Chapter 2

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Wally went to Dick's house after school. The two sat in the teen's room playing video games. "So I heard that you grabbed that girl Artemis" he said smirking.

"Yes I did. She also stabbed a hole through my shirt with a pencil" Wally said looking down at the small hole in his shirt.

"Good luck" he muttered causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"Master Dick! Wallace's parents are here to pick him up!" Alfred yelled up the stairs.

Wally sighed and set the controller down as he slung his school bag over his shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow morning" he said waving goodbye as he quickly ran down the stairs.

He was a pretty fast runner if he did say so himself. Well after all his Uncle Barry is the fastest man in the world. He has won over five gold medals in the Olympics for running. During dinner his mother gave me him a weird smile. "How was school today?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Good. Do you mind if someone comes over after school tomorrow for a project?" he asked finishing his pizza slice.

"Depends, who's the boy?" his father asked.

"It's a girl actually. We have a project to work on. I don't think she really likes me anyways. She almost stabbed me with a pencil today so yeah..." Wally said awkwardly.

"Sounds nice" his mother said with an awkward smile.

"Well I'm heading to bed" he said yawning before running up to his bedroom and falling onto the soft bed.

The boy stared at the ceiling just thinking about the events of the day. So far he had met three people excluding Dick. Artemis Crock, Megan Morse and Conner. One hates him, one is very friendly with him and Conner is just Conner. He finally let his body rest after an hour of lying there.

After school she sped home and parked the motorcycle in the garage. The blonde walked in to the quiet house only to hear her mother talking. "I'm home mom!" she yelled walking into the kitchen. She was speaking to the chef in Vietnamese. "Oh Artemis you're home!" She said wheeling over and hugging her daughter.

Artemis hugged her back rolling her grey eyes in the process. She always gave her hugs when she arrived home because unlike Jade she let her hug her. "Where's dad?" Artemis asked.

"Oh he's out dealing with business" she said before wheeling away.

'Yeah business, more like planning a new it list.' she thought to herself.

Artemis trailed up the stairs towards her bedroom. Carefully she peeked her head into Jade's room to see her listening to music facing away from the door. Shrugging she walked away to her bedroom taking out her sketchbook. The girl then began to draw for quite awhile before hearing her father's voice downstairs.

"Artemis get down here!" He yelled as she let out a long sigh.

Putting her stuff away she walked down the stairs and into the living room. He was sitting on the black leather couch with his jet black suit on. "Sit." He ordered pointing to the other empty couch.

"Yes father?" she asked looking straight at him. A bald man was sitting on the opposite couch with an evil smirk plastered to his face. "I would like you to meet Mr. Luthor. He's an associate of mine." her father said eying her carefully. The girl stood up and put on a fake smile as she curtsied. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Luthor" she said before sitting back down.

"She's a real catch Lawrence. Great for the business" he said smiling evilly.

"So Artemis how was your day at school today?" her father then asked.

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