Chapter 78

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It was the last day of exams as everyone scrambled out of the school. "Freedom!" Wally yelled with his hands reaching up to the sky. "Come on Wall-man" Artemis said grabbing his arm and dragging him forwards. Roquette and Kaldur were still at their graduation ceremony so nobody saw them today. "You know that we have to go to a wedding tomorrow right?" She asked as he gave her a confused look before nodding. "Did you get the gift?" She asked as they walked hand in hand towards her car. "Nope" he said as she sighed. "I knew it that's why I got it beforehand" she said as he kissed her cheek.

Wally was a very forgetful person at times. The teasing game that they were all doing was quite hilarious. The winners were Cassie and Tim coming in with a tie. "I still don't see how Cassie won" Wally complained as they got into her car. "She's a master seductress, didn't you know?" She said as he raised an eyebrow. "Seriously that's like cheating!" He yelled as she groaned while shaking her head. "Wally I was joking she's just really good at seducing Tim" she said as he made an 'O' with his mouth and nodded slowly.

Dick was back at the Manor now so they were going to visit him. "Have you spoken to him in awhile?" She asked glancing over at her nervous boyfriend. Wally shook his head, he's really been neglecting his duties as Dick's best friend. Driving up the winding road they pulled up to the gate as Wally typed the code in. He still remembered it oddly, that simple code was seared into his mind. The gate slowly opened as she drove in and parked the car. Knocking on the door Alfred answered with a smile.

Without a word he let the two inside the large Manor. Of course this one was nothing like the real Wayne Manor in Gotham. "Master Dick your friends are here!" Alfred hollered up the stairs. Footsteps were heard as the ebony ran down and flipped off the last three steps landing gracefully. "Show off" Wally said with a smirk as they shared a bro-hug. "Have to make my entrance look good. Hey Artemis what's up?" He asked giving her a hug as well. They both definitely noticed the change in him immediately.

Physically he was taller, way stronger than before and his hair was a little longer. "So you ready for Kaldur and Roquette's wedding tomorrow?" She asked as he immediately went silent and looked down at his feet. "Dude you have to come you're one of the groomsmen" Wally said as he looked up. Dark hair falling in front of his bright blue eyes. "Okay fine" he said taking a deep breath. "Oh and Zatanna's flying in today" Artemis said as he went pale. The last time he had seen or talked to Zatanna was a couple months ago.

Pushing all that aside they ended up sitting on the couch all playing video games. Artemis didn't want to partake in the activity at first but Wally convinced her after a couple kisses. "Where's Tim?" Wally asked as the three of them played a racing game. Dick paused the game and turned to them smirking. "Him and Cassie are 'studying' in his room" he said using air quotes as Artemis smirked. Cassie and Tim apparently were an actual thing now. They started up the game again and it ended in an argument.

Wally was sitting on the couch sulking like a child. He was convinced Dick had hacked the game to win. "Wally just face it, you suck at this game" Artemis said patting his head as he gave her an intimidating stare. Dick had gone for a quick bathroom break. He walked back in with a horrified look on his face. "Dude you okay?" Wally asked as his best friend shivered. "I was walking passed Tim's room and oh my god I know what Bruce and Alfred had to go through when I had girls over" he said as Wally and Artemis both broke out into laughter.

     The two of them didn't have an exam today so she came over later. "I don't think we can use the excuse to study anymore" she said as he smirked rolling his eyes. Her blonde hair was up in a ponytail, red tank top and jean shorts. "I missed you today" she said wrapping her arms around his neck giving him a loving look. They had both know each other for what felt like forever. "Your hairs longer, its nice" she said running her hand through it. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her. Every kiss felt like a fire igniting through her body.

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