Chapter 30

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     He sped off down the road panicked. Skidding to a stop on the empty road he banged his hands against the steering wheel. "Why did I do that?" He asked himself as his mind was clouded with frustration.

After awhile everyone decided to head back. "Hey Artemis do you want a drive?" Dick yelled as she shook her head. "No I'm staying at Megan's tonight!" She yelled as he nodded and turned to his girlfriend. A lost look was spread across her face as he called her name. "Zee? Zatanna? Hello?" He asked waving his hand in front of her face as she shook her head and stared at him. "Yeah?" She asked as he chuckled and slung his arm around her shoulder.

"Lets just go" he said as she nodded and went silent. Walking towards the car he opened her passenger side door. "Are you okay?" He asked squatting down and looking up at her. "I-I'm fine why wouldn't you think I was fine?" She said quickly as he raised an eyebrow. "Zee I live with the world's greatest detective, I know when people lie" he said as she sighed and looked down at her lap. "My Dad wants to talk about you" she said in a small voice as he frowned.

"Did I do anything wrong? I mean I don't ever recall passing off your Dad" he said as she shrugged and let out a sad sigh. "Instead of taking me home can we go for dinner or just walk around. I don't want to go home just yet" she said as he nodded and shut the door walking to his side. Starting the car he turned and looked at her sad face. "You know I love you right?" He said as she blushed and nodded. "I know, I love you too" she said as he leaned over and kissed her forehead.

Revving the engine he pulled out of the empty lot and drove down the road. Rolling the window down she let the wind blow her hair around. The forest eventually started as she looked at the lush green trees whizzing by. "Its so pretty" she said as he slowed down the car. Looking around the birds chirped and the rustling of the wind against the trees filled their ears. "This would be beautiful scenery for a wedding" she said to herself before blushing a bright red.

"Ignore everything I just said" she said as he smirked and leaned back in the seat. "No that's okay it is a good place" he said with a small smile as her blush grew a deeper red. Eventually he sped up and they arrived back in Happy Harbor. "Where would you like to go my fair maiden?" He asked as she rolled her eyes at his comment. "Somewhere to ease my rumbling stomach" she said as he nodded and pulled up in a fast food parking lot.

     "Bruce will kill you for not sticking to your all healthy diet" she said as he chuckled and helped her out of the car. "What he won't know won't kill him" he said with a wink as they walked in. Slipping his dark shades on he bought their food and took a seat at a booth in the corner. "You got the most unhealthy calorie filled food on the menu" she said as he glanced at his food and nodded in response. After eating they decided to walk through the City and look in the shops.

     He stopped walking when he felt a tugging against his hand. Turning around he saw her staring at a silver ring inside the jewelry shop window. "Its very beautiful" he said as she nodded admiring the dark purple gem placed upon it. "I know it looks exactly like the one my mother had. It got lost one day when I was on a feild trip" she said sadly before looking down. "I've never seen your mother before" he said slightly confused.

"She died when I was seven. She had depression and such so she killed herself (A/N: Sorry if that's not what happened to her mother in the comics or show but it makes things interesting)" she said in a small voice as tears came to her eyes. "Come on" he said tugging her into the shop. "No Dick you really don't have too" she said with a pale face full of worry. "I want too" he said walking up to the counter. "Can I get that ring in the window please" he asked as the man nodded and retrieved it.

Walking out of the store he took the ring out and smiled at her. "May I?" He asked as she nodded and slipped it on her finger. A blinding light flashed in their faces as she went stiff. "Bruce Wayne's son is getting married huh?" The paparazzi said as a couple more flashes went off on his camera. "This is not what it looks like" she said immediately as Dick growled at the man. "Hey I never said it was but this will definitely make the front page" he said before disappearing into the crowd of people.

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