Chapter 33

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Eyes fluttering open she sat up looking around. Beside her was Megan snoring with drool running down the side of her face and Roquette was half off the bed. Checking her phone it was around noon as she checked the many texts. "Ollie wants you back by six -Roy" the text said as she rolled her eyes and turned the phone off. "Meg wake up" she said tapping the red heads shoulder as she groaned in response. "Megan!" She yelled as a thump was heard on the ground.

"I'm up!" Roquette and Megan yelled at the same time. Looking at the floor Roquette sat there yawning and rubbing her pained head. "What time is it?" Megan asked as the blonde laid back and sighed. "A quarter passed noon" she said as the red heads eyes went wide. "Oh no!" She yelled jumping off her bed and scrambling around her room getting changed. "What's wrong?" Roquette asked now fully awake. "I promised Conner I would meet him for lunch!" She yelled brushing her long red hair.

The other two girls laughed and got changed. Walking downstairs they were surprised to see the ebony boy sitting on the couch on his phone. "I'm so sorry Conner!" Megan yelled engulfing him in a hug. Raising an eyebrow he grunted and patted her back. "Will you guys be okay if I leave now?" Megan asked as the two girls shook their heads laughing. "No go and have fun girl" Roquette said as her and Artemis left her house. "So what are you doing now?" The blonde asked with her hands in her pockets.

"Well Kal is going to pick me up and then we're heading to the beach to surf" she responded as a car pulled up. "Speak of the devil" Artemis said waving goodbye as Roquette got in the car and drove off. Staring up at the clear blue sky she thought it best to walk home. Putting her headphones in she walked along the sidewalk. Within an hour she bumped into someone and fell over. "I'm sorry!" A voice piped up as she growled. "You ass I cracked my phone!" She yelled before looking up.

Her eyes met with a pair of mesmerizing emerald green irises. "Arty?" The voice asked as she noticed that the boy was Wally. Awkwardly she stood up but couldn't find anything to say to him. "H-hey" she managed to stutter out before looking down at her feet. "I'm sorry about your phone" he said scratching the back of his head nervously. A blush spread across his cheeks when she looked up at him with a nervous smile graced on her lips.

     "How's Linda?" She asked as the wind blew passed them. "She's good. Actually out of Town right now for a couple days but she's good" he said as the blonde nodded. "Anyways I should-" before she could walk away he grabbed her arm. "Wanna go get lunch?" He asked as her cheeks flushed a light pink. "Sure just don't eat everything" she said with a wink before walking ahead. Running to catch up she smirked to herself. "So about what happened-" he started but she stopped him.

     A look of pain was in her eyes but her voices was firm. "Look you said forget about it so I am" she said hiding the pain laced in her voice. Nodding an awkward silence filled the space around them as they walked up to a diner. She stopped and looked up at the red neon sign in a daze. "Arty?" He asked waving a hand in front of her face. Without flinching a couple tears fell from her eyes as memories played over in her mind.

     Shaking her she jumped back into reality and stared at him confused. "What?" She asked as he gave her a worried look. "Arty your crying" he said as she quickly wiped her tears away. "I'm fine its just that I used to come here when I was younger" she said as he gave her a sad smile. Grabbing her hand he squeezed it before giving her a warm smile. "Shall we go in then?" He asked as she gave a confident nod. The waitress sat them at a booth as she stared at the menu.

     Rolling up the paper straw wrapping he threw it at her. A low growl escaped her lips as she glared at him. "What.The.Hell" she said as he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "Um sorry?" He said as an evil smile made its way onto her face. Rolling her straw wrapper up she put it in her straw and blew it out at his eye. They had a little spitball war before the waitress made herself known. "Your food" she said as the two blushed.

     Flashing the waitress his usual smile they began eating. "It still tastes the same" the blonde  hummed out. "So why didn't you continue to come here?" He asked as she shot him a death glare. "The last time I was here it was the day my father put my Mom in a wheelchair" she said trying to hide the hurt in her voice to no prevail. Artemis spaced out after that only to snap back when he poked her. Looking around she noticed how close he was leaning over the table to her.

     "You spaced out there" he said as she nodded quickly finishing her food. As they walked out she checked the time. "I should really get going" she said as a frown appeared on his lips. "Why its only one-thirty" he said as she nervously bit her lip. "Ollie wants me home" the blonde sputtered out as he nodded with a cocky smile. "I'll walk you home then" he said as she crossed her arms and scowled. "No Wallace" her voice growled as he gave her a surprised look.

     "Wallace? Wait how did yo-" she began walking down the sidewalk as he ran to catch up. "He did you know my full name?" He asked curiously because he didn't recall telling her. "Oh wouldn't you like to know" she teased sticking her tongue out. Pouting he crossed his arms as they began walking towards her house. "Artemis Lian Crock" he said as she stopped and snapped her attention to him. "Don't use that name" she threatened as he backed off.

     It was silent as she crossed her arms and glared at the ground. It felt like the world had gone silent just for them to feel the tension. "Why its your name" he said in a soft voice as she grinded her teeth together. "That was his name and I'm not him" she said in a quiet voice nearly audible but he heard it. Frowning he pulled her into a comforting hug. "Artemis you'll never be like him. You have a heart of pure gold and a heroism that just screams your name" he said as she blushed.

     "Thanks Wally; I don't know why you still hang out with me" she said as he stifled a laugh. "Because you're different" he responded walking her to the door of the Mansion. Opening it she gave him a small smile. "Again thank you" she said as he nodded. "That's what I'm herd for Arty" he said before a loud voice was heard. "That better not be who I think it is!" Oliver yelled as the red head paled. "Run" Artemis said as Wally ran for his life.

     If there was anyone who didn't like Wally it was Oliver Queen.

Skycrystal23  ;)          

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