Chapter 59

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The door opened as she gave the Butler a kind smile. "Where's Zatanna?" She asked just as a red headed girl ran up to the door. "Miss Zatanna is up in Master Dick's room" he said as the two nodded running passed the old man. Knocking on the door quickly Dick opened it and she ended up knocking on his face. "Okay Ow" he said as they pushed passed him and into the room. "Zee I'm so sorry!" The two girls yelled st the same time engulfing her in a hug. Zatanna sat there emotionless on the bed.

Artemis's gave her a sympathetic smile. She knew what it was like to lose a parent. "Do you know where you're going to stay?" Megan asked with tears in her eyes. She was never the type to stay calm in a depressing situation. Zee shook her head still staring off into the distance. "Bruce said she could stay here for awhile but I don't know what's going to happen after that" she said in a dry voice. The blonde frowned and then took something out of the bag that she brought. "Here" she said handing her a black teddy bear with a yellow ribbon tied around its neck.

That's when the tears started to fall from her eyes. They watched as she held the teddy bear and began to sob. Dick hurried over and wrapped his arms around her while rubbing her back. "You really are a good boyfriend" she said as he scowled at her. "Not the time Artemis" he grit through his teeth as she rolled her eyes. "Okay so in this bag are movies, ice cream, stuffed animals and a super soft blanket" Megan said going through the bag her and Artemis brought. "Its not fair" she sobbed out as Dick continued rubbing her back.

     "We'll leave you two then, text me when she's a bit better" Artemis said whispering the last part to him as he nodded. Conner was waiting outside by the car for Megan as Artemis got on her motorcycle. Speeding down the driveway on her bike she was driving a street when the engine started failing. "Awe come on!" She yelled pulling up onto the sidewalk and getting off. Pulling her phone out after many failed attempts at restarting it she growled seeing that it was dead.

     "Just my luck" she muttered bitterly before grabbing ahold of the handle bars. "The house isn't that far away" she said beginning to walk the bike along the sidewalk. It was a little chilly but she was thankful that she had Wally's sweater on. He had given it to her awhile back after one of their usual 'accidentally bumping into each other' things. She meant to give it back but she always forgot. "Hey Arty is that you?" A voice asked that she recognized as Wally's. Turning around she saw him running up the street in black shorts and a red sweatshirt.

He stopped beside her and bent over taking a deep breath. He was on one of his runs when he saw Artemis walking with her bike. "So...aren't you supposed to be riding that?" He asked in between breaths as she glared at the bike. "Yeah but the fricken engine blew out!" She yelled angrily as he stood up straight. A smirk appeared on his face when he saw that she was wearing his sweater. "Can't you call someone?" He asked now walking beside her with his hands stuffed in his sweatshirts pockets.

Another annoyed growl escaped her lips. "Phones dead" she grumbled as he smirked. "Well I left mine at home and like the good gentleman I am I will walk with you" he said as she rolled her steel grey eyes. "You're everything but a gentleman" she said playfully elbowing him as he frowned and crossed his arms. They began talking and laughing as he told hilarious stories of his childhood. "Wait so you and Dick glued all of Mr. Wayne's utensils to his desk?" She asked while having a laughing fit.

They've been walking for what felt like forever until she saw the street sign. "Oh my god now all we have to do is walk up here and we'll be home free" she said as they began running up the street. Pushing her bike up the hill he joined in and helped her until they arrived at the Mansion's gate. Typing in the code the large steel gates slowly opened as she walked her bike in and put it in the garage. "Okay I think this has earned us a drink and snack" she said walking out with a satisfied smirk on her face.

A smile cracked onto her face seeing the bit of oil that was smudged on her cheek. Slowly approaching her he stared down at her. A blush spread across her cheeks as he rested his hand against her face gently rubbing the oil away with his thumb. "You had someone your face" he whispered as her blush brightened. "So how about those snacks?" She asked as his eyes flickered with joy. There was one thing Wally couldn't resist and that was food. "Ollie?" She yelled through the Mansion as they stepped inside.

