Chapter 53

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     Slowly her eyes began to open as she drearily looked around the room. Shivers ran up her spine when she felt air brush against the back of her neck. Everything from the night before came flashing back to her as she frowned. "I am such a wimp" she whispered to herself before sitting up. Looking down Wally had his arms wrapped around her waist preventing her from getting off of the bed. "Wally let me go!" She whisper yelled trying to pull his arms off from around her. "No!" He protested hugging her tighter with a smirk against his lips.

     "I'll stab you" she threatened as he quickly let her go and rolled over. Standing up she stretched and walked to her washroom closing the door behind her. Making sure to lock it she turned the hot shower on and stepped in. The water cascaded down her body as she sighed. Hot showers were her favourite especially during a cold day. "Hey Arty?" Wally's voice said as he knocked on the door. She turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around her body before peeking out of the washroom door.

All the blood went to his cheeks as he stared at her. "Um I have to go h-home now" he stuttered out as she nodded with a smirk. "Quit staring Kid Pervert" she said as his blush became brighter. "I'll uh go now" he said before turning on his heel and walking away. Rolling her eyes she closed the door and finished what she was doing before changing into some new clothes. There were many voices downstairs as she shuffled into the kitchen. "Good morning Artemis" Dinah said while passing the blonde a cup of hot tea.

     Giving a thankful smile she took a sip letting the warmth of the teacup seep through the pads of her hands. Oliver and Dinah were talking to some people she didn't know so she drifted into the next room. It was quiet so she looked out the window seeing what the storm truly did. Many trees that used to line the property were now fallen on the mushy green grass. She walked down to the gym after and began hitting the punching bag. Her headphones were in her ears as she listened to the different music mixes.

     Someone put their hand on her shoulder as she turned around and swung. Whoever it was grabbed her fist and twisted her arm pinning her to the ground. A groan escaped her lips as the person let her go so she could stand up. "Watch where your punching" Dinah said as Artemis's eyes widened. "I'm so sorry" she said as the woman smiled. "Want to train?" Dinah asked as Artemis smirked and excepted the challenge. From what she knew Dinah was an experienced fighter so training with her had its benefits.

     Hours felt like minutes as someone knocked on the gym door. Stopping what they were doing the two looked over to see Roy leaning against the door frame holding two towels. They walked over as he gave the two the towels so they could clean the sweat from themselves. "Dick and his family are coming over for dinner so get cleaned up" he said before turning around and leaving the gym. "You did good" Dinah said as they walked down the hallway. "Really?" She said slightly surprised.

     She was getting her ass handed to her the entire time. "Hey you beat me once, Oliver has never beat me in a fight" Dinah said proudly looking up for effect. Artemis cleaned up and put on a pair of jeans, black flats and a light green dress shirt. When the doorbell rang she walked down the stairs with Jade who had her arms crossed. "What's crawled into your soul and died?" She asked as they stood next to each other. "I'm tired and want to sleep!" Jade snapped as Artemis backed sway with her hands up in surrender.

     First impressions didn't really matter since she was friends with Dick and his family. "Hey Artemis. Oh this is Stephanie by the way" Dick said as a short blonde girl stood next to him. She looked to about Tim's age maybe even a year younger. After all the ages varied in that household. Dick was now fifteen going on sixteen, Jason just turned fifteen and this Stephaine girl looked to be thirteen. Artemis's seventeenth birthday was coming up soon but that was the least of her worries.

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