Chapter 9

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The blonde curiously looked up at the building in front of her. Did she get the address right because she was currently standing in front of a magic store. Taking a deep breath she walked inside to see a tall man with dark hair, a goatee and mustache. "Um hello sir, is this the right address. A friend of mine said to meet me here" she said nervously holding the piece of paper towards him.

"Oh you mean my daughter Zatanna? Yes she's upstairs with another girl, just take that door and walk up the stairs" he said smiling before handing the paper back to her.

The blonde smiled to herself and walked up the stairs only to hear fits of laughter erupting from behind the closed door. She knocked a couple times before standing there and waiting. "Who's there! Oh hey Artemis come on in!" Zatanna said opening the door fully. Megan was the first to give her a hug before Zatanna did. "Ugh, you guys hug to much" she scoffed as the two girls smirked.

They sat down on the black couch and watched some movies on the large television while eating a bowl of popcorn. "So who asked you to the dance this weekend Megan?" Zatanna asked raising an eyebrow.

"Um you know that really strong and shy guy from homeroom. Well he asked me a couple days ago" the girl said blushing.

The raven haired girl glared at her friend while Artemis sat there with an emotionless expression. "Did Wally ask you?" Megan asked nudging the blondes arm.

"That asshole did no such thing. In fact he left me in the park after bashing me and my family" She said with a small amount hurt apparent in her voice.

"Oh Artemis I'm sorry" Zatanna said hugging her.

"Whatever, I never even liked him anyways. He was just a road block that needed to be removed" she spat out before frowning.

"He means more than you'll ever know Artemis" she thought to herself.

"So, wanna play Truth or Dare?" Megan asked breaking the awkward silence in the room.

Zatanna agreed while Artemis rolled her eyes and mumbled a 'whatever' under her breath. "Okay Megan Truth or Dare?" Zatanna asked hoping she said truth.

"Truth" Megan whispered while looking down.

"Who do you have a crush on?" Zatanna asked immediately with a wild smile apparent on her face.

"Conner..." She said blushing a bright red.

"Truth or Dare Artemis?" Megan asked still blushing.

"Truth" she mumbled with a small smile.

This was fun to hang out with friends. "No one" she said sighing. It was true she didn't really have any time for guys. "Forget about that answer, Zatanna Truth or Dare?" Artemis asked and she was surprised when she picked dare. The blonde looked around for a moment. "Okay I dare you to open the window and scream something embarrassing outside" Artemis said while smirking.

Zatanna got up and opened the window sticking her head out so that her hair flowed in the wind. "I have the hugest crush on the dorkiest and cockiest boy I know!" She yelled with no shame at all.

They played a couple more rounds until it was time for a serious talk. "Hey you know you can trust us right" Megan said placing her hand on the blondes shoulder.

"Wally was worried sick about you. When you were asleep he kept yelling at himself for not watching you carefully" Zatanna said sighing.

"He cared for me, yet he totally fucked my day up" Artemis said dryly.

"Artemis he does care and he's right, you can't keep pushing us out. We want to help you" Zatanna said with a small smile.

Artemis just shrugged and stayed silent after that. "I was about to knock Hilary out because she started calling Zatanna a white and a slut for hanging around with Dick" Megan said making Zatanna nod.

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