     Jade appeared out of nowhere with a smirk. She was starting to show as a little round bump was taking over her stomach. "How is my little Niece?" Artemis asked walking over and talking to Jade's stomach. "Your treating it as if it can hear you" she grumbled as the blonde looked up and smirked. "At least I didn't get knocked up by accident. Oh and don't call the baby an 'it' just say the word baby" Artemis said before dragging Wally to the kitchen. "What was that all about?" He asked as the blonde growled looking through the cupboards.

     "My sister doesn't consider the baby a living being. So far she's called the little infant an it" she spat as Wally slowly nodded. He sat on the stool by the island and leaned against his hand. Emerald eyes glued to her as she whipped up a snack and some drinks. "Here you go" she said as a glass of juice appeared in front of him. "The snack shall be potato chips because I am much too tired to make anything" she said talking a seat on the stool next to him. Jade shuffled into the kitchen and glared at her sister.

     Rolling her grey eyes she sighed. "Yes Jade?" She asked in an annoyed tone. "I'm hungry" the ebony muttered as Artemis dropped her head down onto the marble counter. "Fuck my life" she mumbled as Wally covered his mouth to muffle his laugh. Raising her head she sighed once again. "Jade this is why you have a boyfriend. I'm pretty sure that Roy will more than likely make you something" she grumbled before standing up and walking out of the kitchen. Wally followed her up to her room as she slammed the bedroom door behind him and locked it.

     "I can't catch a break with her" she said taking her hair out of its ponytail now pacing around the room. He stood there with flushed red cheeks as he stared at her. It was a rare occasion to see Artemis with her hair down. "Wally are you listening?" She snapped as he blinked a couple times. "I'm so lost" he said taking a seat on her spinning desk chair. She sat on her bed and began punching a pillow extremely hard. He winced when she ripped the pillow in half sending feathers all over the room.

     Heaving breathing escaped her lips as she fell onto her back on the bed. Closing her eyes she let the feathers fall around her as she breathed. "Maybe you should try talking to her about it" he said in an uneasy voice as she groaned sitting up and pulling at her hair. This was the most stressed he had ever seen her in. "Okay Arty you need to relax before you burst a blood vessel" he said standing up and walking over to her. Sitting on the bed next to her he took her hands out of her blonde hair and held them.

     A blush traveled up to her cheeks as she looked away from him. The stress was really getting to her with everything that had been going on. "How do you think Zee's doing?" She asked trying to focus on something else. Turning to face him he shrugged. "If Dickie is with her she'll be okay" he said as she gave him an uneasy smile. "Wally her Dad was murdered and her mother committed suicide a couple years ago. She probably feels like shit" she said as he sighed and nodded.

     He was still holding her hands but she didn't mind. A knock was at the door as she let out an annoyed sigh. "What!" She yelled listening to her voice bounce off of the walls. "What do I do with her?" Roy asked through the door as Artemis began to laugh. It was a scary laugh as Wally gave her a scared look. "Ha ha, leave me the hell alone!" She yelled as it got awkwardly silent. She turned back to Wally who was now fiddling with his fingers. "I need to get out of this house" she grumbled as he smirked remembering something.

     "Well I have two tickets to the new screening of that horror movie that just came out. I was going to go with Dick but then all of this happened and yeah" he said awkwardly as he ran a hand through his fiery red hair. A smile appeared on her face as she stood up off of the bed. He did the same mimicking her as he now looked down into her steel grey eyes. "Anything to get me out of here" she said as he smiled and nodded. "Well then I will be back here in like three hours" he said as she nodded escorting him downstairs.

     As he left she waved and gave him a small smile. When the door shut she ran up the stairs only to see Jade leaning against the wall beside her bedroom door. This had better be good because she was wasting her time.

Skycrystal23  ;)

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