Chapter 45

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"Ew get off of me!" He yelled wiping his lips disgusted. The red head smirked and applied some lip gloss to her lips. "Its okay Dickie I'll get you some day" she said winking at him before walking off. He waited for an hour and called Zatanna countless times. "Hey Walls do you know where Zee is?" He asked as he heard snickering over the phone. "What? No I don't why?" He asked as Dick let out a frustrated sigh. Walking to his car he hung up the phone and sped towards Artemis's house.

Knocking on the door he was surprised to see Megan and Roquette answer. "What do you want?" Roquette asked with a hand firmly placed on her hip as she and Megan shot him glares. "Do you know where Zee is?" He asked in a worried voice. "Yes and she doesn't want to see you" Megan said crossing her arms. "What-why?" He asked even more worried. "You know why" Roquette said before slamming the door shit in his face.

Frowning he walked to his car and drove to Wally's house. "Dude open up!" He yelled knocking on the red head's window. The window opened but it wasn't Wally standing there when he hopped in. "You're not my best friend" he said as the red headed boy shrugged. "So crash you must be Dick Grayson!" He said excitedly before Wally's bedroom door opened. "Bart leave poor Dick alone" Wally said as the younger boy rolled his eyes. The boy named Bart ran out of the room disappearing down the hall.

Wally gave his best friend a concerned look. "Dude you look like your dog just died" he said as Dick looked up with a frown plastered to his face. What he didn't expect next was when Dick broke out in tears. "Seriously what happened I haven't seen you cry since-nevermind" he said sitting his friend down on the neatly made bed. "That girl Barbara kissed me this morning and apparently Zee's mad at me for some reason and i don't know why!" He cried out as Wally awkwardly patted his back.

His bright blue eyes were clouded with tears as they spilled down his pale cheeks. "Maybe Zee's having one of her womanly days" he said as Dick hissed at him. "You should never talk about a girl like that" he mumbled as Wally passed him a box of tissues. "Hey can Jaime come over!" A voice yelled from downstairs as Bart ran up the stairs and into Wally's room. "Who's Jaime?" Wally asked as Bart looked down fiddling with his thumbs. "My boyfriend" he said with an adorable face.

"Yeah no I don't need you two making out on the couch" Wally said as the boy frowned. "We'll just watch a movie I promise" he pleaded as Wally rolled his eyes. "Whatever just leave" he said as Bart scurried back downstairs with a wide smile on his face. "Who is he anyways?" Dick asked wiping his tear stained cheeks. "My apparent cousin that appeared on my doorstep this morning" he said as Dick let out a sad laugh. "And wait that Barbara girl kissed you?" Wally asked with wide eyes.

Dick nodded as Wally face palmed. "Dude wasn't she like your old flame from elementary?" He asked in shock as Dick nodded. "I don't even like her anymore. It just kills me not knowing why Zatanna is angry at me" he said as Wally frowned. Dick hadn't been this distraught since his parents died when he was ten. "Why don't you buy her some flowers?" Wally asked as Dick shot him a death glare. "No! She hates when I try to fix problems with material things!" He yelled as Wally put his hands up in surrender. 

     "Dude why don't you ask her why she's upset?" Wally asked as he sighed. "I already tried but I got a door slammed in my face" he said with a frown graced on his lips. His phone began buzzing as he looked at the text. "I have to go Bruce needs me for something" he said as Wally nodded. Walking downstairs they saw Bart sitting with a Hispanic kid on the couch watching a movie. "Crash. Wally this is my fabulous boyfriend Jaime" he said flashing a smile as the boy next to him blushed.

     "Yep I gotta go" Wally said and dragged Dick outside of the house. "Okay its too weird in there I'll go do some recon at Arty's house" he said as Dick shook his head and crossed his arms. "No they'll think I sent you" he growled as Wally smirked. "Not really since I've been recording you since you hopped through the window" he said as Dick growled. "Your an asshole" he muttered getting into his car and driving away. Smirking widely he quickly popped his head through the front door.

     "I'm going out be back later!" He yelled before getting in his car and driving to Artemis's house. Knocking on the front door Artemis answered with a sniffling Zatanna behind her. "Hey I'm here to party!" He said as she shot him a death glare. "Not a good time Wally" she grit through his teeth as he shrugged and walked into the Mansion. "Don't care. Anyways Zee your knight in shining armor came to my house balling his eyes out over you" he said as an army of girls ran down the stairs.

     They all had their arms crossed giving Wally intimidating glares. "What? I have proof I was taping his voice since he hopped through my window" he said as Zatanna and Artemis rolled their eyes. "Come on then" the blonde said as they all began walking up the stairs to her room. He followed and was taken aback by her messy room. "What the hell have you been doing?!" He questioned seeing knives and arrows lodged in pillows stuck to the wall. "What? Did you think we were to watch movies and eat chocolate?" She snickered as they all laughed.

     "Well yeah" he said nervously looking around the dangerous room. "We did that at first but we all got angry so Megan got the idea to destroy things" Zatanna sniffled out before wiping her tear stained cheeks. "Anyways this is what he said the entire time he was at my house" he said as they all hushed each other and listened closely. All they heard was static from the voice recorder. "Listen Zee I'm really sorry for whatever I did but there's no way in hell I'm letting Wally show you how weak I am" the recorder said as Wally growled.

     "Dammit he fricken hacked it! He was crying and everything!" He yelled throwing the recorder on the ground angrily. "He doesn't even know what he did!" Zatanna yelled bursting out into another fit of tears. "Why don't you go and talk to him?" He asked as they all hissed at Wally. "No she shouldn't have to apologize to his wack ass! He doesn't even deserve her back after what he did!" Roquette and Megan yelled at the same time.

     He rolled his emerald eyes and crossed his arms. "Whatever I have to go look after my cousin!" He yelled like a little child before stomping out of the room. They all looked down the stairs as he stomped down them. "Since when do you have a fricken cousin!" Artemis yelled as he turned around at the front door. "Since today!" He yelled before slamming the front door.

Skycrystal23  ;)

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