuckled and nodded. They could never agree on anything. "Come on" she said taking his hand in hers and dragging him through the mall. After thirty minutes everyone finally met up with each other.

     They were all discussing a plan before splitting up into groups. "So we're all meeting up in the cafeteria for dinner in like two hours right?" Wally asked for clarification as she pinched the bridge of her nose and nodded. "Oh can we go in here?" Megan asked excitedly pointing at the clothing store. "Whatever" She said as they walked in and began looking around. "Kal and I are going to the pet store to look a the fishes we'll meet up with you guy's later" Roquette said before her and Kaldur left the store.

     Wally began to get bored and when he was bored he complained. "Arty this is boring" he complained as she rolled her eyes. A couple shirts and a dress were in her arms as she yanked him by the collar of his shirt towards the changerooms. "Now sit and stay. God you act like a dog sometimes" she muttered the last part to herself while walking into the small room. Dick and Conner both came into the area and took a seat on either side of Wally. "So how's Zee?" He asked in a low whisper.

     His best friend looked a little sad and Dick Grayson was never sad. "Dude her cousin just showed up and he's taking her to Gotham with him at the end of the week. She's moving there for the rest of the year until he can get a job transfer to here" he said before looking down at his lap sadly. Wally knew how much Zatanna meant to Dick, which was a lot. The door for Artemis's changeroom opened as she stepped out in a short for fitting black dress. "Babe you look hot as hell" he said as her cheeks flushed a bright red.

     She did a little spin as he gave her a thumbs up with a wink. After forty minutes they finally left the clothing store with a couple bags. Conner had the most since Megan basically bought a new winter wardrobe. Wally only carried one bag that had the little black dress and a light green shirt in it. "So we have an hour and twenty minutes what are we going to do?" Megan asked as Zatanna raised her hand. "We could go to the arcade maybe" Zatanna said in a small voice as Megan and Artemis grinned.

     Wally raised an eyebrow as they all headed towards the arcade. "Since when were you girls into video games?" Wally asked as Artemis crosses her arms over her chest. "Just because we're girls doesn't mean we can't play video games" she huffed before her, Megan and Zatanna walked ahead of them. Conner and Dick shot the red head hard glares. "What did I do?" He asked slightly confused. All he did was ask a question. The arcade's was bursting to life with flashing lights and different sounds.

     Wally was being dragged around by his girlfriend who was interested in everything. "Photo booth" she said all too quickly before he was dragged in. "Okay so this with this" she said clicking different things on the touchscreen. When the screen began counting down the foray photo they did was funny faces, then the classic peace signs, they both smiled brightly, and for the last one she took him off guard and pulled him in for a kiss by the collar of his shirt. His cheeks were flushed a bright red as she winked and got out of the booth.

     The photos printed as she gave him one as she stared at her own. The last one caught his blush perfectly making him look incredibly cute. "These are going in a frame on my bedside table" she said as he smirked and kissed the top of her head. "I bet you ten bucks you won't climb through that playground area" she said as he grinned cheekily. It was late so there weren't any children in it which was good. "You're on" he said handing her the bag and sneaking in. It was smaller then he expected and that's when he got stuck. 

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