Chapter 75

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     His arm had healed and he was now currently at a track meet. He's always on the Team every year because of how fast he ran. Today they were up against The Gotham Knights. A month of school was left until summer break so the track Team had been working their asses off. Bart was on the Team which kind of made things a bit better. His Aunt and Uncle had work so they couldn't come to watch the race. Sitting on the bench by the bleachers he took a sip of his water bottle.

     The races went by age so it was Bart's turn to go. "Go Bart!" A voice yelled when the referee shot the gun in the air. Wally knew that Bart would easily beat all of them. An arm went around his neck and a soft kiss was planted on his cheek. "Hey babe" Artemis purred as he smiled and turned giving her a peck on the lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her chin on his head. "Did you bring Jaime with you?" He asked looking over seeing the dark haired boy grinning as he cheered Bart on.

Everyone clapped as Bart ran through the finish line coming in first. The two watched as he walked over as Jaime jumped over the bleachers and ran to give him a hug. "They're cute" she commented as Wally rolled his eyes. "Okay its my turn to go" he said as she unwrapped her arms from around him. Standing up he tossed her his water bottle and began to walk to the starting line. "Wally wait!" She yelled running out onto the track and giving him a passionate kiss. "Knock em' dead" she whispered before blowing a kiss and walking off of the track.

Getting in the running position he glanced over as she gave him a thumbs up. When the gun shot into the air he shot off like a bullet. A burst of adrenaline filled his body as he kept running. Looking back there was one guy who was gaining on him. Pushing harder he continued to run until he crossed the line. Bending over to catch his breath he wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed. "Wally!" Artemis yelled running over and jumping into his arms. "Those guy's were hitting on me" she muttered into his ear as he growled.

Placing her on her feet he purposely cupped her cheeks and gave her a long, slow kiss. The crowd whistled and clapped as they parted. Walking back to the bleachers hand in hand they took a seat and watched the other races. "I thought you were busy and couldn't come today" he said as she smirked. "Hey I wouldn't miss one of your races if it killed me" she said as he grinned and kissed her cheek. The track races ended and their school won. "Good job" he said giving his cousin a high five.

They walked back to Artemis's car and all piled in. "No making out in my damn car" Artemis said eyeing the two sitting in the back. "Can you drop me off at Jaime's house?" Bart asked as she nodded. Wally turned the air conditioning up hoping to become cooler. It was really hot today and he felt like melting. Turning the radio on she began to jam out while driving. "Your the reason why, I'm dancing in the mirror! Singing in the shower!" She sung loudly as he smirked.

Taking his phone out he secretly snapped a photo of her being an utter goofball. Jaime and Bart were soon dropped off and god knows what the two were up to and a house alone. "Hey where are we going?" He asked watching as she drove out of Happy Harbor. "We're visiting an old friend" she said as he raised an eyebrow. Sometimes he was really oblivious and thick headed. "Arty I'm bored" he whined now fiddling with the radio. She slapped his hand away and changed it to the station she wanted to listen to.

A few more hand slaps and 'I'm bored's' later they entered a small town by the water. "So are you going to tell me where we're going or?" He asked trailing off as she tightened her grip on the steering wheel. "Zatanna texted me and told me where Mr. Grayson disappeared to" she said as he raised an eyebrow. In all honesty he had been trying to get ahold of him but he wouldn't answer. Pulling up to a large modern looking building she parked in the parking lot. Not many cars were there which was kind of sad. Who wouldn't want to say hello to a loved one or friend?

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