Chapter 66

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     Rolling his eyes he put the phone down on the bedside table. "Who was it?" The feminine voice asked as the red headed girl sat up. "Just Wally" he answered as the girl kissed his cheek. Moving away from him she opened her bag and slipped the black framed glasses on. "So is this where the smart Barbara went?" He asked lying back down watching as she took her laptop out. Bruce invited Jim and Barbara over when they got a call from the station. One thing lead to another and they ended up having sex.

     Her fingers glided across the keyboard as she typed quickly before fixing her glasses. "So no offense but why do you act like such a bitch at school? I mean Babs we used to be best friends what happened?" He asked as she rolled her eyes continuing whatever she was doing. Closing her laptop she sat up with the blankets covering her bare body. "While you started making those damn friends you drifted away. During that time I was alone since Dad was always working. Then my step-brother James Jr. showed up" she said looking away with a look of pain on her face.

     He tilted his head to the side. Dick never knew she had a step-brother. "He attacked me when I was alone one night in the apartment. Then he-you know what it doesn't matter anymore so that's why I am such a bitch. Who am I kidding? I mean who would be friends with a nerd anyways" she said with a dry laugh before quickly pulling her clothes on. He quickly got changed as he watched her stuff the laptop in her bag. "You're lucky you have the friends that you do. Mine are shit so treat them right okay" she said while pushing her glasses up.

     He quickly grabbed her wrist as she stood there looking down. "Masks. They hide our faces; they hide our fears. Take care of yourself Dick" she said before yanking her arm away from his grip and leaving the Manor. Walking into his room he sat on his bed and groaned. Just then his phone began buzzing as Zatanna's face popped up on the screen. "I'm a real fuck up without you here Zee" he said to himself before ignoring the call. What Barbara said about her step-brother was really bothering him now.

     Walking down the hallway he knocked on Tim's door putting a fake smile on his face. "Yes Dick?" Tim asked not looking too amused to see him standing there. "Can you do me a favor and see what you can dig up on James Jr Gordon?" He asked as the young teen raised an eyebrow. "Whatever I'll look into it" Tim said before shutting the door in his face. His phone buzzed with a text as the light illuminated his face while walking down the hallway. "Hey you missed my call which means you're probably busy. All of my stuff is moved in and your friends are really nice to me. Hopefully talk to you later love you xxx" the text said from Zatanna.

     Running a hand through his hair he stuffed the phone in his pocket and walked downstairs. "Maybe a walk will help" he mumbled pulling his jacket, hat and boots on before leaving the Manor. The snow crunched underneath his boots as he walked through the forest. White snowflakes gracefully fell down around him as he stopped by the river. "La la la I love snow!" A beautiful voice sung as he looked up. Across the river was oddly enough Kori. The girl was alone and sitting in the snow by the frozen river.

     "Hey Kori!" He yelled as the girl looked up and waved hello. "Hello friend Dick!" She yelled from across the river with a bright smile. His breath puffed out in front of him as she watched her stand up. The only way to get to the other side was to cross over the old tree that had fallen over. "I will do the meeting of you in a second!" She yelled before standing up and running down the riverside. Laughing he followed her on his side until he watched as she carefully walked over the old fallen tree.

     Jumping off she gave him one of her usual bright and cheery smiles. "It is the cold" she said rubbing her hands together as he smirked. "Want to get some hot chocolate?" He asked as she smiled and nodded happily following him out of the forest and into the Town. They were now sitting across from each other sipping hot chocolate. "This is most joyous friend Dick" she chimed as he nodded flashing his famous pearly white smile. It usually made all of the girls swoon when he did that. Kori simply blushed and gave a small smile.

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