Chapter 52

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     The storm ended early in the morning but school was luckily canceled. The severe wind knocked some trees over cutting the power off to most of the City including the school's. Jade woke up in the doctor's office. Since she was pregnant Jade was privileged to get one of the room's with a bed. Roy was fast asleep on a chair holding her hand tightly. The power was out in the office as her eyes fluttered open. Since there was a weather warning everyone in the place weren't allowed to leave. 

     A small smile that was so rare to appear on her  face did. Roy looked so adorable while he was sleeping but of course she would just make fun of him for it. "Roy!" She snapped as his eyes shot open. "Yes Jade?" He groaned letting go of her hand and running it through his messy red hair. "I think we can leave" she said sitting up and swinging her legs over the side of the examination bed. He nodded and stood up following her out the door.

     "Can we leave?" She asked in a grumpy voice startling the Nurse. "Yes Miss you can leave but please be careful" the Nurse said as she rolled her eyes. When they first stepped outside it looked like a tornado had gone through the City. Garbage was strewn about over the roads and some lampposts were on the ground. "Be careful" he said as she crossed her arms. "I do not need your help Roy I've been taking care of myself for awhile" she grumbled stepping over a fallen lamppost.

     When walking to the car his face fell seeing a scratch on the side of it and the hood dented. "My baby!" He yelled as she hit him in the arm. "Ehat am I chop liver?!" She yelled as he sighed. Getting in the car he was happy to see that it at least started up. Weaving through the fallen trees and lampposts they finally made it back to the Mansion. "When are you having your baby shower?" He asked helping her out of the car. The only response he got was a sarcastic grunt. "I'm not having one" she grumbled with her arms crossed.

     He knew that she didn't like being around people even though she acted like it she hated it. He also knee that she didn't like attention on her so a baby shower wasn't very good in her mind. Walking inside the lights were all on by now and it was reasonably clean. The only mess looked as if people bumped into things. "Hello?" He asked as his voice echoed around the empty place. Jade had a knowing sense as she made her way up the stairs. Opening the door to her sisters room she smirked leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed.

     Artemis was under the covers cuddled into the side of Wally as his arm was protectively around her waist. "Why don't they just date already?" Roy asked looming over his girlfriend as she brushed passed him. Her mind was in shambles at the moment as she walked into her room. Was she ready to have a child? Will they be the parents their child will need? All of these questions were flowing through her mind. Sitting on the bed she rubbed her stomach. Roy walked in giving her a concerned look.

"Jade-" "What if I'm a bad parent?" She asked as he saw her dark eyes cloud with tears. Walking over he engulfed her in a hug. Roy knew how much when struggled which was why she was worrying. "Jade I know you'll be a great parent. Being treated the way you were should make you strive to be better then your parents were" he said as she nodded into his shoulder. The tears never fell from her eyes as she did not let them. She couldn't afford to be weak, especially now.

     "Zatanna?" Her father's voice rang through her ears. Blue eyes fluttering open she looked around the room and felt something in her hand. She was in her bed tucked in comfortably. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep with her head resting on Dick's shoulder. "Yeah?" She asked looking at her father who had a tired look on his face as well. "Your friend Megan had called earlier, she needs to talk to you apparently its urgent" he said as she nodded with a skeptical look.

     As soon as he closed her door she opened her hand to see a scrunched up piece of paper. Unfolding it she read the neat hand writing. "Hey Zee I made sure to leave before your Dad noticed I was there. Sorry if you wake up a little confused I didn't wand you sleeping on the floor -Dick xxx" it read as her heart melted. Sometimes he was just to adorable for his own good. Her phone lit up illuminating her darkened room as she picked it up. Squinting she saw all of the texts and calls from Megan.

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