Chapter 25

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Her eyes fluttered open at the sound of her alarm ringing. "Conner wake up we have class" she said as he groaned and pulled her closer to his chest. "Conner!" She giggled out as he tickled her. "Hey-woah I got a lot of texts" she said picking up her cell phone. He stood up and put his uniform back on from yesterday. "Zatanna and Dick aren't coming to school today" she said as Conner nodded. She stood up and put her uniform on before brushing her autumn red hair.

"M'gann breakfast is ready!" Her Uncle John yelled from downstairs. Conner followed her downstairs and greeted her Uncle with a wave. "Summer break is coming up in a couple months" he said as she nodded. "Yep I'm thinking of redoing my bedroom this summer" she said as her eyes lit up with glee. "I will be going back to the island to visit for a couple weeks are you okay staying home alone?" He asked as she nodded. Her Uncle was more concerned about her and her boyfriend having the house to themselves.

After eating they made their way to the school and greeted Roquette and Kaldur. "Hello my friends" Kaldur greeted as Wally and Artemis walked up to them. Megan noticed that the blonde was looking rather upset. Her eyes flashed with anger as she walked up to Wally and slapped him across the face. Everyone gasped not expecting Megan to be the one to slap him. "I probably deserve that" he mumbled rubbing his burning cheek.

"He apologized" Artemis said glumly while looking at the ground. "What's wrong girl?" Roquette asked looking at the blonde concerned. "I'm visiting my mom's grave for the first time, can you guy's come?" She asked in a small voice as they all nodded. "Of course we would!" Megan chimed engulfing the blonde in a hug. The bell rung and they all went to their classes. Megan sat next to Conner first period so she smiled up at him.

"What?" He asked as she smirked. "Just thinking" she replied with a soft smile. He stared at her for a moment before people began snickering behind them. "Awe look the ugly bitch got a girlfriend" Hilary sneered as Megan frowned and looked down. She was used to Hilary picking on her but Conner wouldn't stand for it. "I actually think she's perfect" he said guiding her face up and capturing her lips with his. "That will be enough Mr. Kent and Ms. Morse!" The teacher snapped as they both blushed.

     Her mind wandered until he felt his hand on hers. Smiling softly to herself she began thinking about him. She has had the hugest crush on him since she moved here and now she was dating him. "There's always a light at the end of a tunnel" she whispered to herself as he looked over to her with a raised eyebrow. "Sorry I was just talking to myself" she whispered as he nodded. When the teacher was turned around she snuck a kiss on his cheek.

     The bell rang and she gave him a hug before making her way to her second period class.

"You'll always be beautiful to me my magician" he whispered kissing her softly. She blushed a bright red and briefly kissed him back. "So what are we gonna do today?" He asked as she sat up and crawled to the edge of her bed. "I don't feel like going out so we can binge watch movies" she said as he smirked. "Sounds asterous" he said as she raised an eyebrow out of confusion. "Don't ask its a long story" he said as she gave him a small nod.

     She went through the movie channel flipping through all of the different movies. He snuggled close and put his arm around her as she started the movie. Her Dad was downstairs working in the shop and he wouldn't be up for a while. "Do you think they kicked Wally's ass?" She asked as he shrugged staring at her. "Is there something wrong?" She asked as he shook his head. "No I'm just admiring you" he said sweetly with a wink. Her cheeks turned bright red as buried her head into his chest.

     He chuckled and looked down at her smiling softly. "You're a really sweet boyfriend you know  and I sometimes don't deserve you" she said leaning up and kissing his cheek. "Summer breaks coming up" he said as she smiled. "Yep I'm planning on going to the beach and spending time with you guys" she said as he smirked. "What do I not get any alone time with my girlfriend?" He asked as she giggled. "You always get alone time with me" she said as he pouted.

     "Not all of the time" he said as she cupped his cheeks and kissed him. "Your being a big baby" she said with a soft smile. He smirked and brushed her hair from her eyes. Her phone began ringing as she sighed and picked it up. "Hello?" "He won't stop sucking faces at the table" Megan complained as Zatanna pinched the bridge of her nose. "Dick can you call Wally and tell him to stop kissing Linda and eat his lunch" she said as he nodded and picked up his cell phone.

     "What you're with Dick?" Megan asked as Zatanna blushed. "Yeah he slept over" she said feeling her cheeks flush a brighter red. Megan giggled but stopped her teasing at that. "Artemis has asked us to come visit her mom's grave after school for moral support would you like to join us?" She asked as Zatanna bit her lip and looked at Dick arguing on the phone with Wally. "Yeah we'll be there" she said as she heard yelling in the background.

     "What's that?" She asked curiously. "I have to go before Artemis knocks all if Wally's teeth out" she said before hanging up.

     It wouldn't have been so bad at lunch if it weren't for Linda and Wally. The blonde had to sit on the other side of Wally and eat while listening to those disgusting noises. His phone rang and she looked it. "Kid Idiot your phone is ringing" she said as he looked back at her and smiled. "Thanks Arty" he said answering the phone. Megan was talking to someone which was most likely Zatanna in this case. After he hung up the phone he abruptly stood up.

     His drink split all over her as she yelled. "Wally you idiot!" She screamed standing up. They began arguing until Linda butt in. "Come on babe we can sit somewhere else" she said as he nodded and they sat at a different table. "I swear to god I'm about this close to snapping her neck myself" she grit through her teeth as Roquette stood up. "Let's get you cleaned up okay" she said as they walked out of the Cafeteria.

     "He's the biggest idiot I've ever met" she said trying to wipe the stain from her uniforms blouse. "I have an extra one in my locker I'll go get it" Roquette said before leaving the washroom. It got more aggravating when Linda walked in and gave Artemis a wild smirk. "Hey Artemis" she said nonchalantly while washing her hands. The blonde rolled her eyes and crossed her arms glaring at the ceiling. "I said hello bitch" she said as Artemis's attention snapped to Linda.

     "Your messing with the wrong girl Park" she spat as Linda rolled her eyes and placed her hand on her hip. "Oh yeah I bet your just some snooty rich girl" Linda huffed as Artemis's eyes swirled with rage. "I am the girl everyone fears Linda you should too" she said walking closer to Linda. "Your families dead anyways!" She spat as Artemis smirked and began whispering. "At least I didn't get pregnant by the guy I cheated on my boyfriend with" she whispered as Linda paled.

     "H-how did you know?" She stuttered out. "My father used to run this City he had eyes everywhere" she said as Linda hissed. "You've won this one Crock" she growled before storming out of the washroom. Roquette walked back in with her spare blouse and a confused look on her face. "Why did Linda storm out of here?" She asked as Artemis took the blouse. "I don't know i think something spooked her" she said doing up the blouse.

     "Are you sure that's why?" "Positive"

Skycrystal23  ;)  

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