Chapter 68

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     It has been two weeks and Barbara was finally released from the hospital. Christmas Break had just started as Artemis walked around on the phone while holding Lian. Recently her and Barbara had actually been getting really close. They actually had a lot in common and related to certain things. Doorbell ringing she said goodbye to Wally who was chattering on the phone and went to answer it. She had invited Barbara over to hangout since she just got released. The red head was at the door in her wheelchair with a smile on her face.

     Her father said goodbye before leaving the two. "Hello little Lian" she greeted taking her jacket off. "So I was thinking of some badass nickname you could have" Artemis said as Barbara wheeled along beside her. "Shoot blonde" she said as Lian giggled pulling at the girls blonde hair. "How about Oracle?" Artemis asked as Barbara stopped and sat there for a second contemplating it. "It sounds mysterious I like it. So I've also done some snooping around like you asked" she said as they went into the living room.

     For being in a wheelchair Artemis was surprised how easily Barbara made it look to get around. Pulling out the laptop she began typing some things in with a smirk. "Timothy visited a couple times asking for some technology tips" she said as Artemis raised an eyebrow. Everyone was warming up to her already. "So Mr. Grayson has definitely been getting around if you know what I mean" she said pulling up the GCTV cameras. Lian was situated on Artemis lap staring at the red head smiling.

     A look of disgust appeared on both of their faces. "We should call Zatanna" Artemis said as Barbara immediately tensed up. That was still a major road bump. Sighing she looked down at her lap and handed Artemis her laptop. They switched as Artemis tried to video call Zatanna while Barbara held Lian. Roy and Jade were on one of their date nights so Artemis was stuck watching Lian. "Hello? Oh Artemis its you! Did you get a new computer?" Zatanna's voice asked as Barbara sunk into her wheelchair.

     Artemis shook her head as the ebony tilted her head to the side. "Its Barbara's but before you say anything she's cool with us now. But she just wants to say something" Artemis said seeing Zatanna's eyes flicker with anger as she turned the laptop around. The red head gulped and fixed her glasses as they were falling down. "Hey, you've probably not seen me like this before" she said nervously avoiding eye contact with the laptops camera. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, so sorry for hurting you and everything. But you shouldn't trust Dick he cheated on you" she said as Zatanna raised an eyebrow.

     A dry laugh escaped the ebony's lips as she looked confused. "How would you know he's cheating on me if he was?" She asked as Barbara began to explain everything. Zatanna's perky face started to sink into a look of despair. "B-But he said he loved me" she stuttered out in a shaky voice. From the screen they could see Zatanna's fake smile as she clutched the fabric of her shirt. "I'm sorry you had to hear this way" Barbara apologized feeling another wave of guilt wash over her.

She sat there on her bed staring at the red head on the computer screen. Was this some sick dream that she would wake up from soon? Her walls soon crumbled as silent tears streamed down her cheeks. All those times he said he loved her was a lie. "I'll c-call you later" she said in a shaky voice before ending the call. Closing her laptop she sat there looking down as the tears streamed down her face and onto her lap. The fabric of her shirt was clutched tightly as she felt her heart shattering.

Her life was like a some kind of sick game. Picking her phone up her hands shook as she unlocked it. That explained why he never answered her calls or texts. "Busy my ass" she muttered opening his contact and typing a simple message. "We're done with this sick game, goodbye" it said before she sent it and turned off her cellphone. Standing up her head sound as all the blood rushed to her head. Zachary was still at work so it wasn't like she could vent to him about her problems.

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