Chapter 20

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The next two days without Wally were quite boring. "Guys I'm feeling a little homesick. I'm gonna call Roy to pick me up" she said in a small voice while looking down at her feet. "Okay we'll see you in a couple days anyways" Megan said standing up and giving her a hug. Zatanna patted her back as Artemis picked up her phone and called Ollie. "Hello, how are you?" He immediately asked through the phone. "I'm fine but can you pick me up? I feel a little homesick" she said with a frown.

In actuality she was bored out of her mind here. With Wally gone she really didn't have anyone to talk too. A couple hours later Roy pulled up in his sports car with a very annoyed facial expression. "Sorry that Ollie made you pick me up" she said walking out the door glumly. "I'm not pissed about that but please tell me why the hell I just saw Wally with his ex" he said in a ticked off tone. Her face paled as she sat in the car silently.

"What exactly were they doing?" She asked looking at the fuming red head as he drove. "They were at a fricken restaurant laughing!" He spat angrily. "What's wrong with that?" She asked slightly confused I mean all is well if he wasn't kissing her. "She's cheated on him before, she only wants him back to climb higher on the social ladder" he explained as she nodded in understandment. "Can we stop at Wally's house quickly I just want to say hello" she said as he nodded.

     He parked on the road as she got out and began walking towards the door fixing her hair. Before getting to the actual door her face paled and a mortified expression became plastered to her face. She could see Wally kissing Linda through the front window. Artemis felt tears prickling at her eyes as shed turned around and walked back to the car. "What's wrong?" "Just shut up and drive!" She yelled as he sped off. Her heart ached tremendously as she ran up to her room in the Mansion.

     That's where she finally let a couple tears spill from her eyes. She needed someone to talk so she picked up her phone and began texting Megan and Zatanna.

     The ebony girl raised an eyebrow when she heard Megan scream. Feeling her own phone buzz she checked and saw that Artemis texted her. "Zee are you okay?" Dick asked as he saw how pale she suddenly became. "Artemis just caught Wally kissing Linda" she sputtered out quickly whilst texting her heartbroken friend back. "He's such an idiot!" Dick yelled pinching the bridge of his nose.

     Megan ran in with an angry expression on her face. "I'm about to kill that red headed friend of yours!" She yelled at Dick as he sighed. "I know I'm gonna kill him too" he said just as annoyed as the girls in front of him. "Did I just hear what I thought I heard?" Roquette asked walking in with her hand on her hip. "We need to go and console Artemis!" Megan yelled as they all nodded. "Same cars as last time except Kaldur can drive the hummer" Dick said as the girls nodded and ran off upstairs.

     Zatanna packed her bag as she hauled it downstairs and outside. "So much for our Spring Break" she commented as Dick smirked and wrapped his arms around her. "At least we got to spend time together" he whispered kissing her cheek. Everyone packed up in the cars and said goodbye to the Beach house. "So where am I dropping you off?" Dick asked. "Artemis's house. Megan and I are going to stay over and watch movies with her all night" she said as he nodded in response.

     She turned the radio on and began to jam out to a pop song that came on. She watched as he cracked a smile seeing how goofy she was being. They were the first to arrive back in Happy Harbor so he took her to Artemis's house. She got out and he grabbed her bag for her. "Why thank you Prince Charming" she said kissing his cheek causing a blush to crawl up his neck and present itself on his pale cheeks. "You're way passed Prince Charming" she whispered walking up to the door.

     Roy opened the door to their surprise. "What?" He asked as she glared at him. "Sorry girl emergency Artemis's heart is broken so I intend to fix it with movies and ice cream!" She chimed as he laughed. "Ollie! You can stop playing house wife with Artemis now!" He yelled letting them in. "Grayson, I'm surprised to see you here" Roy said raising an eyebrow at the younger boy. "I'm dropping my girlfriend off" he said wrapping his arm around waist protectively.

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