Chapter 8

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The red headed boy didn't take her home which was weird and slightly annoying to her. She pouted in his arms as he carried her along the sidewalk. It was cold outside, soon they arrived at a park filled with orange, red and yellow trees. "Why are we here?" She snapped as he placed her gently on a bench.

"Because it's calming here and you look like you need to relax" he said leaning back on the bench and looking at the blue sky.

She sat straight so her back wouldn't meet the cold bench. "Why don't you relax?" He asked looking at how stiff she was.

"I can't" she mumbled looking at the nearby children playing in the leaf piles.

"Why?" He asked now sitting up and looking her in the eyes.

Artemis shot him a glare and then crossed her arms over her chest. "Why would I tell you?" She spat aggressively.

"I'll listen, that's why" he said with his usual cocky smile.

He went to put his arm around her but she grabbed it rather quickly. "Don't touch my back" she said with anger in her eyes. A sigh escaped his lips. "But we're friends" he whined making her roll her eyes.

"We're most definitely not friends" she growled before trying to stand up.

He was really getting on her nerves now. The girl started walking away slowly. "Are you sure?" He asked walking next to her with a smug grin on his face. A growl escaped her lips. "I don't need your help" she muttered bitterly. They stopped when the kids they saw earlier approached them smiling. "Hey Mister is this your girlfriend?" The girl asked causing Artemis to blush.

She looked the opposite direction as she tapped her foot against the ground. This was painfully awkward to be honest. "No she's not, just a friend" he said rubbing it in her face.

"We're mere acquaintances" Artemis corrected as he did a little victory dance.

"Treat her well Mister" the little girl said before smiling and skipping away with her friend.

Artemis elbowed him hard in the side before continuing to walk painfully. It wasn't long after that until he reluctantly picked her up again. "Will you quit that!" she yelled smacking him upside the head.

"Okay first of all, Ow! And no I won't because it was getting painful to watch your sad walking" he said smirking to himself.

"I hate you" she said looking away from him.

"No you secretly love me because I treat you like a princess" he said patting her head.

The blonde scoffed when he said 'princess'. "I don't know what world your from but I am no princess" she said rolling my eyes. He grinned to himself. "You sure about that because you live in that amazing house and-"

"Just stop! I'm not a princess, I hate living there and I hate my family" she yelled angrily.

She could feel him tense up but she didn't bare to look at his face. "Why do you do this?" He asked as he stopped walking and placed her on the ground. "Do what!" she spat angrily.

"We try to help you but you don't take it! You know how shaken Megan was from that incident with your mother!" he yelled.

"Don't bring up my mother" she said sternly as he gave her an evil smirk.

"Megan was on the phone the whole entire time when your father killed your mother! Why don't you call the police or do something about it! Or what are you scared of your big bad father!" He yelled in her face.

Tears began to cloud her vision, face flushing red with anger. "I am scared of my father. Would you like to know why I can't get help from you guys. It's because he'll kill you or hurt me like he did a couple days ago. That's why Wally" she said coldly as she began walking away. It was hard to keep her tears from falling. She stopped and looked back to see that he was already gone.

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